Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 252 The Witch’s Love

Even if Lin Xinyi thought about it for ten days and ten nights, he still couldn't figure out how an ordinary murder case could turn into a terrorist attack.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary terrorist attack.

The entire water crystal building was bombed.

The building was like a cardboard box stuffed with a string of thousands of firecrackers. The moment Sawaki pressed the button, it exploded into countless flames.

In an instant, the ground shook, the mountains collapsed, and the ground cracked.

The building seemed to be falling down.

"Hey, hey. What are you doing?"

Lin Xinyi was stunned by the explosion.

Only then did he realize that the previous explosion of the yacht on the Shuijing Pier might not have been an accident, but was detonated remotely by Sawaki Fairy.

This guy installed countless bombs all over the water crystal, and the bomb on the yacht was probably one of them.

Because his original murder plan included blowing up the building with bombs and taking away the remaining targets in one wave.

That's just the way it is.


What the fuck, why? !

Lin Xinyi simply couldn't accept such a magical fact:

Why did the murderer who was just a casual assassination and sneak attack suddenly turn into a bomb maniac?

There is also a bomb that can detonate a building. What a huge amount of explosives!

Are all Japan's explosives management departments blind?

How did a little wine taster get so many explosives?

As far as the scale and scene he is currently engaged in, Asahara Shoko is beyond his reach, and Ben Ladeng has no choice but to be inferior.

Those who know it said it was Sawaki Poshiro, but those who don't know may think that Li Mei was resurrected and that the Americans sent planes to bomb Tokyo again.

"Am I really investigating a homicide right now?"

"How did the murder cause this scene??"

Lin Xinyi's world view completely collapsed.

But he didn't have time to think or say anything.

Because what collapsed with his worldview was this building, this undersea banquet hall built ten meters underwater.

Zekihei also placed a bomb on the outer wall of the underwater banquet hall.

The moment the bomb was detonated, the originally indestructible waterproof glass wall collapsed instantly.

Tons of seawater poured in from the cracked hole, swallowing up everything that stood in the way of the current.

The painting style suddenly became 2012.

But Zemu is fair. He already wants to die.

He just stood there with a dull expression, letting the raging sea water swallow him up.

Lin Xinyi couldn't care less about this criminal who was seeking his own death. Facing the tons of seawater coming towards him, he was powerless:

"Hurry and hug the pillar, don't be swept away by the current!"

Belmode and Mao Lilan also reacted quickly and hugged the pillar next to them in time to stabilize themselves.

As long as they can withstand the impact of this influx of sea water, let the sea water fill the inside of this "undersea palace", and then swim out from the blasted hole, there should be no danger.

But God's calculations are worse than those of people.

I saw the raging sea current sweeping in and overturning the sports car parked in the middle of the banquet hall.

The heavy sports car rolled continuously in the tide, mercilessly rolling towards Mao Lilan's location.

"Miss Mori!"

Lin Xinyi shouted nervously, but his voice was drowned by the tsunami.

He was some distance away from Mao Lilan's position and had no time to save him.

Mao Lilan was also shocked by this unexpected attack, and her reaction was half a beat too slow.

"Oops." Lin Xinyi's heart tightened.

And at the critical moment when Mao Lilan was about to be submerged by the tide and crushed by the sports car.

A determined figure stood out.


With almost no hesitation, Belmode pounced on Mao Lilan subconsciously.

She pushed Mao Lilan aside hard and blocked the front of the rolling sports car.

"Miss Chrissy!!"

Mao Lilan shouted in shock.

She wanted to say something more, but the current had completely submerged her.

Finally, the wave died down and everything went under the water.

Lin Xinyi opened his eyes and looked at everything around him with the light coming from the sea:

Belmod is still alive and does not seem to have suffered any serious injuries.

However, she was pinned under the sports car and could not move at all.

Under the current situation of being completely submerged by sea water, Belmod was trapped under the sports car and could not escape. His situation was obviously extremely dangerous.

Sooner or later, the oxygen in her body will be exhausted, and even if she is not crushed to death, she will drown alive.

"how so."

"She would actually do this for Miss Maori."

"Are you even willing to take your own life?!"

Lin Xinyi's eyes were full of astonishment.

He vaguely guessed that Belmode had a special feeling for Mao Lilan, but he did not expect that this feeling would be so deep.

This is completely incomprehensible.

But Lin Xinyi didn't have time to think more now.

Seeing that Belmod was pinned and unable to move, he subconsciously swam to her side and helped move the sports car that was firmly pressing her underneath.

But Belmode shook his head at him.

She stretched out her hand and asked Lin Xinyi to look to the other side:

"Oops, Miss Mori"

Lin Xinyi's expression became extremely solemn:

The house leaked and it rained all night. At the moment when she was swallowed by the sea current, Mao Lilan accidentally choked on the water.

On the seabed nearly ten meters below, choking in water is extremely dangerous and fatal.

