Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 285 Traveling together

The next day, morning.

Lin Xinyi woke up from his dream.

When he woke up, he felt some pain and numbness in his arm.

This is because the arm is pressed by heavy objects for a long time, causing compression of nerves and blood vessels, resulting in temporary insufficient blood supply.

And that heavy object pressing on his arm was...

"Xiao Ai?"

Lin Xinyi tried to call out to the brown-haired girl who was sleeping sweetly in his arms.

She slept soundly, deeply, and completely unresponsive.

Lin Xinyi couldn't bear to be disturbed and had to wait quietly.

At this time, Haibara Ai was in the posture of an octopus eating a whale, hugging her boyfriend who was several times bigger than herself, clinging tightly to his body.

And from Lin Xinyi's unique "old father's perspective", he can just appreciate the cute and charming sleeping face of Little Miss Haiyuan:

Her pink cheeks seemed to be glowing with white light, her straight little nose moved slightly with her breathing, and her thin lips were still shining with moisture.

Taking another closer look, Lin Xinyi discovered that Miss Haiyuan, who was usually as cool and dignified as a flower on the mountain, was actually drooling while sleeping.

I don’t know if she dreamed of something delicious in her dream.

"It really feels like I'm taking care of my daughter."

Lin Xinyi shook his head in amusement.

And that's what he was thinking in his heart

I saw Haiyuan Ai smacking his mouth that was stained with crystal water, and talking in sleep:

"Lin, don't go."

"Let me touch your abdominal muscles."

As she spoke, Miss Haiyuan moved her arm that was resting on her boyfriend's chest down slightly, gropingly inserted it into the gap in his shirt, and rubbed Lin Xinyi's belly.

She hummed softly with enjoyment, but she slept more soundly.

Lin Xinyi: "."

The warm feeling of raising a daughter just now disappeared instantly.

All he wants now is to call the police.

"Wake up, wake up."

Lin Xinyi couldn't wait any longer.

Little Miss Haiyuan kept tickling his belly in his dream, it was very itchy.

"Don't sleep."

Lin Xinyi pinched his small nose.

Hui Yuan Ai woke up suddenly.

She opened her eyes and saw Lin Xinyi's face close at hand. She was in a daze for a while before she was sure that she was not in the dream just now.

Feel your arms carefully again

It turned out to be just like in the dream, he reached into his boyfriend's clothes without shame.


Hui Yuan Ai's little face turned red instantly.

She used her strong will to hold her cheeks firmly and fumbled to sit up from Lin Xinyi's arms:

"I didn't say anything strange when I was sleeping, right?"

"." Lin Xinyi hesitated with a strange look on his face: "No."

"That's good"

Hui Yuan Ai hurriedly wiped away the drool dripping from the corner of his mouth, arranged his somewhat messy children's pajamas, and smoothed down his soft brown short hair.

She gradually turned into the usual aloof young lady.

After my mind was clear, I thought back to last night, how frivolous and bold I was in dragging my boyfriend all the way to bed.

"I just didn't want that old woman to get too close to you, that's why I did this."

"Don't think that I'm the kind of superficial woman who likes to sleep with a man in her arms."

Haihara Ai explained seriously.


Lin Xin nodded:

"I will pay attention to the room arrangements in the future and arrange separate accommodation for each of us."

Haibara Ai:"."

Watch out!

At this time, shouldn't you say, "But I like to sleep with you in my arms," ​​or "We'll live together like this from now on," and then hold me in your arms domineeringly?

Miss Haiyuan maintained her reserve on her face, but she was already dreaming in her heart.

never mind

If she hadn't been stimulated like yesterday, with her cold and arrogant temperament, she would never have taken the initiative to do such a shameful thing.

"Get up"

Miss Haiyuan waited for a long time, but she still didn't get the warm embrace of her boyfriend.

In the end, she reluctantly turned her head away, ready to say goodbye to this rare tenderness.

Until the door was pushed open

Belmode walked in.

As if she had returned to her own home, she closed the door generously, then walked to Lin Xinyi's bed and sat down:

"Boy, you're already awake."

"You?" Haiyuan Ai's expression changed instantly: "How did you get in?"

"Are you talking about door locks?" Belmode shrugged: "This kind of household lock is just like nothing to me."

As she said that, she winked at Lin Xinyi again:

"How's it going? Did you sleep well last night?"

"It must be boring to sleep with such a brat, right?"

"Humph!" Haiyuan Ai's face turned cold.

She suddenly put aside her reserve and shyness, and like a baby swallow returning to its nest, dove into the bed and crawled back into her boyfriend's arms.

Feeling the warmth shrinking in his arms, Lin Xinyi's expression was very subtle:

He discovered that Belmod seemed to have changed his method of teasing Haihara Ai.

