Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 225 Belmode’s Secret

Belmode smoked a cigarette in a complicated mood.

No one could detect her melancholy. People would only think that the lady's smoking posture was so beautiful.

And after a cigarette slowly burned out in the mist, her expression became so natural and calm again.

"Shinichi." Belmode walked forward with a smile.

At this time, Lin Xinyi had already finished directing the on-site survey and was ready to call it a day and go home.

As "Miss Chris", she naturally took Lin Xinyi's arm and turned to look at Mao Lilan:

"Miss Maori, your performance just now was really wonderful."

"I have to say that you have a special charm in being able to make the murderer confess using just words."

"Like an angel, making sinners feel warm."

Belmod praised him meaningfully.

"It's too much, too much."

Mao Lilan's expression was a little unnatural.

She was still immersed in the shock and excitement of the case just now, but now she was suddenly spoken to by such a dangerous person, and she suddenly showed her timidity.

Belmode said calmly:

"So, Miss Mori, do you have time to talk to me more?"

"I'm very interested in your affairs. Maybe we can be friends."

"I" Mao Lilan still stammered and didn't recover.

Fortunately, Suzuki Sonoko appeared in time and protected her best friend generously:

"Hey, what do you want to tell Xiaolan, woman?"

"If you have time, you might as well take care of your boyfriend and don't do anything to Xiaolan."

"Ahem!" Mao Lilan pulled Yuanzi with a red face:

"Stop talking, Yuanzi, things are really not what you think."

"In this case, I. Let's go to the hospital to check on Teacher Sayuri's condition first, and then we can chat slowly on the way."

With that said, she turned her head and said goodbye to Belmode:

"Miss Chris, let's talk next time!"

"I have to see the teacher today, so I won't accompany you."

As soon as he finished speaking, without waiting for Belmod's reply, Mao Lilan grabbed Conan with one hand and Yuanzi with the other, as if fleeing for safety, and hurriedly turned around and ran out.

And looking at her back as she fled in panic.

Belmode suddenly sighed meaningfully in front of Lin Xinyi:

"This beautiful student of yours seems to be afraid of seeing me?"

"Uh" Lin Xinyi's expression froze again:

Oops, Miss Maori's performance today was really unsatisfactory.

He became nervous when chatting with Belmode, and even found reasons to run away. This was simply self-inflicted!

In addition, the Thousand-Faced Witch seems to have known about Kudo Shinichi.

Mao Lilan behaved so unnaturally, could it have made her suspicious of "Kudo Shinichi's disappearance"?

"It's troublesome." Lin Xinyi couldn't help but feel a little numb.

And just when he was worried about his teammates' poor performance.

Belmod suddenly looked serious and asked him seriously:

"Tell me, how far have you and her developed?"

"What exactly is the 'cheating of feelings' that Miss Sonoko said?"

"Uh" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled.

He suddenly realized that this teacher Belmode might have misunderstood the reason why Miss Maori was nervous.

"It hasn't developed to any great extent."

Lin Xinyi simply half-truthed and answered vaguely:

"Maybe it's because the two of us have gotten closer recently, so she misunderstood?"


Belmode looked at Lin Xinyi carefully.

The look in his eyes was very complex and tangled, but also had a little tenderness.

It's like an old mother weighing the man's conditions for her daughter to get married.

After a period of silence, she finally said to Lin Xinyi in an unquestionable tone:

"No matter how close you get, let's stop here!"

"This girl isn't right for you."

"This" Lin Xinyi suddenly felt a surge of doubt in his heart:

Belmod didn't let him be with Shirley before because she had a grudge against the Miyano family.

But now, why does she want to hinder her relationship with Mao Lilan?

Why does this Thousand-Faced Witch, who is extremely mysterious in the organization, care about an ordinary female high school student who has nothing to do with her?

There is a problem, absolutely there is a problem.

Lin Xinyi asked tentatively with doubts:


"Will there be any harm if Miss Mori and I are together?"

"Because that girl is so kind."

Belmode gave a seemingly convincing reason:

"Being with this kind of woman makes you weak."

But Lin Xinyi continued to press with some dissatisfaction:

"Weak? Teacher, do you think I will become a so-called 'good person' and betray the organization because of her influence?"

"Shirley couldn't do anything."

"It's impossible for Miss Mori either."

When he said this, Lin Xinyi's expression moved closer to Gin.

He looks like a cold-blooded killer who would give up everything for his mission.

But Belmod's reaction was even more intriguing:


"As long as you have feelings, sooner or later you will be led astray by her."

"It doesn't matter who takes whom."