At the bottom of the sea, the water that chokes the respiratory tract cannot even be spit out.

She was coughing uncontrollably now, and her expression was extremely painful.

"Go save her!"

Belmode gestured desperately to Lin Xinyi with his anxious eyes.

"." Lin Xinyi fell into silence.

In this brief silent look at each other, he finally truly felt Belmod's unreserved love for Mao Lilan.

Almost like a mother.

And Lin Xinyi also knew that Mao Lilan must be rescued ashore as soon as possible.

Otherwise, she would choke herself to death under the water.

So, facing Belmode's firm and decisive gaze, Lin Xinyi turned around and swam towards Mao Lilan.

He unceremoniously covered Mao Lilan's mouth and nose with his hands to prevent her from choking on more seawater due to coughing.

Then, Lin Xinyi locked her arms that were swinging wildly and signaled her not to struggle and delay her swimming movements.

In this way, he and Mao Lilan quickly swam out of the crack opened by the bomb, and entered the sea from the flooded banquet hall.

Lin Xinyi's swimming speed is surprisingly fast.

Even at the bottom of the sea, his figure still remained flexible and agile.

Before long, Lin Xinyi had brought Mao Lilan above the sea and sent her to the shore.

"Cough cough cough cough."

Mao Lilan lay weakly on the shore and spit out several mouthfuls of sea water.

She was finally out of danger and regained her ability to speak:

"Lin, Mr. Lin"

Mao Lilan's voice was a little weak.

There is still residual fluid in her respiratory tract, making her no longer in her usual spirit, and even speaking is somewhat difficult.

In this state, she obviously couldn't go into the water to save others.

"Miss Chris, she hasn't escaped yet!"

Mao Lilan's face was full of anxiety and shock.

She also didn't expect that in the critical moment just now, Belmode would be so desperate to save her.

This Thousand-Faced Witch, whom she regarded as an enemy and was on guard against, actually put herself in a desperate situation in order to save her life.

Mao Lilan didn't know why.

But she truly felt Belmod's love, and this feeling was definitely not a fake show.

"What should we do, Mr. Lin? What should we do?"

Mao Lilan completely forgot that Belmode was still an enemy in theory.

No, even if it is an enemy, she will instinctively lend a helping hand.

What's more, it was Belmod who risked his life to save her.

She didn't want to see Belmode die.

But Mao Lilan knew that in his current state, entering the water would be a dead end.

If she went to rescue someone, she might not be able to save them, and she would have to follow her in.

"give it to me!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely rescue her."

Lin Xinyi nodded to Mao Lilan solemnly.

Then, he turned around and jumped into the sea again.

Underwater, in the banquet hall filled with sea water.

Belmode is thinking about it for the last time in his life.

Yes, she didn't think she would survive.

A sports car fell on top of her, trapping her in the water and making it impossible for her to breathe.

And Mao Lilan was choked with water and exhausted, so there was definitely no way to save her.

The only one who could save her was Lin Xinyi. According to her understanding of herself as a student, it was impossible for him to have the strength to move the sports car.

She could only stay under the dark and cold water, waiting for death to take away her life.

"I'm going to die soon."

Belmode murmured softly in his heart.

Unexpectedly, what she felt at this moment was not pain and despair, but relief.

She does not regret her "suicidal" behavior.

At that moment, she completely instinctively took action to save the angel lady.

Just like the angel lady who saved her in New York a year ago.

For Belmode, Mao Lilan's appearance was like casting a beam of light in her dark life.

This beam of light gave her unprecedented warmth.

"fair enough."

"Death in this way may be a kind of salvation for people like me, right?"

The oxygen in her body had been almost exhausted, and the pain of suffocation began to spread from her chest and lungs throughout her body.

She almost couldn't help but let go of her mouth and nose, letting the cold sea water pour into her body, and drowning in the water in great pain.

At the last moment of his life, Belmod couldn't help but think of his student, Lin Xinyi.

Facing death can make a person reborn.

Belmod's mentality also quietly changed:

"I seem to owe him a lot."

She couldn't help but think of the pain this child had suffered because of her.

Because of her strong opposition and secret obstruction, Lin Xinyi lost his lover forever.

This is all because of her narrow-minded hatred for the Miyano family.

"It's really ridiculous."

"Obviously I am embracing the 'light' myself."

"But the only beautiful thing about that child was ruthlessly shattered by me."

At the last moment of his life, Belmode finally began to reflect.

She felt guilty for Lin Xinyi.

If she had it to do over again, maybe she could try not to treat her children in such a cruel and cruel way.

"I'm sorry, My Boy."

Belmod slowly closed his eyes.

And just then.

It's like a dream.

Just like New York a year ago, in the darkest moment of her life, an angel came with light.

Someone stretched out a warm hand to her and rescued her from the endless abyss.

Lin Xinyi is here.

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