Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 293 Criminal Profiling

This may be the most difficult case that Lin Xinyi has handled since time travel.

Even though we have made breakthroughs all the way to this point, the fog in front of us has never dissipated.

And just as one puzzle was solved, a new one appeared in front of us:

"Why is there no blood?"

"The power of bullets is not something that flesh and blood can withstand. If the bear was really hit by the bullet, there should be blood stains left on the ground nearby."

"But this place is so clean, so clean that only a few bear hairs can be found."

Lin Xinbai was puzzled.

But other options were effectively eliminated. Even if the lack of blood stains could not be explained, he could only choose to believe in the conclusion that "the bear was hit by a bullet."

"There is no way to determine the outcome by reasoning alone."

“This conclusion must be verified with actual actions.”

Lin Xinyi thought of the only way:

Find the person involved, no, ask the person involved, Xiong.

a moment later

"What. Looking for a bear?!"

After hearing the latest instructions from the forest manager, Director Tsunoda's face seemed to be completely unbearable:

"Manager Lin, why is this?"

"It was an accident. First we were looking for people, then we were looking for guns, and now we are looking for bears. When did this end?"

"Just carry out the order."

Lin Xinyi simply stopped explaining.

Anyway, he has seen that even if he explains in detail and persuades him with good words, the veteran Director Tsunoda will continue to complain and resist the investigation work.

"I will ask the Forensic Division personnel sent by the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters to cooperate with your actions and use police dogs to track the whereabouts of the bear."

"As soon as you find the bear, notify me as soon as possible."

Lin Xinyi originally wanted to use a police dog to identify the mysterious man's scent.

But after all, a day passed, and the mysterious man left no traces or items at the scene that could be traced.

The remaining smell has almost dissipated, and the police dogs are of no use.

But bears are different.

The body odor of wild animals is strong and does not dissipate easily after a day.

Moreover, it also sheds hair all the way, and the hair loss problem is more serious.

Those hairs that remain in the fallen leaves and are stained with a strong smell can be used as clues for police dogs to track.

Coupled with the large-scale police assistance in the search, it should not be difficult to find the bear.

"By the way, Director Tsunoda."

After Lin Xinyi finished arranging the search work, he asked again:

"Are you ready for the murder case information from previous years that I asked you to prepare?"

"It's been so long, hasn't it been done yet?"

"Uh," Director Tsunoda replied with an awkward look, "Yes, it's ready. It happened to be delivered just now."

"Okay, bring it over and show it to me."

"Yes." Director Tsunoda reluctantly sent someone to deliver a thick stack of documents.

After submitting the information, he followed Lin Xinyi's instructions and acted with the support troops sent by the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters to find the whereabouts of the bear in question.

Lin Xinyi picked up the stack of information and began to read it carefully:

"A lot of people have died over the years."

"Including this cliff, several people die every year in the entire scenic area."

This result did not make Lin Xinyi feel strange.

Because the scenic spot receives millions of tourists every year, there is no guarantee that there will be some who are in a bad mood and will commit suicide or die in accidents.

In terms of probability, it is normal for a few people to die in a scenic spot every year.

This will not cause any social concern at all.

In fact, many large units with similar risks have potential "death indicators."

As long as the number of people killed in accidents each year does not exceed a certain number, there is no safety management problem.

"Look at the people who died on this cliff."

From the thick stack of documents, Lin Xinyi picked out the case information that only occurred on this cliff.

"Accident, accident, accident."

"In just one place, seven accidents have occurred in the past five years."

"All cases were ended by 'accident', without a corpse examination, and not even a few photos of the scene were taken."

"These information have a very limited effect."

The previous seven cases were all hastily concluded as "accidents" without rigorous investigation.

There was nothing left in the file except dry written records and a few simple photos of the scene. Even if he wanted to review it, there was nothing he could do.

So, are these cases accidents?

Only God knows.

And with that kind of suspicion that was terrifying to think about, Lin Xinyi looked over and over in the data, looking for clues:

"Sure enough, something is still wrong."

"It's time-"

"These 'accidents' all happened during the off-season of the scenic spot!"

He finally discovered something suspicious from the limited information:

All seven accidents occurred during the off-season months of tourist attractions.

Is it a coincidence? Or because

"There aren't many people in the mountains during the off-season, so it's more convenient to commit crimes?"

Lin Xinyi had a terrible guess in his heart:

This cliff is located deep in the dense forest and is relatively secluded.

But including Ms. Yamaguchi Yoshiko who died this time, eight tourists have entered this place by mistake in five years and even accidentally fell down.

