Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 247 Accident or murder?

Seeing Tsuji Hiroki's bruised and swollen cheeks and neck, Mao Lilan knew that he had been suffocating for a long time.

At least, he has entered a very dangerous period of expiratory dyspnea.

At this time, the human body's respiratory center changes from excitement to inhibition, breathing becomes shallow, slow, or even temporarily stopped, the heartbeat is weak, blood pressure drops, and muscle spasms disappear, as if suspended animation.

In this severe state of asphyxia, the patient may die suddenly at any time due to cardiac arrest.

Fortunately, at this critical moment, he was rescued in time:

"Mr. Tsuji's breathing is very weak now, but fortunately he can at least breathe on his own."

Mao Lilan said this and opened Tsuji Hiroki's eyelids:

There was obvious bleeding under the bulbar conjunctiva of his eyes, and his eyes were red and bloodshot, looking very scary.

This is also a possible sign of suffocation.

Mao Lilan did not doubt that he was there. Seeing that Tsuji Hiroki's pupils had not dilated, she became even more relieved:

"Dad, call the emergency phone!"

"We have turned his face off the pillow and ruled out suffocation as a cause."

"Now as long as we give Mr. Tsuji artificial respiration and maintain his vital signs, he will be able to survive until the ambulance comes."

"Yes!" A happy look appeared on Maori Kogoro's face.

He decisively took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the emergency call, but saw his daughter busy laying Tsuji Hiroki's body down, as if she was going to give him artificial respiration herself.

Without saying a word, the old father thrust the phone into Sawaki's hand:

"Zawaki, call an ambulance."

"I'll give Hiroki artificial respiration!"

"This" Zemu's fair expression was a little stiff.

He forced a smile and said enthusiastically:

"Why don't you let me give artificial respiration to Mr. Tsuji?"

"Mr. Mori, you seem to be a little drunk now and are not very sober."

"No, I'll do it!"

"I received professional training when I was in the police academy. I will definitely not make any mistakes."

Mouri Kogoro didn't realize he was there, he just pushed his daughter aside in a hurry, and began to give artificial respiration to his unconscious best friend seriously.

Zekihei looked on from the side, his expression becoming increasingly gloomy.

And this artificial respiration didn't last long

Not only did Tsuji Hiroki's breath become much more stable, he even regained some consciousness in a daze:

"Mr. Mr. Kogoro"

"Hey, hey, you, why are you kissing me?"

"Why does my body feel so uncomfortable?"

He seemed completely unaware of what he had just experienced.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he spit out a strong smell of alcohol, and his voice sounded vaguely drunk.

"Hiroki, that's great!"

Seeing that his friends had the strength to speak, Mouri Kogoro breathed a long sigh of relief:

"I'm so drunk that I'm still sleeping on the pillow."

"You almost suffocated yourself to death just now, do you know that?"

He gently patted Tsuji Hiroki's shoulder and sighed with relief.

"Mr. Tsuji?" Mao Lilan seized the opportunity and followed her father with some concern and asked: "Do you remember what just happened?"

"I" Tsuji Hiroki thought for a while:

"I just followed Kogoro and Sawaki back to the bedroom and fell asleep on the bed."

"Wait a minute. Did something happen to us?"

"My chest feels so tight."

He was mumbling incoherently and his eyes were squinting half asleep.

Finally, not long after, Tsuji Hiroki fell asleep again.

"This" Mouri Kogoro was a little nervous.

"It's okay." Mao Lilan tried Tsuji Hiroki's breath:

"Mr. Tsuji's breathing has stabilized. We just wait for the ambulance to arrive."


Mao Lilan looked carefully at Tsuji Hiroki, who fell into coma again:

"Mr. Tsuji himself doesn't remember anything."

"Dad, Mr. Sawaki, do any of you remember what just happened?"

"No. I'm completely drunk."

Sawaki Koira shook his head, looking confused.

After some thought, Mouri Kogoro replied:

"Well, I remember the two of us sent Hiroki to the bedroom, and then Hiroki wandered around on his own and lay down on the pillow."

"And then again, and again, I lost the film, and I don't remember anything."

"Is that so he fell asleep on the pillow by himself?"

"It seems that Mr. Hiroki really suffocated due to the accident."

Mao Lilan said to himself thoughtfully.

Kogoro on the side was slightly startled when he heard this, and then he realized:

"Wait, Xiaolan, you mean, you still doubt that this is not an accident?"


Mao Lilan tentatively expressed his thoughts:

"Because Mr. Tsuji happened to be the target of the murderer, didn't he?"

"It's really suspicious that he would have an accident at this time."

"That's unlikely, isn't it?"

Kogoro waved his hand casually and reasoned very firmly:

"The murderer likes to leave tokens related to playing cards when committing crimes, but nothing strange was found in the bedroom."

"And there are police watching outside the villa. There is no way the murderer can crawl in from outside in the middle of the night."

"There are so many people in the villa. Anyone who wants to go upstairs to the bedroom to attack Hiroki will definitely be seen."

"As for the bedroom, it's just me and Sawaki."

"There's no way it's us who did this to Hiroki, right?"

As he said that, he smiled and patted Sawaki Fairy's shoulder:


"Uh." Sawaki gave a fair and difficult smile: "Yes, yes."

"I'm not doubting Dad and Uncle Sawaki."

"It's just out of caution that we can't completely rule out this possibility."

Mao Lilan was a little embarrassed to express her thoughts.

