Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 320 Extra: Stranger Ten Years Later (1)

Kavin is so awesome that I simply decided to write a few extra chapters to change my mind.

For those who are not interested in the extra chapter, you can skip the next few chapters without affecting the plot.

The next day, morning.

The snow melted at sunrise, and the snow on the mountain road was cleared to open a path.

The Metropolitan Police Department's support team moved up the mountain to take away Teacher Shimoda and Koko Yonehara, who both confessed. The tragedy finally ended in an imperfect way.

Watching the police car carrying Yonehara Koko away, everyone's expressions were a little complicated.

Until the police car disappeared at the end of the mountain road, the air remained solemn.

"OK OK."

"The murderers of Minako have all been punished, and Teacher Yonehara was successfully stopped by us before he made the same mistake again."

"This is actually a good ending, isn't it?"

It was Suzuki Sonoko who was the first to emerge from the gloom.

She quietly wiped away the tears of saying goodbye to Teacher Mihara, raised her head with a smile, and comforted her best friend who cried much more than she did:

"Xiaolan, this is all thanks to the efforts of you and Mr. Lin."

"I will find a way to hire a good lawyer for Mr. Yonehara."

"If we're lucky, we'll be able to see her again in five or six years."

"Yeah" Mao Lilan nodded, and finally there was no sadness in her big tearful eyes.

And Miss Suzuki is still working hard to liven up the atmosphere:

"Well, I originally planned to invite everyone out to have a perfect vacation."

"I didn't expect that something like this would happen again."

She used the word "again" casually.

Habits have become natural, and Suzuki Sonoko didn’t even notice anything wrong with the word “again”:

"Let's do this, Xiaolan, Mr. Lin, Sister Chris."

"After returning to Tokyo today, may I ask everyone to find a place to play?"

She enthusiastically organized the event, hoping to dilute the solemnity caused by last night's tragedy.

"No." Lin Xinyi shook his head: "I still have a job."

"I'll drive you back to Tokyo later. I have to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department."

He is now responsible for the closing work of the Minako suicide case and the Yonehara murder case, and he also has to report to Minister Odagiri in person on the results of his business trip in Osaka the past two days.

So Lin Xin bluntly rejected Miss Suzuki's invitation.

As soon as he refused, Hui Yuan Ai immediately followed up: "I want to go home."

She had no interest in traveling without Lin Xinyi.

Instead of going out to play with Suzuki Sonoko, who didn't have a cold, it was better to go back early to study the antidote and spend more time with her sister.

"Mr. Lin, aren't you going?"

Mao Lilan thought about it seriously.

The pigeon virus has symptoms of human-to-human transmission.

When there were already two human pigeons, the pigeon genes hidden in human DNA quickly started a chain reaction:

"Forget it, Sonoko, let's talk about it next time!"

"It's time for Conan and I to go back."

"I haven't been home for three days. If I don't go back, dad might still be eating instant noodles, right?"

Lin Xinyi, Conan, and the angel lady were not going. Of course, Belmode would not be interested in going out with this "Sister Suzuki" whom he had just met for a day.

They were just sisters on the surface, although the stupid Suzuki-san didn't realize it at all.

None of the people invited went. Before Suzuki Sonoko's party could be organized, it was stillborn and completely miscarried.

"All right."

As a person who likes liveliness by nature, Miss Suzuki couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

But as an optimist, her disappointment never lasts long.

"Let's do this." Suzuki Sonoko seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and excitedly made a suggestion again. "That's it for today."

"After summer vacation in two days, I'll invite everyone to take a trip to Izu Beach together. How about it?"

"It's summer vacation in two days?"

Lin Xinyi looked at the heavy snow in front of him and remained silent.

He was silently marveling at the miraculous craftsmanship of nature.

Miss Suzuki drew his attention back with just a few words:

"Xiaolan goes to Izu with me every summer vacation. She will definitely come."

"Mr. Lin, can you bring Sister Chris with you?"

"I also want to learn from Sister Chris on how to wear summer swimsuits!"

"Uh swimsuit?!"

The two men present, Lin Xinyi and Conan, were stunned at the same time.

Instinctively, kid Conan's eyes shone, he quietly raised his head and looked at his sister Xiaolan.

The great detective's expression began to change.

It seemed like he had some fantasy that was inappropriate for children.

Until he suddenly recalled the bad scene when he, Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan went on vacation together in swimsuits.

Conan's kid's movements froze, his face turned green, and his eyes changed from eager to avoidable.

No one noticed his wonderful face-changing performance.

What everyone noticed was Lin Xinyi.

When he heard the word "swimsuit," Lin Xinyi, just like the Conan kids, subconsciously turned his attention to a certain lady present.

But this person is not his girlfriend Haihara Ai.

Nor is it his fake girlfriend Belmode.

But Suzuki Sonoko.

Lin Xin suddenly looked at Miss Suzuki with complicated and strange eyes, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

"That, that Mr. Lin?"

Suzuki Sonoko looked away evasively:

"Do you want to go on vacation to Izu together?"


Lin Xinyi briefly imagined in his mind that Miss Miyano Shiho, who wore a white coat as a permanent skin, wearing a swimsuit and playing in the water in front of him.

He immediately agreed, "I'll go."

In the evening, the Asai family's villa.

