Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 456 How come our club is dead?

After following Mao Lilan to the scene, Lin Xinyi immediately noticed the body leaning against the wall.

For forensic doctors, the sooner the autopsy is carried out, the better.

As a police officer, Lin Xinyi would not miss the important task of finding the truth for the deceased just because he wanted to see the tragic scene of Miss Maori's social death.

So he didn't waste a moment. After briefly understanding the situation, he immediately took over the scene from the Megu Police Department.

Then he directed the police officers from the First Search Section to promptly launch an investigation into this heinous murder case.

With Lin Xinyi taking over the command, the Mu Mu Police Department felt more at ease.

Although according to the established rules of the Metropolitan Police Department, the forensics section only plays a supporting role in the investigation, and the search section is the leading party in the investigation.

But the Memu Police Department is very smart.

He is smart and very self-aware.

In the past, Kudo Shinichi was summoned whenever there was a case, but now that Lin Shinichi is here, he is also willing to delegate power.

It is enough that these masters are responsible for the case.

It can't be said that it is useless to follow him around, it can only be said that it is useful.


"Manager Lin, I'll leave this case to you."

The Mu Mu Police Department safely handed over the case to Lin Xinyi.

Then, he quickly turned his head and concentrated on dealing with the trouble that his friend Mouri Kogoro was facing at the moment.

Domestic violence against minors is no small matter.


Megure Police Department looked at Miss Mori who was shaking inexplicably.

He increased his tone and emphasized again:

"I wasn't kidding you just now."

"You must explain to us clearly what happened to Conan."

The atmosphere is tense.

The expression is serious.

The police officer at Mu Mu tightened his round face, showing a look of ruthlessness.

The stainless steel handcuffs hanging around his waist were gleaming.

Justice seems to be coming.

"Uncle Mumu." Mao Lilan was desperate.

She lowered her head pitifully, whimpering softly in despair:

"Just let me go this time!"

"I, I really didn't do anything to Conan!"

"Huh?" Police Department Memu looked confused.

"Xiaolan, I just want you to explain clearly why your father was violent to Conan."

"What are you doing to defend yourself?"

"Uh" Miss Maori was slightly startled.

Only then did she realize that she seemed to have frightened herself into something unexpected.

The Mumu Police Department didn't know the truth originally, but now that she begged for mercy, people noticed something.


The Mumu Police Department suddenly came back to its senses:

"Xiaolan, are you..."

"I didn't!" Mao Lilan shook his head desperately.

"Were you also involved in the domestic violence against Conan?"

Mao Lilan: "."

Although she was suspected by the Mu Mu Police Department of being the cruel big sister of a domestically abused minor.

But compared with the accusation she was worried about at the beginning, the current situation is so much better.

This charge of domestic violence can just explain her abnormal behavior just now, dispel the suspicion of the police department, and prevent her from further social death.

"No, that's right."

Mao Lilan breathed a long sigh of relief and admitted smoothly:

"I hit Conan a few times."

The eyes of the Mumu Police Department twitched: "You"

Why do you look so happy when you say this?

Could it be that Xiaolan is only gentle on the surface, but is a destructive and violent maniac secretly?

Um. She seems to have a tendency in this regard.

The Mumu Police Department thought of the witness reports that the Mihua Police Department would report every now and then about mysterious female high school students vandalizing public property on the street.

"Okay. Xiaolan, I understand the situation."

He tried hard to calm down from the shock.

Then he asked again very persistently:

"Then why do you and your father want to fight Conan?"

"Don't you think it's too much for you to be so cruel to a child?"

The Mumu Police Department wants to know the reason for this.

If Xiaolan and Kogoro beat their children like this without a suitable reason, then he would have to wonder if the father and daughter had some unknown perverted hobby.

If this is the case, then the police must take some necessary protective measures for Conan.

"Well, why are we fighting Conan?"

Mao Lilan fell silent again:


Of course it was because her affair with Conan was exposed, which made her father so angry that he lost control of his emotions.

But how can the truth be told?

“What should I do, how should I answer now?

What kind of excuse must be made up to make her and her father's violent behavior of beating Conan appear to be justified without causing her to fall into social death?

Unprecedented shame and embarrassment turned the smart Maori lady into a fool.

Her face was red and her head was buzzing.

