Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 464 [Extra] Valentine’s Day (2)

In the afternoon, after class.

Haibara Ai did not go home directly, but returned to Maori's house with Conan.

She is here to borrow kitchens, materials and molds——

I'm going to spend Valentine's Day with my boyfriend tonight.

There is not much time left for Haihara Ai to prepare chocolate.

Only at the home of a Maori lady who loves to make desserts and snacks, the materials and molds for making Valentine's Day chocolates can be easily gathered in a short time.

And Mao Lilan, who has MAX proficiency in housekeeping skills, can also serve as her chocolate-making tutor:

“Homemade chocolate sounds easy, but it’s not that easy:”

“The key point is to match the proportions of cocoa powder, frosting sugar, milk powder, butter and other materials to control the sweetness and taste of the chocolate.”


Mao Lilan is indeed a very responsible teacher.

She gave Haiyuan Ai a detailed explanation, and actually turned the supposed simple method of making homemade chocolate into a complicated method that made this talented girl feel a little dizzy.


Hui Yuan Ai frowned slightly.

The simple and straightforward brain of a science student makes it difficult for her to accept Miss Maori’s tedious steps with a craftsman’s spirit:

"Comparing the homemade chocolate made with such laborious efforts to the 'homemade chocolate' made by directly heating and melting the purchased chocolate."

"Would it make any difference?"

"Of course." Mao Lilan nodded seriously: "The ingredients of the finished chocolate purchased are carefully prepared by food experts according to the manufacturer's taste and market demand."

"It will definitely taste better than homemade chocolate."

Haibara Ai:"."

So you just talked about so many tips on making homemade chocolate, are you talking nonsense?


Mao Lilan blinked her big, innocent eyes:

“The important thing about homemade chocolate is not the taste, but the intention of the maker.”

"Unlike soulless assembly line products, when we make chocolate with our hands, we unknowingly put our own hearts into it."

Her words were like the sensational music played at the end of a Spring Festival Gala skit, unexpectedly elevating the theme.

Miss Haiyuan dismissed this:

"It's just a useless ritual to impress yourself."

"Men only know that it is homemade chocolate, but they don't see how much 'thought' goes into it."


Mao Lilan scratched his head awkwardly:

"Then, Xiao Ai"

"Shall we just heat and melt the finished chocolate we bought this time?"

"No." Hui Yuan Ai shook his head.

She put on her apron, grabbed the spatula, climbed onto the chair on tiptoes, and stood firmly in front of the stove:

“Let’s make our own with cocoa powder.”

"I've been hearing about homemade chocolate tips for so long. If you don't use them, your time will be wasted."

Miss Haiyuan still chose the more troublesome method.

Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment, and then reacted thoughtfully.

A smile appeared on her lips, and she helped Haihara Ai make Valentine's Day chocolates step by step.

Conan was also busy running around, helping out.

Soon, a sweet aroma filled the kitchen.

The prepared hot chocolate syrup was carefully poured into the mold by Haihara Ai. It only had to be placed in the refrigerator to cool and take shape, and the Valentine's Day chocolate was completed.

"By the way, Xiao Ai:"

Mao Lilan held a piping bag filled with chocolate syrup and asked with implicit encouragement:

"Do you want to write something on the chocolate for Mr. Lin?"

What should be written on Valentine's Day chocolates must be love words.

This puts Hui Yuan Ai in a difficult position.

In terms of romance, she needs poverty alleviation just like Lin Xinyi:


"Just write his name."

"Okay." Mao Lilan nodded.

She picked up the piping bag and quickly left a big name on the chocolate:


"Well" Miss Maori was silent for a while.

It is indeed a bit strange to only write Lin Xinyi's name.

So, she turned her head and looked at Haiyuan Ai:

"Xiao Ai, why don't you write your name again?"

"Write two people's names together and draw a big heart. Isn't this a good design?"

"Okay." Hui Yuan Ai had no objection.

Mao Lilan quickly picked up the decorating bag again and prepared to "paint", but as soon as the paintbrush was lifted up, it inexplicably stopped in mid-air.

Something suddenly occurred to her:

"Xiao Ai, which name should I write for you?"


"Just to be safe, just write 'sorrow'."

"OK." Mao Lilan blinked.

She quickly started to write a big word "sorrow" on the chocolate.


After seeing the physical effect, Miss Maori fell silent again:

"Feel sorry."

"I should have used Roman accent."

Haibara Ai:"."

When I wrote "新一" in Chinese characters just now, no one noticed it.

Now use Chinese characters to write the big word "sorrow" on the chocolate.

This is not a Valentine's Day chocolate for my boyfriend.

It was clearly a funeral wreath for her ex-boyfriend.

"Forget it. That's it."

Haiyuan Ai sighed helplessly:

"Anyway, he deals with dead people every day and has never been taboo about this."

"Yeah." Mao Lilan nodded sheepishly.