Then, even though her tone was not so sure, she still firmly followed her own thoughts and tried to detect possible traces of "homicide" on Tsuji Hiroki's body.

"My face was bruised, red and swollen, but there was no trauma to my face or neck."

Mao Lilan untied Tsuji Hiroki's clothes:

"The same goes for the chest. There are no other injuries anywhere on the body."

"Only the mouth and nose are imprinted, and the pattern of the imprint is the same as the prominent textile pattern on the pillowcase."

"This shows that Mr. Tsuji's face was indeed in contact with the pillow for a long time, and his mouth and nose were suffocated by the pillow."

"However, this does not completely rule out that someone else committed the crime."

She examined it and analyzed it to herself.

Sawaki Taira next to him felt his heart tremble when he heard this, and the smile on his face gradually became stiff.

Mao Lilan didn't notice this. She just continued to check seriously:

"The gums, buccal mucosa, and lip mucosa are not damaged or bleeding."

"The facial muscles are intact."

She carefully inspected Tsuji Hiroki's mouth, then gently turned his body over and brushed the hair from the back of his head:

"There was no damage to the scalp, and there was no subcutaneous bleeding."

It can be easily distinguished between someone who accidentally suffocated to death by lying on a pillow and someone who suffocated to death by someone else pressing his head on the pillow.

Because the latter involves a violent process.

When the murderer holds the victim's head and applies downward pressure, the skin on the back of the victim's head may be compressed and bruised.

His teeth will also be squeezed violently against his cheeks and lips due to pressure, causing damage to the buccal mucosa and lip mucosa, and even damage to facial muscles.

But none of these signs appeared on Tsuji Hiroki.

There were no suspicious injuries anywhere else on his body.

Coupled with the pillow marks left on his mouth and nose, it is further proof that he lay on the pillow for a long time after being drunk, suffocating himself to this point.

After careful inspection, Mao Lilan could only come to the conclusion:

"It seems that this is really an accident."

the next morning.

Lin Xin woke up from his sleep, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Belmode's delicate face, which was only a few feet away from him.

He was somewhat used to this.

These days, Belmode has become his mother. Every morning, she will run to the sofa to wake him up on time before the alarm clock.

Even breakfast will be prepared for him in advance.

According to Belmode, this was to relive the past with him.

But today was different from before. When Lin Xin woke up, he didn't smell the aroma of food, but saw that Belmode had already put her bright silver hair into a bun and painted it in advance as "Miss Chrissy" face makeup.

She was obviously ready to go out.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Xin woke up, Belmod shook the phone in his hand at him.

This is Lin Xinyi's mobile phone, but judging from the unceremonious smile on the corner of Belmode's mouth, she probably helped answer Lin Xinyi's personal phone call while he was asleep:

"Let's go, Boy."

"The Memu Police Department just called."

"Some interesting things seemed to have happened while we were sleeping in the middle of last night."

"Something interesting?"

Lin Xinyi asked with some concern as he got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

"Yeah." Belmod nodded:

"First of all, the investigation by the Metropolitan Police Department has produced results."

"They have checked all the prisoners who may have had grievances with Mouri Kogoro over the years and have been released after serving their sentences."

"It turned out that all of these prisoners had alibis and could not be the murderers in this case."

"Only one prisoner didn't."

"Moreover, the Metropolitan Police has not been able to contact him even now and has no idea where he is."

"Oh?" Lin Xinyi's heart moved:

An ex-convict who had a grudge against Mouri Kogoro not only had no alibi, but also mysteriously completely disappeared from the police's sight.

This guy sounds like a murderer.

Lin Xinyi looked over curiously, and Belmod also explained understandingly:

"This prisoner's name is Murakami."

"He used to be a small gangster who made a living by robbing. When he was arrested, he accidentally kidnapped Miss Mori's mother. He was later shot and subdued by Kogoro Mori and has been in jail since then."

"'Seven days ago', Murakami's father-in-law had just been released from prison."

Belmod quietly emphasized the words 'seven days ago'.

And Lin Xinyi instantly understood what she meant:

"It is unlikely that he is the murderer."

"This guy was just released from prison seven days ago and has not been in contact with Mouri Kogoro for ten years. Moreover, he turned out to be just a low-class gangster. After ten years, there will probably be no one left outside the prison who is willing to assist him in committing crimes. Brothers'."

"Then, in less than a week, how could he collect such detailed information by himself——"

"Find 13 guys with numbers in their names from a person's circle of friends, make a hit list in the order of playing cards, and then design an attack plan based on each target's life schedule."

"This is a lot of work!"

Lin Xin could tell at a glance that there was no way this Murakami was the murderer.

Belmod cast an appreciative look at him:

"Yes, you are much smarter than your idiot colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department."

"You know, according to what the Megure Police Department said on the phone, they have now identified the Murakami father-in-law and are desperately looking for this 'murderer' whose whereabouts are unknown."

"The real murderer is probably looking forward to seeing this, right?"

"Teacher, what do you mean?" Lin Xinyi pondered for a moment: "This may have been planned by the murderer?"

"He may not be the prisoner who wanted to take revenge on Uncle Maori as the police initially thought."


Belmod smiled noncommittally:

"Actually, I have something more interesting that I haven't told you:"

"Mr. Tsuji Hiroki, whom we visited yesterday, almost accidentally suffocated himself to death in the middle of the night because he drank too much."

"Fortunately, Miss Maori rescued him, and he is still lying in the hospital."


After hearing the whole story, Lin Xinyi's eyes quietly became sharp:

"Is this really an accident?"

The second update will be later

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