Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 355 The Despair of Kenzo Masama

If Belmode was present, he would definitely recognize Mr. Kenzo Masayama as Pisco, one of the senior's old subordinates and one of the most senior cadres in the organization.

But she is still at home, accompanying Miss Haiyuan, whom she hates the most, and doing the drug experiment she hates the most.

Lin Xinyi came to today's engagement ceremony alone.

He didn't know Pisco.

Because Belmode never took the initiative to tell him the organization’s information——

Although the Thousand Faced Witch has been dragged into the same boat by Lin Xinyi, the only thing she is willing to do is to help Lin Xinyi maintain the status quo.

Belmode did not want any confrontation between Lin Xinyi and the organization.

So she said some alarmist words at the beginning, telling him not to try to contact agencies such as the FBI and CIA.

In order to prevent Lin Xinyi from risking his own private investigation and making the same radical mistake as Conan, Belmode did not reveal any information about other organization members to him.

According to Belmode, as long as everything is obeyed by her, everyone can be guaranteed to be safe.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi did not recognize the identity of Mr. Fanshan.

Just like Suzuki Sonoko and Shiratori Rensaburo, he felt that the old Mr. Masayama Kenzo in front of him was just an ordinary business tycoon.

Correspondingly, Masama Kenzo didn't know him at all.

Because Gin knew that the organization had been infiltrated into a sieve by undercover agents.

Therefore, he did not dare to reveal the identity of Lin Xinyi, his promising subordinate and the future star of the organization, to members of the organization that he did not trust.

Except for those laboratory personnel who are still under closed management, the only people in the organization who know Lin Xinyi's true identity are the first and second leaders of the organization, Gin, Vodka, Belmod, and the two who are very accurate at beating their own people. Sniper.

As for other core members, including Masuyama Kenzo.

They all only knew that there was a new member in the organization code-named "Chartreux", but they didn't know who this "Chartreux" was.

To them, Chartreuse was probably just like BOSS and Rum, one of the most mysterious beings in the organization.

In this way, two organizational colleagues who were strangers to each other looked at each other inadvertently, and then looked away without any fluctuation.

Lin Xinyi was busy socializing.

He was the hero who solved a major case in the Metropolitan Police Department yesterday. At this time, there were many colleagues and leaders who came to him to say hello.

However, Masama Kenzo's mood at the moment was not calm.

He was still staring at Suzuki Sonoko:

"How can it be"

"That Miyano Shiho?"

Mr. Ganshan’s eyes were full of disbelief:

The woman in front of me, in terms of appearance, temperament, and dressing style, is all like Miss Shirley from the organization.

That cold, indifferent, otherworldly temperament.

Exactly like what he saw in the photo.

This impressive and special temperament would probably be impossible to imitate without the guidance of the Oscar-winning actress.

Is she Miyano Shiho?

But isn't Miyano Shiho dead?

No, wait

According to Gin, Miyano Shiho only took APTX4869 in public and was then taken away by the FBI.

On the organization's list, Miyano Shiho's status is still "unknown" and he is not dead.

In other words, there is still a slight possibility that she is still alive.

However, assuming Miyano Shiho is still alive, how could she appear here?

Masuyama Kenzo was nervous for a while.

Then, he carefully observed the scene and suddenly realized:

This engagement ceremony is the home venue of the Japanese police.

Among the guests present were many senior leaders from various departments of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Could it be that after Miyano Shiho was rescued by the FBI, he still stayed in Japan and cooperated with the Japanese police?

It's not impossible.

After all, it's like the Tokyo Prefectural Police Special Investigation Department is simply a CIA branch.

Based on the father-son relationship between the United States and Japan, it is entirely possible that the Japanese police will have in-depth cooperation with the FBI.

"Could it be that Miyano Shiho is currently working for both the FBI and the Japanese police?"

"But why does she appear in the public eye like this?"

"Is it because you have the protection of both the FBI and the Japanese police that you are no longer afraid of showing your existence?"

The more Kenzo Masama thought about it, the more he felt that something was fishy.

But the woman in front of me looks more and more like her.

Especially, she is still standing in the middle of a group of police officers, skillfully exchanging glasses of wine with those Metropolitan Police officials, chatting and laughing.

"Wait a minute. That's Director Odagiri of the Criminal Division."

"And... several leaders from the Ministry of Public Security?"

Kenzo Masama was shocked to discover:

That Miss "Miyano Shiho" seems to be very familiar with the leaders of the Metropolitan Police Department's Public Security Department.

The Public Security Department of the Metropolitan Police Department is the biggest difference between the Metropolitan Police Department and local police such as Osaka Prefectural Police and Kyoto Prefectural Police:

Only the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has a secret service agency called the "Ministry of Public Security" under its command.

The Ministry of Public Security under the Metropolitan Police Department and the Public Security Investigation Agency under the Ministry of Justice are both official intelligence agencies of Japan.

The two complement each other, and are mainly responsible for "counterintelligence reconnaissance."

To put it bluntly, the Ministry of Public Security is different from the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and the Ministry of Transportation.

Although they are all police departments under the Metropolitan Police Department, they are not ordinary police officers, but a group of special agents.

