Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 406 Incredible Motives

The evidence given by Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan is strong enough.

At this time, Lin Xinyi also appeared at the confrontation scene.

He was holding Caesar's hand, as if he had just returned from a survey.

The ace police officer of the forensics department was still sniffing the ground.

As soon as it approached Hongshang Wuyi, it suddenly raised its head, arched up, dragged the traction rope that was tightened at that moment, and rushed forward to bite and bark.

"It's really you."

Lin Xinyi provided new evidence:

"We found a bottle of potassium cyanide in the deceased Mr. Kamata's car."

"That bottle of potassium cyanide was probably something you hid in his car in order to disguise his death as suicide, right?"

"Miss Hongshang."

"The potassium cyanide bottle has your scent on it."

Although the police dog identification results cannot be regarded as conclusive evidence, they can become important reference evidence in court.

Especially in this case where the evidence chain is not complete enough.

The results of the police dog identification, combined with the suspect's contradictory confessions and her own suspicious behavior, were enough to convince the court of her murder suspicion.


Hongshang Wuyi was speechless.

She is indeed a murderer.

And she deliberately hid potassium cyanide in ice in order to achieve delayed poisoning and disguise Mr. Kamata's death as suicide.

But this plan was delayed due to accidents.

She added the poisoned ice cubes into the drink cup and discovered that Ninagawa Ayako secretly replaced the iced coffee they ordered with Coke in order to force Kamata to meet and exchange drinks.

So she could only decide to wait until the show started to send the drinks back and not give Kamata a chance to change drinks.

At this time, the performance was suddenly announced to be postponed "indefinitely."

Things are in trouble.

If the show never started, she would never dare to send drinks back.

The dry ice bag used to keep the ice cubes warm had been deliberately discarded outside the venue by Hongshang Wuyi before she was ready to poison the ice.

After a few minutes, the small dry ice cubes scattered out of the bag have probably sublimated.

She did this to "destroy the body and eliminate traces" without leaving any evidence.

But now.

Without the dry ice to help keep the temperature low, even if she took the poisoned ice cubes out of the drink, they would melt sooner or later.

As a result, huge uncontrollable risks appeared in her plan:

If the show starts late, the ice will melt.

Once the potassium cyanide in the ice cubes leaks out, the poisonous cola will turn into a poisonous cola that will actually cause bleeding and seal the throat, losing the "delayed poisoning" effect.

This way, it would be impossible for her to disguise Mr. Kamata's death as a suicide.

Hongshang Wuyi was very anxious at the time.

But she was in a hurry, but only belatedly realized

What is there to be anxious about?

All the traces left during the poisoning process have been cleaned up by her.

She had completely overthought it before.

In fact, there is no need for him to play such redundant killing tricks.

So what if someone is suspected of being the murderer? Isn’t it enough that no evidence can be found?

With this idea in mind, Hongshang Wuyi instantly changed her mind and made a small change in her plan:

She pretended to go to the bathroom and put her drink on the windowsill.

She deliberately left such a gap where the drinks were unattended, and created a "real murderer" out of thin air that may or may not exist.

The plan was almost perfect.

Especially in this world where there are no surveillance cameras, management of highly toxic chemicals is poor, and it is easier to steal potassium cyanide than buy sodium chloride.

But when Hong went to Wuyi, what the murderer never expected was that

"I actually lost on the word 'good guy'."

"It's so ironic."

In fact, the window sill is remote enough.

During the two minutes she pretended to go to the bathroom, the drink was sitting on top and the likelihood of it being taken away was low.

And because of their own moral requirements, it is unlikely that ordinary people would take what others put away just to take advantage of a few drinks.

What's more, this is still a country where people are ashamed to apologize even if they don't wash the dishes, and the quality of the people is the best in the world.

The probability of your drink being taken away is very low.

And even if the poisoned cola was taken away, someone was poisoned to death.

The police couldn't find any evidence pointing to her, and couldn't find anything on her head.

As long as Mai Hongshang actually went to the toilet in those few minutes, her confession could become a fact that could withstand investigation.

The most likely result is that the Metropolitan Police Department, which has a lot of debts to deal with, will add an "unsolved case" to its case records.

Tokyo has another urban legend about "random killings caused by poisoned coke".

None of this has anything to do with Hongshang Wuyi, and she will not be harmed personally.

But she was still worried.

