Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 215 Belated Confession

On the way home, Mao Lilan's head was still dizzy processing the terrifying amount of information:

Bizarre elements such as shrinking drugs, black organizations, undercover agents, and female agents that were only seen in movies before appeared one after another in her life as an ordinary high school girl.

Mao Lilan couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Especially, to the "Witch with a Thousand Faces" who is about to appear in her life:

"There will be such a terrible woman appearing at Teacher Matsumoto's wedding tomorrow."

"What should I do? Do I still want to go? It seems impossible not to go. That woman pretended to be Mr. Lin's girlfriend, and I am Mr. Lin's assistant and student. We will meet sooner or later."

Mao Lilan also just found out that Matsumoto Jingjing's daughter turned out to be her music teacher in junior high school, Ms. Sayuri Matsumoto.

According to the plan, she will take Conan with her to attend Teacher Matsumoto's wedding tomorrow.

But now, when attending a wedding, I still have to face such a dangerous woman.

But it’s impossible not to go. You can hide for a while, but you can’t hide for a lifetime.

As an assistant, she always had to circle around Lin Xinyi. If she always deliberately avoided that "Lin Xinyi's girlfriend", it would just arouse suspicion.

Thinking about it, Mao Lilan became more and more entangled.

"Don't worry, Xiaolan."

Conan quietly took Mao Lilan's hand and gave her strength and support:

"I'll go with you tomorrow."

"That Belmode didn't come to investigate me in the first place."

"I was 'solved' by Gin. According to Haibara, just like people don't remember how many slices of bread they have eaten, that man never remembers the names of the people he killed."

"So, for the organization, I should be very inconspicuous now. That woman may not know about this, so she won't pay attention to Kudo Shinichi."

"So as long as we act normal, she won't notice us."

Conan analyzed so optimistically.

With his comfort and encouragement, Mao Lilan's mood finally settled down:

Indeed, she is just an ordinary female high school student.

That Miss Thousand Faced Witch has so many big things to be busy with, so how could she notice her and her missing childhood sweetheart when she has nothing to do?

"Shinichi, then we will..."

Mao Lilan called out the name of her childhood sweetheart.

But as she said those words, looking at the little one she was holding in her hand, she always felt a little weird.

"Just call me Conan." Conan said promptly:

"We have to maintain normality from now on, and there must be no mistakes in the name."

"Otherwise, if you get used to calling me by your real name and you shout it out in front of that woman, things will be in trouble."

"So, sister Xiaolan, you should call me Conan!"

As he spoke, he instantly switched back to his immature childish voice without any sense of disobedience.

And the name of Mao Lilan also changed from "Xiaolan" to a sweet "Sister Xiaolan" without knowing it.

"Well" Mao Lilan's expression became even weirder:

Only now did she realize that her childhood sweetheart, who was always calm and wise, could actually act like this child.

She always hangs around her and calls her sister Xiaolan, and she acts like a child at every turn.

And in school, he even developed friendships with several elementary school students and formed some kind of young detective team.

We also went on a treasure hunt and a haunted house adventure together.

Has Shinichi been completely assimilated by his elementary school classmates?

After realizing that Conan is Shinichi, many things that seemed normal in the past are a bit surprising when you think about it carefully.

I had been immersed in the bombardment of all kinds of big news before, so I didn’t have time to think about it.

Looking back now


Mao Lilan thought about it and suddenly realized something:

If Conan is Shinichi, then, then this bastard

Haven't you been pretending to be a child, sleeping with her, and taking a bath with her? ?

This is so shameless! !

Mao Lilan was so ashamed and angry that she almost didn't perform a trick of tearing apart a primary school student with her hands on the spot.

But at this critical moment, I thought about Conan often taking a bath with me.

She suddenly and inadvertently recalled the day they took a bath in the hot spring at the hot spring hotel.

Lin Xinyi was there at that time, and he showed off a good figure that made people unable to take their eyes away.

Mao Lilan thought that Conan was a child who didn't understand anything, so she took courage and stared at Lin Xinyi secretly.

But now she knows that Conan is Shinichi.

In other words, when I secretly admired Mr. Lin's figure.

Shinichi was watching the whole process!

Oops, how should I explain this? ?

When she thought of this, Miss Maori's cheeks were like red-hot charcoal, turning red and hot.

Conan soon sensed something strange about his childhood sweetheart.

He could feel Xiaolan holding his hand and clenching it quietly.

Her palms were sweating slightly, and gradually, an astonishing amount of heat was emitted.

He raised his head again and looked at Xiaolan's face carefully:

Her face was burned pink, and against the backdrop of the setting sun, she looked instantly beautiful.

"Xiaolan." Conan looked a little dumbfounded.

Although he didn't know why, he could feel that Xiaolan was nervous and shy.

As if expecting something.

All in all, the atmosphere between the two was very good.

He had painstakingly planned a date for the two of them at the amusement park before, but the atmosphere was never so good——

Of course, this was mainly because he told Sherlock Holmes stories awkwardly throughout the whole process, and ruined the atmosphere by relying on his extremely low emotional intelligence.

"So, do you want to confess now?"

Conan's heart was pounding.

He had actually planned to confess his love at the amusement park, but unfortunately he encountered a murder case first and then a black organization, which delayed his confession.

Later, he planned to wait until he turned back to Kudo Shinichi and told Xiaolan the truth before confessing.

But now something unexpected happened, Xiaolan already knew his identity in advance.

Well, it seems that some things can be brought forward as long as the atmosphere is in place.

"Lan" Conan's blood rushed to his forehead.

Looking at Xiaolan's shy face, he mustered up the courage to tentatively reveal his true feelings:

"I have something to tell you."

When saying this, Conan directly used his bow tie voice changer.

Although there is no way to change back to Kudo Shinichi, at least he can use Kudo Shinichi's voice.

"Huh?" Mao Lilan was still immersed in shyness and didn't pay attention to what Conan said to him.

She is still mainly studying the complicated issue of Conan pretending to be gentle and bathing with herself, and peeking at Lin Xinyi in front of Conan, who is the more excessive little pervert.

And just as she was in dizziness.

Conan has said solemnly in Kudo Shinichi's voice:

"Actually, I've always liked you."

"Me too." Mao Lilan's mind was a little confused and she answered subconsciously.

"." There was silence for a while.

Conan's expression was a little surprised:

Why did you agree so easily?

Then what was he struggling with for so many years? ?

Mao Lilan's brain shut down. What did Xinyi just say to her? What did she answer again?

The two stood blankly in the middle of the road, their big eyes staring at their small eyes, and their faces were so hot that they were smoking.

Silence, silence is the driver's angry roar:

"Are you still leaving?!"

"If you don't want to leave, get out of the way for me!"

The two men came to their senses in a daze, hurriedly retreated to the side of the road, and made way for them.

They still didn't say any explicit words of love, only a tacit understanding.

"go home"


Accidentally, there was too much emotional drama. But the plot has developed to this point. It is not good to write Xinlan's emotional drama clearly in a certain length. Ahem, let's just let Sister Bei appear again tomorrow. After all, she is a key character. I will polish it more.

There is no way, Sister Bei's temperament is really difficult to grasp without putting in more effort.

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