This is too much.

It doesn't make sense to say it was an accident.

But if someone is familiar with the terrain here, deliberately hijacks tourists here, and then threatens them with a revolver

Then the victim will definitely rush up the slope in a panic, fall into the cliff, and die in an "accidental" way.

"Is the truth really so shocking?"

Lin Xinyi's expression was extremely solemn:

He couldn't jump to conclusions.

After all, the information was not informative enough and the clues were not strong enough, so his suspicions could only remain groundless suspicions.

Suppose, however, that this suspicion is true.

Suppose there really is a murderer who commits crimes by "accident".

"Let me try to do a criminal profile of him."

Lin Xinyi began to think silently:

First of all, the other party must be very familiar with the topography of the scenic spot——

Otherwise, he would not have known that there was a cliff in such a remote place that could easily cause someone to lose his footing, nor would he have thought of this murderous method of using slopes and cliffs to create accidents.

Then, through the previous point, we can roughly guess the identity of the murderer:

A. Mountaineers who travel to Mt. Kumgang all the time

B. Scenic area staff

C.Police from local police station

D. nearby residents

These four options came to Lin Xinyi's mind.

The scope is too large and the clues are too few. It is difficult to choose an answer from these four options at once.

However, the important clue that contacted the mysterious man suspected of being the murderer was "possessing a revolver":

"Police from the local police station?"

Lin Xin subconsciously chose C.

Because the standard police gun currently equipped by the Japanese police is the "New South M60" revolver.

But just because of this, judging that the answer is C seems a bit too natural.

After all, after experiencing the terrorist attack of the Water Crystal.

Nowadays, even if criminals can get machine guns, tanks and helicopters, Lin Xinyi won't find it strange.

It’s just a revolver. Ordinary people can get it if they think of ways, and they don’t necessarily have to be police officers.

The investigation seems to have fallen into a fog again.

And just then.


"The mysterious man used the revolver and fired one shot at the bear that was climbing the tree in pursuit of him."

"The bullet must have hit the bear, otherwise there would be bullet holes and other marks on the ground anyway."

"And after the brown bear was shot, there was no trace of blood left at the scene."

"why is that?"

At the critical moment, Lin Xinyi thought of this previously unanswered mystery.

And this mystery seems to have an answer at this moment:

"Because that bullet isn't powerful enough."

"Although the bullet injured the brown bear, it remained on the brown bear's body."

"But its power is too weak and it cannot penetrate the brown bear's 'biological armor'."

"And if the brown bear only had its skin broken, the amount of blood it would shed would naturally be extremely limited."

"This little blood will be absorbed by the hair as soon as it flows out, and the wound will quickly solidify and stop bleeding, so there will be no blood dripping to the ground."

Lin Xinyi had previously thought out of inertia that since the bear had been shot, it should bleed profusely.

However, no blood was found at the scene, but it was probably because the bear was injured too lightly and lost too little blood.

This sounds incredible.

But unlike most people's subconscious imagination, not all guns are so powerful, and one shot can cause serious damage to wild animals.

Some guns are extremely weak and cannot effectively kill large creatures such as brown bears.

For example, 1.8J is considered a gun.

Another example is a police pistol.

In order to minimize casualties during operations, police pistols are generally designed to be less powerful.

Speaking of which, Lin Xinyi didn't need to think of the domestic Type 05 police revolver that he had come into contact with at work before.

This gun is known as the "Gun of Kindness".

A policeman once used this gun to shoot a gangster at close range, and all the bullets were blocked by the gangster's down jacket.

Some police officers tried to use this gun to kill a crazy bull, but failed by firing more than 40 times in front and back.

Bull said: "Are you scraping me?"

Of course, the New South M60 revolver currently used by the Japanese police is much larger than the "Gun of Kindness" that Lin Xinyi saw in his previous work.

But the word "big" is only a relative term.

Also a police pistol, the New South M60 revolver is actually very powerful.

It can barely be used to kill people, but if you want to use it to kill bears, that's basically wishful thinking.

Adult brown bears are so thick-skinned that the fur and fat on their body can be called biological tank armor.

If the mysterious man was using a police New South M60 revolver, even if he fired at close range, he would definitely not cause any serious injury to the brown bear.

The brown bear would only be slightly injured and then run away wounded and frightened by the gunfire.

And because the injury was too minor and the bleeding was too little, no blood stains were left at the scene.

“Everything seems to make sense.”

These clues connected in Lin Xinyi's mind.

That bold guess became clearer:

"Is the murderer a policeman?"

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