He used to make her jealous, but now he forces her to protect her food.

At this moment, Belmode was admiring his masterpiece and smiled secretly at Lin Xinyi:

"Okay, everyone, get up."

"It's getting late, we still have to go shopping in Osaka today."

Noon, Osaka, Mt. Kumgang.

Lin Xinyi originally came to Osaka on a business trip to handle a case, but the case was solved within a few hours and took far less time than expected.

Therefore, Hattori Heizo told Lin Shinichi not to rush back and allowed him to stay temporarily in Osaka for two days. He also arranged for him to eat, drink and travel at public funds, and asked his son to be responsible for the entertainment.

And because Lin Shinichi prefers to appreciate natural scenery, Hattori Heiji did not take them to see traditional cultural landscapes such as the castle tower and Osaka Castle.

The destination of their trip is Osaka's mountain climbing resort, Mt. Kumgang.

Instead of taking the cable car, the group climbed through the mountain trails and enjoyed the natural beauty along the way.

"Miss Maori——"

Hattori Heiji walked naturally next to his good friend and fellow senior:

"Although it is the off-season and there are not many people on the mountain, in fact our Mount Kongo in Osaka is a famous mountain in Japan with the highest number of climbers per year, second only to Mount Fuji."

"The most famous thing here is the snow scene. If you come here in winter, you can see the big trees all over the mountains and plains covered with ice flowers."

He kept explaining the scenic spots to Maolilan.

Logically speaking, Hattori Heiji should have priority in entertaining the teacher.

But every time he got close to Lin Xinyi, the little brown-haired girl in Lin Xinyi's arms would put on an unpleasant and cold face - because she was too tired from climbing the mountain, Miss Haiyuan had already taken the initiative to let the boy The friend picked himself up.

The coldness made him feel like he was seeing the snow on Mount Kumgang.

Even Hattori Heiji can feel uncomfortable.

It seemed like it was disturbing someone else's world of two.

So Hattori Heiji simply ignored Lin Xinyi and was busy entertaining Mao Lilan.

But Mao Lilan's reaction was a little subtle:

"Um, Mr. Heiji"

"Actually, you don't need to explain so much to me."

"It's better to spend more time with my 'friends' and let me, the guest, explore by myself!"

As he said that, Mao Lilan glanced at Yuan Shanhe Ye who was following him without leaving any trace.

Although she has reached a reconciliation with Miss Ye, she even captured her "love rival" and became her best friend.

But seeing Hattori Heiji always sticking to her side, Ms. Ye's expression gradually became gloomy after all.

She was like a lingering ghost, following behind Hattori Heiji and Mao Liran without saying a word, which made people feel insidious.

Therefore, Mao Lilan took the initiative to propose that there was no need for a tour guide to explain.

He also asked him to pay more attention to spending time with his "friends".


Hattori Heiji quickly reacted:

"That's right. Natural beauty doesn't need so much explanation. Just appreciate it instinctively with your eyes!"

"In that case, Miss Mori."

"Let's talk about what we didn't finish talking about yesterday, the trace inspection!"

Mao Lilan: "."

Toyama Kazuye: "."

"It's not necessary." Mao Lilan smiled reluctantly, and the hint in his eyes almost became a clear statement: "Mr. Heiji, it's rare for us to go out for fun, so let's put aside the study and work!"

"Is it."

Hattori Heiji scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Since Miss Mori, you want to focus on admiring the scenery."

"Okay, then I won't say much."

As he said this, the teacher finally closed his mouth and moved away from Miss Mori.

"Miss Maori. Thank you!"

Yuan Shan and Ye shed tears of emotion in their hearts.

She knew that Mao Lilan was completely giving her an assist and creating opportunities for her to chat and get along with Hattori Heiji.

This black wood.

Now Mao Lilan ignores him, and Lin Xinyi ignores him too.

That "Miss Chrissy" was still busy teasing Haihara Ai next to Lin Xinyi.

There is no one left to talk to him about reasoning, not even introductions to scenic spots.

This guy can't ignore her anymore, right?

Yuan Shan and Ye thought so in their hearts.

I saw Hattori Heiji's figure flashing to the side of Conan's children:

"Hey, kid."

"I heard you say yesterday that your brain was developed by reading mystery novels, right?"

"Yes~" Conan replied without hesitation: "I like Sherlock Holmes the most."

"Sherlock Holmes?" Hattori Heiji thought for a while: "I prefer the works of the mystery queen Agatha Christie."

Two people, one big and one small, one white and one black, with huge differences, got together and chatted with great interest about some mystery novels that Miss Ye had never read before.

They look like they have the same chemistry, they are a match made in heaven.

Ms. Ye is almost autistic.

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