Lin Xinyi said with a cold face, tit for tat:

"Anyway, Miss Maori's temperament is very easy to control."

"She will do anything for the people she loves."

"Give me time. I will naturally find a way to develop her into one of my own."

"You?" Belmode's pupils shrank.

When she heard that Lin Xinyi wanted to drag her Angel into the quagmire, her voice turned cold unconsciously: "No."

"Why?" Lin Xinyi took the initiative and pressed forward step by step.

He really wanted to know what was the connection between Belmod and Mao Lilan that made her care so much about Mao Lilan.

Yes, it is caring.

In the previous test, Lin Xinyi had confirmed that Belmode was protecting Mao Lilan from beginning to end.

She seems to be worried that Mao Lilan will follow her bad example and wants to exclude her from the influence of the organization.

It’s weird, but it’s true, and it’s potentially very useful information.

"And Kudo Shinichi"

Lin Xinyi simply picked out the matter himself and asked Belmode openly:

"He is just a so-called high school detective. I don't seem to have mentioned his name to you before."

"Teacher, why do you want to specifically ask about him? Is this related to the mission of the organization?"

"." Belmode was silent for a while.

In the end, she bypassed the core question and just answered:

"Kudo Shinichi does have some relationship with our organization."

"Gin fed him APTX4869, and then he disappeared from everyone's sight."

"And what's interesting is that up to now, his status on the list of APTX4869 users is still 'unknown'."

"This" Lin Xin showed shock in his eyes.

This shock was partly staged, and partly genuine:

Indeed, Xiao Ai told him that she never had time to go to Kudo's house to investigate after getting the list, so she did not change the "unknown" to "dead".

Was it because of this that Belmode noticed Kudo Shinichi?

But even Gin herself, who committed the murder, didn't care, and neither did anyone else. Why was she the only one who noticed Kudo Shinichi on the list?

"It turns out that Kudo disappeared because of this incident."

"He took APTX4869 but was still alive, and then hid himself?"

"No wonder. No wonder he kept calling Miss Maori, but pretended that he was working on a case outside and never dared to show up."

Lin Xinyi said this pretending to be completely ignorant.

Then, with a cold face, he said grimly:

"Does Boss Gin know about this?"

"Should I tell him about the fish that slipped out of his hand?"

Lin Xinyi offered to tell Gin about this.

Because Belmode already knew it anyway, and if she really came to investigate for the organization something that slipped through the net, she would tell Gin even if Lin Xinyi didn't.

So it would be better for Lin Xinyi to bring it up immediately, so that he would be more like a killer of the organization and less likely to arouse suspicion.

Unexpectedly, Belmode’s answer was:

"No, don't let Gin know about this first."

"As for the missing Kudo Shinichi, just the two of us can investigate."

"This" Lin Xin suddenly noticed something:

Belmode actually wanted to keep this important information that Kudo Shinichi was still alive secret from other people in the organization?

Are you here to catch Kudo Shinichi?

Why does it feel like you are here to protect him?

Lin Xin was confused, so he tried to imitate Gin's signature sneer and said coldly:

"Okay then. Do you want to find Kudo Shinichi?"

"I have a way-"

"We can use Miss Mori to lure that Kudo guy out."

"Although he is at loggerheads with Miss Maori now, if something happens to Miss Maori, there is no way he will not show up."

"." Belmode was silent for a while and did not express his position.

Lin Xinyi tried hard to see something from Belmode's face, but his eyes could never penetrate her perfect mask.

No emotion can be read, only a delicate face can be seen.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi could only add fuel to the fire and test:

"How about this method?"

"Just in time, lure him out and deal with it. Now that this guy is dead, Miss Maori won't have any worries anymore."

The atmosphere now is very strange.

Compared with Belmod, Lin Xinyi is more like a vicious villain.

And after he proposed this perfect plan to lure the snake out of its hole, showing his evil idea of ​​not only killing Kudo Shinichi, but also leading Mao Lilan astray.

There was something wrong with the way Belmod looked at him:

She knew that the children she taught would not be good people.

However, Lin Xinyi is too bad now.

It felt like I was stimulated by the death of my girlfriend, and my whole body turned black.

"Okay. Stop talking."

"As for the investigation of Kudo Shinichi, I naturally have my own plans."

"And Miss Maori, please stay away from her in the future."

Belmode showed his partiality to the extreme.

Like a stepmother who only cares about her biological children.

Lin Xinyi was silent for a while.

He didn't ask any more questions because he could tell that Belmod must have a secret that he didn't want to tell.

But even if she didn't say it, he could vaguely sense it now

Belmode, it seems.

One of our own? ?

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