While she was hurriedly putting the shaped chocolate into the refrigerator to cool down, she casually asked:

"Speaking of which, I've always been a little curious:"

"Why did you name yourself 'Ai'?"

"This kind of name is very rare."

Normal people would put some good words into their names.

But Haiyuan Ai is a name that sounds a bit ominous.


Hui Yuan Ai was slightly startled.

"Shinichi gave me this name."

"Mr. Lin picked it up?"

Mao Lilan was a little surprised:

"Why did he give you such a strange name?"

As a boyfriend, Lin Xinyi should want his lover to be happy, right?

Why use the word "sorrow"?

"." Hui Yuan Ai was silent for a while.

Under Mao Lilan's curious questions, she also thought of this question that she had never delved into:

Why do you call yourself Hui Yuan Ai?

Although she likes the name very much.

But at that time, she had just escaped from the clutches of the organization. For the first time in her life, she had freedom, a lover, and the opportunity to reunite with her family, but she was not sad at all.

Why did Lin Xinyi give himself such an unusual and weird name?

Is it random, or is there another reason?

Huiyuan Ai was puzzled.

And just then.

"Huiyuan Ai, Huiyuan Ai"

Conan on the side suddenly thought of something.

He frowned and stood there in deep thought. He kept mumbling Hui Yuan Ai's name, as if he was trying hard to remember something:

"This name."

"I think I've heard it somewhere before."

"Uh?" Hui Yuarai was slightly startled:

Isn't this a pseudonym that Lin Xinyi randomly gave her?

How could Conan have heard of it before?

"Oh, right"

Conan recalled something from the corner of his memory:

"It seems that Lin Xinyi himself mentioned it to me sometime."

"He said that Haihara Ai seems to be a friend of his."

‘Wha, what? ’ Mao Lilan opened her mouth in surprise.

Huiyuan Ai's cold expression, which had remained unchanged for thousands of years, was slightly stagnant:

"Haiyuan Ai" actually exists?

Doesn't that mean.

Out of some unknown psychology, Lin Xinyi assigned the name of another woman to her girlfriend?

Has she been living under someone else's name?


"Speak clearly."

Haiyuan Ai's expression turned serious:

"When and how did Lin Xinyi tell you?"

"Who is that Haiyuan Ai?"

"Um," Conan scratched his big head, which meant he didn't need makeup to play the big-headed son, with a very embarrassed expression.

"I can't remember clearly."

It is true that he is a famous detective with an amazing memory.

But the human brain is not a mobile hard drive with unlimited storage space.

In order to ensure that it is not overwhelmed by useless junk information, the human brain will automatically classify information judged as unimportant as short-term memory.

These short-term memories will not be preserved for long before they are completely erased.

Just like it is impossible for people to remember the first words they said to others 33 days ago.

It is difficult for Conan to recall now when Lin Xinyi mentioned "Haihara Ai" to him, and what specific information was mentioned in the conversation.

At this moment, the only thing he could vaguely think of was;

"Lin Xinyi did mention 'Huiyuan Ai' to me."

"Besides, it should have been before Haiyuan you became smaller."

Conan gave an ambiguous answer.

But such an uncertain answer made his words less like some groundless fantasy:

"Anyway, Lin Xinyi said that this 'Haihara Ai' is his friend."

"This is impossible."

Haiyuan Ai's voice lost its initial calmness:

"Before I became young, Lin Xinyi had just lost his memory not long ago."

"He has forgotten what happened before."

"He has been working in the laboratory and the Metropolitan Police since then, with me and you two."

"If he met a friend named 'Haihara Ai', how come we don't know anything about her?"

Hearing this, Mao Lilan and Conan couldn't help but fell into deep thought:

Indeed, they did not understand Lin Xinyi before.

But Lin Xinyi has been hanging out with the two of them basically every day since the day he "committed suicide" and "lost his memory".

I didn't find that he had made any new friends.

Moreover, even if he did make some new friends

Then why do you name your girlfriend after this friend?

"Is that so?"

Mao Lilan tried to make a guess:

"This 'Haiyuan Ai' is someone Mr. Lin knew before he lost his memory."

"This person should have some extremely important meaning to him."

"So even if Mr. Lin loses other memories, he still has an impression of her."

"It is for this reason that he"

"He gave you the name 'Haiyuan Ai'."

As he spoke, Mao Lilan's voice couldn't help but become much softer.

Because she had already seen that something was wrong with the situation.

And you can also feel Haiyuan Ai's mood at this moment:

Even her name now belongs to someone else.

So who is she?

Is it a substitute for "Haihara Ai"?

In other words, the reason why Lin Xinyi fell in love with her from the beginning was because she regarded her as a substitute for a certain woman? ?

The kitchen is still filled with the sweet aroma of chocolate.

But there was already a hint of bitterness in Hui Yuan Ai's heart:

"Haibara Ai"

She said the name silently.

Haibara Ai realized that compared with Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko, Belmode, and her own sister,

This Haihara Ai may be her real enemy.

An update today.

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