The undercover "Scotch" who had previously infiltrated the organization was later confirmed to be a police officer working for the Metropolitan Police Department's Public Security Department.

And now.

Several spy chiefs from the Ministry of Public Security present were chatting and laughing with Miss "Miyano Shiho".

Judging from the situation, Miss Miyano seems to have received great courtesy from the Japanese police, and her status is obviously not low.

"If that is really Miyano Shiho."

"The situation is serious."

Masuyama Kenzo tightly clutched a glass of champagne, his palms sweating slightly:

Miyano Shiho knows many secrets but doesn’t tell them.

She is also the chief researcher of APTX4869.

If she is allowed to cooperate with the Japanese police and FBI like this, all the organization's research focus will be known to the enemy.

"Let's check the situation first."

Masuyama Kenzo was going to carefully inquire about the identity of the young lady.

He feels he has an advantage:

That was when he last met Miyano Shiho, Miyano Shiho was still an ignorant child.

After Miyano Shiho grew up, he had only seen photos of Miss Shirley and never met her in person.

In other words, Masuyama Kenzo knew the grown-up Miyano Shiho, but Miyano Shiho should not recognize him now.

Even if he went to inquire face to face, the other party probably wouldn't be able to recognize his true identity.


Masuyama Kenzo looked at the room of police officers present. There were even several spy chiefs from the Ministry of Public Security inside.

As leaders of the Ministry of Public Security, no matter how friendly they appear to be in social situations, in fact they are all smart people with keen senses and extraordinary eyesight.

If his identity is exposed in front of them, the situation will be terrible.

"You probably won't be recognized."

"I haven't seen him for more than ten years. Even if it's really Miyano Shiho, he shouldn't recognize me."

Masuyama Kenzo actually doesn't want to take risks.

But the matter was so important at this time, and he really couldn't just pretend not to see it and not go forward to investigate and confirm.

So, Mr. Ganshan thought about it, and finally decided to go crazy and rush forward to test the authenticity of "Ms. Miyano".


He forced a kind smile.

He also waited specially for the spy chiefs from the Ministry of Public Security to go away and there was no one else in the way of "Ms. Miyano" before he cautiously stepped forward to say hello.

"I am the chairman of Baling Motors, Kenzo Masama."

"Excuse me, Miss."

Masuyama Kenzo smiled and wanted to ask the other party's identity.

But before he finished speaking, the expression of "Ms. Miyano" became subtle:

"Mr. Fanshan."

She looked carefully at the old man who came closer.

As the distance got closer, Masuyama Kenzo's old face looked much clearer than when they just looked at each other from a distance.

"Miss Miyano" seemed to be reminded of some distant memory by this face:

"Kenzo Masama, may I ask you something?"

"Are you my parents' friend?"

"Huh?!" Kenzo Masama was startled.

He is indeed a friend of Miyano Shiho's parents, and has a good relationship with Miyano Hiroshi and Miyano Elena.

Because of this, as a friend of the Miyano couple, he visited the Miyano Shiho sisters who had become orphans.


How could the "Ms. Miyano" in front of her know that he was a friend of her parents.

Could it be that he has been recognized? ?

Masuyama Kenzo felt nervous.

But I saw "Miss Miyano" frowning slightly, as if recalling the past facts:

"Because... I seem to have some impression of your face, Mr. Ganshan."

"It's like I've seen it somewhere before."

"?!" Masuyama Kenzo's fake smile could hardly be maintained:

Does she have an impression of my face?

And where have we met before? ?

Oh no.

This is the real Miyano Shiho!

Otherwise, if he had seen a woman who looked the same as Miyano Shiho before, he would not be completely impressed.

But the other party was impressed by him and said they had met him before.

This can only mean that the other party is Miyano Shiho.

And you can easily recognize him at a glance! !

"Oops, I forgot."

"Miyano Shiho has extraordinary intelligence and photographic memory since he was a child."

"And my appearance is not much different from that of more than ten years ago, so it is very possible for her to recognize me."

Thinking of this, a thin layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Mashan Kensan's forehead.

Seeing the "Ms. Miyano" in front of me still frowning and remembering, it seemed that he would be able to recall his true identity in the next second.

Kenzo Masama suddenly did not dare to stay any longer:

"Haha, maybe you remembered it wrong, Miss?"

"I have something else to do, so I won't talk more here."

With that said, Masama Kenzo turned around and ran away with the wine glass in hand.

I'm afraid that if I stay here for one second longer and let "Ms. Miyano" take one more look, my identity will be exposed on the spot.

And until he ran away in a cold sweat.

"Ms. Miyano" muttered to herself and recalled:

"Oh, I have indeed seen it before."

"This Mr. Fanshan has attended my sister's birthday party before!"

She suddenly realized that Kenzo Masama was one of her family's business partners.

The two parties have not only met, but also met more than once - of course, they are all acquaintances in social situations.


"Mr. Ganshan seems to have something wrong today?"

Suzuki Sonoko looked over with some confusion.

I felt Miss Suzuki's inquiring gaze from afar.

Look at this room full of police officers.

This this

I was indeed recognized, right? ! !


Now even if Gin flies down from the sky in a helicopter, he probably won't be able to save him!

As a criminal who fell into the police den, Mr. Masan is now only in despair.

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