I held it in for a long time and couldn't even form a single sentence.

"Huh?" Memu Police Department felt more and more that something was wrong.

Seeing his eyes getting sharper and sharper, the air getting more and more tense, Miss Maori becoming more and more desperate.

At the critical moment, it was her father who saved her in time:

"Memu, let me tell you!"

Mouri Kogoro sighed deeply, his tone melancholy.

He seemed much calmer and his speech became more convincing.

Then, under the confused and expectant eyes of the Megure Police Department, Mouri Kogoro moved his shoulders that were numb due to the police's pressure, and then said insincerely:

"We fight Conan because"

"Because this kid has gone too far!"

The family scandal cannot be made public, he just needs to make up a suitable reason to save the situation:

"This kid is so perverted that he peeks at girls changing clothes in the mall."

"Xiaolan and I couldn't help but beat him!"

"Ah?" Memu Police Department was slightly startled: "Is it because of this?"

"But Conan is still a child."

"This is just a little guy playing around, how can he be called 'sexy and bold'?"

"He is only 8 years old. What can an 8-year-old primary school student understand?"

The Mumu Police Department couldn't help but defend Conan.

It's a bit annoying when naughty children act up, but after all, they are young and ignorant.

"No, you don't."

"Conan is no ordinary brat!"

"He secretly watches pornographic videos at home every day. Whenever a beautiful woman appears, he will look at their breasts with a leering look."

“Sometimes we even stand guard at windy intersections to watch the young girls’ skirts blow up in the wind.”

“Even the nightclub”

"Nightclub??" Memu Police Department looked shocked.

"Uh" Mouri Kogoro was embarrassed for a while.

He accidentally spilled the beans and told all his personal experiences.


"At a young age, he wanted to go to nightclubs and find mamasang!"

"Fortunately, Xiaolan and I discovered it in time and stopped his shameless behavior!"

Mouri Kogoro said this with an upright face.

At the same time, he also set his sights on his daughter.

He was signaling Xiaolan to follow his tone and round out the lie.

"Xiaolan." Conan also looked over pitifully.

His swollen eyes were filled with grievances.

"Shinichi, I'm sorry."

Mao Lilan clenched her fists quietly.

She gritted her teeth, blushed, pointed at Conan and said:

"No, yes, Conan is indeed a bit lecherous."

"If dad and I hadn't been watching him, he might have done something even more outrageous."

The label of "frivolous, lustful" and "sexy and shameless" was ruthlessly placed on Conan.

If it were an ordinary kid peeking at a girl changing clothes in a mall, he would be considered a "bear" at best.

But if a precocious and lustful kid does this, it is indeed a bit disgusting and disgusting, and it makes people unable to feel sympathy.

Just like Momonosuke in One Piece. He deserves to be beaten to death.

No wonder Kogoro Mori enforces family law so strictly.

Even Miss Maori couldn't help but commit domestic violence.

It turned out that Conan had gone too far.


The Megure Police Department did not just listen to one family's words just because Mouri Kogoro was their friend.

He turned his head cautiously and asked Conan for his explanation:

"Conan, is everything your Uncle Maori said true?"

"Are you really secretly watching pornographic videos at home, peeking under girls' skirts on the street, and watching others change clothes in the mall?"

"I" Conan was speechless for a moment.

He could feel that the police uncles around him looked at him differently.

If he admits this, from now on, everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department will probably know that Mao Lilan has a precocious and lustful little monster in his family.

In the blink of an eye.

How did a person who died socially become like him?

Conan felt despair.

He looked at Uncle Maoli, but Uncle Maoli only glared at him.

He looked at Miss Maori, who gave him a pleading look.

This look made him understand that if he did not die socially, the person who wanted to die socially would become Xiaolan.


Conan swallowed his tears silently.

Xiaolan, I can only help you so far.

He bit his swollen lip and desperately took the blame:

"No, that's right, I've done all those things."

Conan tried his best to open his eyes wide and put on the innocent look of a child who didn't know anything about the world:

"But boys all like big sisters who don't wear clothes."

"What's wrong with that?"

After finishing speaking, Conan closed his eyes in despair.

All he wanted now was to use his anesthesia watch and shoot hard at his neck.

Then he fell asleep forever and never woke up again.

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