Hui Yuan Ai came back carrying a large children's schoolbag.

What was in the bag was not some elementary school textbook, but research materials.

As soon as she returned to Tokyo in the morning, she plunged into Dr. Ari's drug laboratory and studied the antidote non-stop.

It wasn't until evening that she returned to the home where she and her sister were temporarily staying, with a tired look on her face and carrying the heavy schoolbag.


Miyano Akemi heard the doorbell.

As soon as the door opened, she saw exactly:

The younger sister was carrying a large children's schoolbag, standing on tiptoe, trying hard to ring the doorbell, looking cute.

For safety reasons, Miyano Akemi has been squatting at home as a NEET these days. Except for buying daily necessities, she rarely goes out to show her face.

Her only hobby is to take care of her cute little sister.

Now I see Haihara Ai’s childish behavior of standing on tiptoe and pressing the doorbell.

Miyano Akemi's voice softened instantly:

"Xiao Ai, you are back~"

Even the name of my sister was unconsciously changed to the more intimate "Ai Jiang":

"Looks like I need to find a way to change the doorbell to a lower pitch."

"Otherwise you'll have to stand on tiptoe like this every time you come back."

While Miyano Akemi was nagging with emotion like this, she naturally leaned down and wanted to take the schoolbag from her sister's hand.

By the way, she couldn't help but touch Hui Yuan Ai's hair.

Miss Haiyuan's expression suddenly turned cold.

It wasn't until she realized that she was her favorite sister in front of her that her face of ice melted slightly:

"Sister. I've said it many times."

"Don't treat me like a child."

"Ah, I'm sorry." Miyano Akemi was a little embarrassed: "Because you are so cute, Xiao Ai."

She apologized sincerely and wanted to continue getting the heavy schoolbag for her sister.

But Hui Yuan Ai's little face was still covered with a layer of frost.

She broke free from her sister's hand, carried the heavy schoolbag on her back, and walked in the door without looking back.

It was as if he was angry with someone and wanted to prove that he was an adult.

"Sorrow" Miyano Akemi noticed something.

She knew that her sister was an extremely rational person.

Apart from her sister, the only person in the world who can make this talented girl become emotional and lose her temper like those little girls her age is Lin Xinyi.

And Miyano Akemi was thinking in her mind whether there was something wrong with her sister's "forever love" with Lin Xinyi.

However, Haiyuan Ai put down her schoolbag on the sofa and fumbled around to find a capsule carefully packed in a small box:

"Sister, please take care of me."

"I want to try the latest antidote."

"Antidote?!" Miyano Akemi was slightly startled: "Xiao Ai, didn't you say that there has been no progress in the research on the antidote?"

"There really isn't much progress."

"Even with the APTX4869 sample provided by Lin Xinyi and Conan, the in vivo experimental assistant, the research situation of the antidote is still not optimistic."

"I was lucky today. There was a breakthrough in research, but I just tried to extract the active ingredients in Laobaigan and make an experimental antidote."

"This antidote is most likely to be ineffective."

"But you have to try it to find out."

Haihara Ai said in a calm tone while methodically filling a cup for herself.

"Wait a minute." Miyano Akemi understood something: "You want to use yourself as a test subject?!"

"This this"

She actually subconsciously wanted Conan to be the guinea pig.

But out of instinctive kindness, Miyano Akemi was still embarrassed to express this idea:

"Isn't this too dangerous?"

"There will be no danger."

"What is uncertain now is the effectiveness of the antidote, not its safety."

"Believe me, sister, my calculation will not go wrong:"

"After taking the medicine, it will have no effect at best. It will cause a temporary coma and high fever because of the side effects-other than that, it will never cause any more serious damage to the body."

Haihara Ai is very confident about this experiment.

In other words, she is like some super-fast countries that are mired in the quagmire of the virus. Even if they are not sure that the vaccine is effective, they still have to rush to get the newly developed vaccine launched.

Miss Haiyuan is already a little anxious about the research and development of antidote.

Miyano Akemi can also see this:

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"We have plenty of time, just take our time."

"." Hui Yuan Ai was silent for a while:

She knew that she did have plenty of time.

With Belmode helping to cover it up, as long as she kept a low profile and was careful, the organization would probably never come to her door in her lifetime.

She can slowly grow up as Hui Yuan Ai, and wait 8 years to realize her decision with Lin Xinyi.

But Hui Yuan Ai couldn't wait any longer.

This was stimulated by Suzuki Sonoko.

Seeing this "grown-up self" and Lin Xinyi's completely different reactions and attitudes when facing "Miyano Shiho" and "Haihara Ai".

Hui Yuan Ai increasingly realized that he must quickly develop an antidote.

Quickly grow up and become Miyano Shiho.

Otherwise, if Lin Xinyi continues to treat her like a daughter, the relationship between them may deteriorate under the influence.

What's more, who knows if Lin Xinyi won't be able to survive these eight years and find her a mother halfway.

"No need to worry about me"

"Sister, I am sensible."

Hui Yuan Ai's attitude became more determined.

She comforted her worried sister, then groped her way to the sofa and found a comfortable position to lie down.

Hui Yuan Ai took out the experimental antidote and swallowed it with water in one gulp without hesitation.

The second update hasn’t been coded yet, so I’ll post it later.

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