Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 277 A trick to expose your identity

Seeing the bleach in Sakata Yusuke's hand, Lin Xinyi knew that the case was over.

He was a little nervous at first.

After all, Lin Xinyi knew that his suspicion of Yusuke Sakata had never been sufficiently reliable.

Only through this testing method can his idea be verified.

But Hattori Heizang took his suspicions very seriously.

He even went to the battlefield in person and brought a group of elite soldiers and generals under his command to verify Lin Xinyi's conjecture:

"Manager Lin told me on the phone earlier that the murderer might be an insider of our Osaka Prefectural Police."

"I actually don't want to believe it."

"Because I don't want to believe that there will be people under my command who know the law and break the law."

Hattori Heizang's voice was extremely heavy:

Every syllable he uttered seemed to carry a power that could torture people's hearts:

"Sakata Yusuke."

"You are so disappointing."

"." Sakata Yu's interface turned gray.

At this moment, he was holding a bottle of extremely suspicious bleach in his hand.

In front of him, the metal lock of the trunk of the car was probably still covered with the skin flakes of the deceased.

This in itself is decisive evidence.

He, Sakata Yusuke, has no room for quibbles.

"how so."

Sakata Yusuke stood there blankly.

He instinctively looked at Lin Xinyi, wanting to get an answer from him:

"When. When was I exposed?"

"While I was doing the autopsy."

"It was the special grappling skills you used to subdue the deceased that exposed your profession."

Lin Xinyi replied calmly:

"The third deceased, Mr. Yean, had fought fiercely during his lifetime."

"In the process of subduing him, the murderer dislocated his shoulders, pressed his face to the ground, and suffered restraint injuries on his forearms. He also had two bruises on his back with almost no peeling of skin, simply caused by long-term squeezing. ."

"What move is this?"

"What kind of person would subconsciously use this kind of grappling technique to subdue his opponent?"

"Officer Sakata and all of our colleagues here should be very clear about this, right?"

"This" Sakata Yusuke's face froze.

He knew how he was exposed:

The grappling technique is to wait for an opportunity to grab one of the opponent's arms, and then press the opponent's face down on the ground.

At this time, with just a slight break, the opponent's arm locked behind his back can be dislocated and the shoulder joint can be dislocated.

While your opponent is in pain due to a dislocated shoulder, you can press your knees down and use your body's strength to completely kneel your opponent to the ground.

If the opponent's arms are turned over and stuck behind his back, the opponent will be unable to resist.

At this time, both of the opponent's arms were twisted behind his back.

A person who uses this grappling technique can suppress the enemy's body with his knees, restrain the opponent's undislocated arm with one hand, and use the other hand to pick up the "stainless steel bracelet" around his waist——

Finally, you can comfortably handcuff your opponent.

"Police grappling techniques."

"This is a police grappling technique that the police specially learn in order to be able to handcuff the prisoner as quickly as possible in a close fight."

This move is a grappling technique that only police can learn.

Because of other schools of grappling techniques, there is no need to consider how to put handcuffs on people effortlessly.

This trick is mainly about practicality, its style is simple and unpretentious, and it has no reputation in the world.

It wasn't until a white-skinned American policeman knelt down brutally for eight minutes that this move shocked the world and became famous all over the world.

Everyone calls this move: "I can't breathe."

"The murderer's use of such a grappling technique indicates that his profession is likely to be that of a police officer."

"Of course, just such speculation is not rigorous enough."

"So, I can't help but think of our previous analysis of the death causes of Ms. Nishiguchi and Mr. Nagao."

Lin Xinyi said methodically:

"We analyzed the autopsy reports of Ms. Nishiguchi and Mr. Nagao and found that they were both indoors and were most likely killed at home."

"Especially Ms. Nishiguchi. She was the proprietress of an izakaya. She worked until midnight on the night of her death and didn't go home until midnight."

"But there is no sign that the doors and windows of her house have been pried open."

"This shows that she probably took the initiative to open the door for the murderer and let the murderer enter her home."

"How could a woman who lives alone open the door to a stranger in the middle of the night?"

"So we initially judged that the murderer was actually an acquaintance of Ms. Nishiguchi, so she took the initiative to open the door and invite the murderer in."

"Similarly, we judge that the murderer and Mr. Nagao are also acquaintances."

"However, the Osaka Prefectural Police have never found any overlap in the existing social relationships between the two deceased persons."

"I was still a little confused at the time, but now I think about it."

"The truth is, we forgot about the other possibility at that time."

Lin Xinyi looked at Sakata Yusuke with burning eyes:

"That is--"

"The murderer is a policeman!"

"He does not need to be an acquaintance of the two victims."

"As long as he shows his police officer ID, smiles and asks people in the house to open the door and cooperate with the investigation, the victim will believe him in a daze!"

The police are law enforcers and can easily gain the trust of citizens.

And Yusuke Sakata took advantage of this trust.

Relying on his identity as a police officer, he openly walked into the victim's home and killed the unsuspecting victim.

"Sakata Yusuke, you scum!"

"You betrayed the people's trust in us!"

At this point, Lin Xinyi was extremely angry.

Although his choice of words always made the Japanese police present feel that something was not right.