Worried that drinks might be taken away.

Could kill innocent people.

So Hongshang Wuyi didn't dare to really leave to go to the toilet and make up her lies completely.

She could only stay where she was, find a place where no one would notice easily, hide and observe quietly.

"Miss Hongshang."

Mao Lilan also sighed deeply:

She could tell that if Hongshang Wuyi hadn't revealed a flaw because of her soft heart, this case might have become very troublesome.

The other party was defeated by himself, not the police.

"Your colleagues are probably right about you."

"You are a good man'."

Many murderers have already lost their humanity when they decide to kill.

However, Hongshang Wuyi can still remember that she will not implicate innocent people.

Relatively speaking, among murderers, this can be considered "good".

Therefore, Mao Lilan and everyone present were very curious about the truth behind this:

Why did Hongshang Wuyi kill people?

What grudge does she have against Mr. Kamata?

"Actually, there is no grudge"

"At least, it's not a personal vendetta."

Hongshang Wuyi sighed softly.

She revealed her motive for the murder:

It turned out that she discovered a secret of Mr. Kamata by accident.

As the youngest and most promising doctor at Mihua Hospital, Mr. Kamata, while being recognized for his medical work, is not willing to just be a "surgeon" and wants to reach new heights in academics.

As a result, Mr. Kamata's medical career flourished, and he was writing papers with great energy.

As a result, a patient in the hospital developed a disease that was different from the theory he conceived in the paper.

It's like the Inquisition, which summarized the laws of geocentrism, encountered a heretic who gave evidence of heliocentrism.

Mr. Kamata’s choice is not to update his views.

But a fire to burn the heretics to death.

He secretly adjusted the patient's medication and killed the patient quietly.

"Kamata is a murderer."

"He feels that as a doctor, he has the right to control the life and death of others."

"If this kind of person is allowed to continue to live and work as a doctor, we don't know how many patients will die tragically at his hands."

Mentioning this memory, Hongshang Wuyi's face showed deep disgust.

It is difficult to find evidence of Kamata's murder method.

What's more, so much time had passed by the time she knew the truth.

Even if she went to the police, Kamata would not be brought to justice.

So she chose to seek justice herself.

"This" everyone was silent.

Everyone never expected that Kamata, the victim in this case, turned out to be a cruel and terrifying perpetrator.

And Hongshang Wuyi did not kill people for personal revenge.

Just to bring justice to the innocent patient whom she didn't know at all.

"No wonder Miss Hongshang was so confident before. She was confident that the police would not be able to find out the motive for her murder."

"It turns out that for her personally, she really has no 'motive'."

Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi had strange expressions.

From their point of view, from a normal person's perspective, Hongshang Wuyi's motive for killing was really unbelievable.

However, it is precisely because it is so unbelievable that when you think about it carefully, you will be somewhat admired.

"Just like the knights and rogues in novels."

"But reality is not fiction."

Kudo Shinichi sighed softly:

A chivalrous person uses force to break the law, and if he uses lynching in the real world, he must be mentally prepared to take responsibility.

"You win."

Hongshang Wuyi finally accepted the reality:

"You say I'm a knight, but actually I'm just a coward."

She sighed deeply and looked at Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi with complicated eyes:

"After all, if I wasn't confident that I could avoid being discovered, maybe I wouldn't dare to do such a crazy thing."

"But I was discovered anyway."

With that said, Hongshang Wuyi walked up to the police officer and took the initiative to put on the handcuffs:

"You two are awesome."

"I am convinced that I lost to you."

"Yes." Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi nodded slightly, quietly feeling a sense of accomplishment in their hearts.

Especially Kudo Shinichi:

Ever since he met Lin Xinyi, how long had it been since he had handled a serious case?

This time he was finally allowed to return to his old business, and it was a rare occasion for him to indulge in pornography.

In a daze, Kudo Shinichi felt as if he had returned to the past.

At that time, he was still the savior of the Japanese police. No matter where he went, he could hear the cheers of fans and the amazement of the crowd.

He could almost hear the familiar voice of admiration:

"It's really awesome!"

After many days, the extra police officers finally said what they should say:

“Very strong reasoning skills”

Well, yes, that's it.

I haven't heard something like this for a long time.

Please come with more.

"As expected of Manager Lin's girlfriend!"

Kudo Shinichi: "."

His good mood disappeared instantly.

The second is later

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