Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 430 The Case of Chou Silang

Asai Narumi's life experience is not a secret in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Everyone knows that the beautiful and beautiful head of the Asai department was a survivor of the massacre of the Aso family. He came to take over the mess of the autopsy department because of his deep gratitude to Manager Lin for helping him avenge his revenge.

Those who know him better also know that he lurked on Yueying Island disguised as a woman for two full years before his revenge was taken.


Neither Lin Xinyi nor Asai Narumi himself would reveal his true purpose of lurking for two years in front of others.

In the eyes of his colleagues, Asai took the risk of going deep into the enemy's territory during those two years. In order to bring the enemy to justice, he secretly collected evidence of the enemy's crime.

Compared to "secretly planning serial killings," this statement sounds much milder.

But even if the story has changed, people can still feel Asai Naomi's firm belief in avenging his family from this story.


Only then did Sato Miwako remember that Asai Narumi had the same problem as herself.

Even worse than her.

Her father at least died gloriously as a hero of the Metropolitan Police Department. After his death, the police have been sparing no effort to investigate the murderer for his fallen colleague.

But Narumi Asai's family died unjustly in the name of an "accident" due to the perfunctory handling of the Metropolitan Police Department. Even the pursuit of the murderer can only rely on the victim's family themselves.

Asai Narumi must have experienced the emotions she has experienced, and she has experienced them more deeply.

"It's because of experiencing this pain."

"So, Sato, I understand how you feel."

"Even if you don't seem to have much hope for revenge on the surface, I know that you must have never thought of giving up."

Asai Narumi's voice was deep and firm.

Miwako Sato quietly tightened her grip on the steering wheel: "Yes. How could I give up willingly?"

"Then tell me about this case."

"I, Mr. Lin, and Miss Maori may all be able to help you."

"Yes." Sato Miwako nodded solemnly.

Invisibly, the distance between her and Asai Narumi was quietly closing.

But Officer Takagi, who was always silent in the back seat, did not feel any vigilance in his heart.

Because no matter how dull he is, he can still notice that the current atmosphere between Asai and Sato does not look like they are in love.

"Here's the thing."

Sato Miwako began to slowly describe the case that year:

"Eighteen years ago, a well-planned armed robbery occurred at Mihua Bank, with losses as high as 550 million yen."

"The murderer did not reveal his true face during the entire process, and he did not leave any evidence that could identify him."

"The only clue is the 10-second footage captured by the bank surveillance camera of the murderer during the robbery."

"The person in charge of investigating the case at the time was my father, Officer Masayoshi Sato."

"He found out the identity of the murderer through some unknown means and went to hunt down the murderer alone."


Asai Narumi interrupted her with some concern:

"Why did your father go 'alone' to hunt down the murderer?"

Sherlock Holmes knows how to bring along Watson.

The police are a kind of collective animal. If they can fight in groups, they will not fight alone. If they can start a group, they will not lead alone.

Especially for such dangerous work as arresting people, it is even more impossible for the police to act alone.

It takes several people to go out to catch a mad dog.

Not to mention, the person we want to catch this time is a gangster who robbed someone with a gun.

Since Masayoshi Sato has found out the identity of the murderer, why didn't he notify his colleagues as soon as possible?

Why take the risk alone to catch the robber?

"This" Sato Miwako hesitated: "Maybe it was an emergency situation at the time and my father had no time to notify his colleagues, so he had to hunt down the murderer alone, right?"

Eighteen years ago, there were no mobile phones, and communication was indeed not very convenient.

If Masayoshi Sato was about to run away after discovering the murderer, he was too anxious to notify his colleagues and had to chase him alone.

"That does make sense."

Asai Narumi thoughtfully suppressed his doubts:

"Sato, please continue."

"Yeah." Miwako Sato nodded: "Anyway, here's what I can know now:"

"It's because my father didn't tell his colleagues about his discovery, and for some reason, he launched a hunt for the murderer alone."

"The murderer fled desperately on the road, and my father was chasing him closely."


Her voice faltered slightly:

"Then my father was hit by a truck on the road."

"According to eyewitness accounts, it appears that he was pushed in front of the truck by the murderer."

"And because it was raining heavily and the murderer was wearing a mask and hat, no one could see his face."

"The murderer just disappeared without a trace."

"My father was lying on the ground, unconsciously shouting a name."