But the fiery emotion in his voice made these colleagues feel the same way:

The trust of the people is precious, but Sakata Yusuke knew the law and violated it, and trampled on it unscrupulously.

They all looked at Yusuke Sakata with contempt, anger, or pain.

Sakata Yusuke seemed to still have some conscience as a policeman, but his face burned when he saw it, and he lowered his head in shame.

Lin Xinyi, on the other hand, calmed down a little and continued to know in an orderly manner:

"After judging that the murderer was probably a police officer, Officer Sakata."

"Your various performances seem very intriguing in my eyes."

"For example, you provoked me at the beginning."

"Although Tokyo and Osaka have long-standing regional conflicts, I was invited to Osaka as an 'expert' to serve as a guidance consultant. It is normal for me to be resisted by the local police."

"But, we're all adults."

“Adult emotions are rarely written directly on their faces.”

"And I am still a manager after all. I am technically your superior. You should be more restrained when talking to me."

"But Officer Sakata, you are like a child arguing with your companions about 'Who is stronger, Ultraman or Gomera?', and you use extreme words to provoke you as soon as you meet."

"why is that?"

"Do you simply want to vent your dissatisfaction?"

Lin Xin asked questions again and again.

Without waiting for him to continue his analysis and explanation, Sakata Yusuke sighed helplessly:

"Sure enough, you saw it."

"That's right. I provoked you so directly. I just wanted to use provocation to let you see the information on this case as soon as possible."

"Because I want to hear how much of a threat you, a famous administrator from Tokyo, pose to me."

Yusuke Sakata is a detective from the Tojiri branch.

As for this serial murder case, the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters, the superior unit of the Tojiri Branch, is responsible for it.

Due to his status as a criminal police officer, he was originally unable to participate in the front-line investigation of the case.

"It was through my personal relationship with Hattori Heiji that I obtained this reception assignment. Only then did I have the opportunity to gain access to the investigation information on this case from him."

"To be honest, I didn't expect that Director Hattori would invite you, Manager Lin, from Tokyo."

"You make me very scared"

"That's why I want to take the opportunity of hosting you to find out your background."

Once Lin Xinyi arrives at the Prefectural Police Headquarters, he will join the task force of the Prefectural Police Headquarters.

However, Sakata Yusuke could only return to work at the Tojiri branch, and it was difficult to understand the investigation progress of the case.

Only in the process of receiving Lin Xinyi did Sakata Yusuke have the opportunity to contact Lin Xinyi and learn about Lin Xinyi's progress in solving the case.

That's why he deliberately launched a provocation.

The purpose was to let Lin Xinyi seize the time to read the case materials and tell him the analysis and insights.

If he could hear any important clues, he could "check for omissions and fill in the gaps" in time to clean up the traces he missed.

"And after hearing your analysis of the autopsy report."

"I knew you were not an easy guy to deal with."

Sakata Yusuke sighed softly:

"You can read so much information from two corpses."

"I'm very scared. I'm afraid that you will read more clues from the third corpse."

In fact, the third corpse, the one hanging on the rooftop, was originally specially prepared by Sakata Yusuke for Hattori Heiji.

His identity does not allow him to contact the task force of the Prefectural Police Headquarters, so he wants to take the "young master route"——

That is to say, he deliberately dumped the body in front of Hattori Heiji, and then gave clues to secretly guide him, attracting the young master Hattori to take him as his "friend", "driver" and "assistant" to investigate.

Hattori Heiji's identity is very special.

He's not even a policeman, so in theory he should be more marginalized than Yusuke Sakata.

However, with a pair of "invisible wings" that he was reluctant to admit, Hattori Heiji was able to have unimpeded access to the Osaka Prefectural Police and the latest information on the case investigation.

So as long as you can gain the trust of Master Hattori, you can follow him and "run rampant" within the prefectural police.

"But you changed your mind."

"You used the body you prepared for Hattori Heiji on me."

Lin Xinyi took over Sakata Yusuke's words calmly:

"Because you are afraid of my abilities, you want to see what I can find on the third corpse."

"However, if I were to return to the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters, you would not be able to show up with me as a criminal police officer from the Higashijiri Branch."

"So you can only find a way to make the body fall directly in front of us."

"In this way, you can observe secretly from the side and prevent me from finding any clues against you from the corpse."

Lin Xinyi felt strange before:

Yusuke Sakata had such a bad attitude at first, but after listening to his analysis report, he suddenly became so hospitable and insisted on inviting them to eat Osaka delicacies.

Later he figured out that this was Yusuke Sakata's helpless move.

Without luring people to the snack bar and letting the body fall in front of everyone, he would not be able to participate in the autopsy led by Lin Xinyi as a branch criminal police officer.


Sakata Yusuke's expression was extremely complicated:

"The forest management officer's ability far exceeds my imagination."

"Actually, I originally wanted to continue committing crimes - in my plan, there were three other people to kill."

"But after hearing your analysis of the first two deceased people in the car, I hesitated."

"Seeing that you found more crucial clues from the third deceased, I decided to temporarily stop the murder plan and wait until you leave Osaka to find a way to do it."

"But, I didn't expect that it was already too late to stop now."

He smiled self-deprecatingly and threw the bleach in his hand weakly on the ground:

"You leaked this clue to me on purpose."

"I have foolishly stepped into the trap you set for me."

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