"Chou Si Lang, Chou Si Lang."

"Zhou Silang?" Officer Takagi, who was listening quietly, also unexpectedly joined the discussion: "So it turns out that the police officer who died in the sensational 'Zhou Silang' case was Miss Sato's father?"

"I remember it said in the news report"

"The police believed that 'Chou Si Lang' was the name of the murderer, but after repeated investigations, they never found this person."

"Yes." Sato Miwako sighed deeply: "No one knows who the 'Shou Silang' in his father's mouth is. They only know that he kept shouting this name at that time."

"after that"

"When my mother and I rushed to the ambulance and saw him for the last time, he just briefly told us some family affairs and did not tell us who the murderer was."

"This" Asai Narumi looked surprised: "Your father could still speak at that time?"

"Then he clearly had the opportunity to reveal the identity of the murderer, so why didn't he?"

"I don't know either."

Miwako Sato shook her head helplessly:

"Maybe it's because he was so seriously injured at the time that he was so confused that he only cared about saying goodbye to my mother and me and didn't care about talking about the case, right?"

He had the strength to explain his funeral to his family, but he chose not to reveal the identity of the murderer.

This is really weird.

After much deliberation, I can only explain it based on Officer Sato's mental state at the time.

But regardless of the reason, the truth was completely buried with the sacrifice of Masayoshi Sato.

Now the police have almost no clues pointing to the murderer except for the name "Chou Si Lang".

Based on this alone, it is almost impossible to solve the case.

"No, it's not that pessimistic."

Miwako Sato gave the last clue in time:

"Because the bank robbery that year caused quite a stir, the Metropolitan Police also attached great importance to my father's sacrifice."

"So for the past eighteen years, the police have been committed to investigating the 'Chou Si Lang' case."

"But they found nothing."

"And the problem lies in this 'nothing was found'."

Miwako Sato said in a strange tone:

"After investigation, it was found that the batch of 550 million cash with serial numbers that the robbers robbed from the bank has no sign of being circulated on the market."

There are numbers on the banknotes.

By tracking the serial numbers on these banknotes, the police can find out whether the stolen cash was used by the murderer and where it might have been used.

However, the 550 million in cash stolen by the robbers showed no trace of circulating in the market.

"How can this be?"

Asai Narumi was a little surprised:

"Did the robber never use the cash after grabbing it?"

"Then why did he rob the bank?"

"Maybe it's because the Chou Si Lang case was so big that the murderer was afraid that he would leave traces when laundering and using the money, so he didn't dare to use the stolen money."

Sato Miwako's tone was also full of doubts:

"This is what we thought at first:"

"But now 18 years have passed, and the 15-year statute of limitations for criminal prosecution has even passed."

"Then what is the murderer still afraid of?"

She also couldn't understand the murderer's thoughts:

"But anyway, this is good news."

"If the murderer never spent the money, then as long as we can confirm the identity of the murderer, we might be able to find the huge amount of stolen money from his home."

"That's enough evidence to prove his identity."

Sato Miwako's tone cheered up slightly, as if she was full of confidence in the detection of the case.

But Asai Narimi knows that this is not easy:

"Convicting evidence is easy to find, but you have to find the murderer first."

"We have so few clues right now."

"The name of a worried man, a 10-second bank surveillance video"

"How on earth did Miss Sato's father use so few clues to confirm the identity of the murderer?"

The more Asai Narumi thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

During Masayoshi Sato's investigation, there were unreasonable and unexplainable weirdness everywhere.

He felt that there was something fishy about the whole case, but he couldn't figure out what went wrong.

"Okay, Asai."

Miwako Sato smiled slightly:

"Don't think about it yet."

"No one has been able to solve this case for eighteen years, and it won't be solved anytime soon."


Miwako Sato stepped on the brakes and slowly parked the car on the side of the road.

The residential area on the roadside has been completely burned by the fire, and the air is still filled with clouds of black smoke that have not yet dissipated.

Fire trucks and police cars blocked the annex, and the police even put up a long cordon on an alleyway on the street.

Looking far away to the ground behind the blockade, you can still faintly see a body lying in a pool of blood.

"We're on scene."

Sato Miwako stopped the car in a smart move and stepped out of the car door first:

"Asai, Takagi."

"Let's solve this case first."

The second is later.

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