Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 662 Influence

It turns out that Dr. Agasa and Miss Kinoshita both misunderstood each other.

Dr. Ali regarded her friend as her husband as her driver.

Miss Kinoshita also regarded the gang of little gangsters who followed him as his grandchildren.

Both parties mistakenly believe that the other party already has a family.

That's why we don't want to disturb each other.

But in fact, they have never been married or in love in the past 40 years, and they have been waiting for each other silently.

Fortunately, Lin Xinyi pointed this out at the last moment.

Dr. Agasa and Miss Kinoshita finally knew each other's true intentions.

"Very good"

"Hopefully they can end up together."

Watching Dr. Agasa blushing and driving away with Miss Kinoshita, Curacao also secretly sent his blessings to him in his heart.

Although she is not an acquaintance of Dr. Ali.

But after spending such a short afternoon together, she felt as if she, these children, Dr. Ali, and everyone who accompanied her had become family members who knew each other and loved each other.

This makes Curacao feel inexplicably warm.

It was as if she finally got what she had always dreamed of.

"big sister!"

"Let's go back first~"

It was already evening, and the sun was gradually setting.

Dr. Agasa is already busy reminiscing with Miss Kinoshita. No, going on a date.

Seeing such a happy ending, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta finally went home to rest with peace of mind.

The only ones left on the scene were Conan, Haibara Ai, Lin Xinyi, Mao Lilan, Curacao, and Belmode.

"I still have something to do."

"Just take the first step."

Belmod left a meaningful look in his eyes and turned around to leave.

"Miss Chris, goodbye!"

Curacao will already take the initiative to say goodbye to her.

And the tone was quite reluctant.

It wasn't until she watched Belmod disappear completely in front of her eyes that she turned back with some embarrassment and asked:

"Mr. Lin, where will I stay tonight?"

"It's better to stay at Dr. A Li's house."

Lin Xinyi gave her a reassuring smile:

"We will take you back now and help you prepare your room."

"Yeah, thank you."

Curacao nodded gratefully.

Then he carefully followed Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan, and walked with everyone to Dr. A Li's house.

The entire journey was silent.

Until they came to a remote and desolate intersection.

Seeing no one around, Miss Curacao, who was silent all the time, finally couldn't help but


A tear fell.

"What's the matter, Miss Curacao?"

Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan all gathered around with concern.

But Miss Curacao’s eyes were quietly moist.

Under the clear water light, her beautiful eyes of different colors turned into a pair of fluorescent sparkling gems, one side as blue as water, the other as white as jade.

"Yeah, sorry"

Curacao tried his best to smile:

"Thank you for being so kind to me."

"But Mr. Lin, I already know everything."

"'Everything is known'?"

Lin Xinyi was slightly startled.

A hint of vigilance burst out in his eyes:

"What do you mean? Did you remember something?"

"No." Curacao shook his head.

She hadn't thought of anything yet.

But just because her brain is broken doesn't mean her brain is broken.

The IQ is still there.

There are some strange places that Curacao has noticed:

"Mr. Lin, tell me the truth:"

"Actually, the person who knocked me out."

"It's you and Miss Chris, right?"

"Huh?" Lin Xinyi's expression froze, and his body became tense.

Next to them, Conan and Haibara Ai silently turned on their anesthesia watches.

Although Mao Lilan looked troubled, she secretly stood firm and prepared to fight.

They were all ready to take Curacao.

But Curacao has no intention of taking action:

"Sure enough, I guessed it right."

She just bit her lip in pain and muttered to herself:

"That's why I'm so afraid of the police."

"That's why when I hear 'call the police,' I instinctively get a headache."

"That's why you and Miss Chris have been secretly wary of me. You have to disguise yourself before you even go out."

"It turns out that I am a wanted criminal after all."

"A bad guy who has forgotten his past."

"This" Lin Xinyi looked strange and hesitated to speak.

But Curacao just looked at him with a guilty look:

"Don't lie to me, Mr. Lin."

"I already know that you are the management officer of the Metropolitan Police Department and a powerful policeman."

"The reason why you and Miss Chris beat me up like this is probably because I brought it upon myself."

She thought about it and already thought of herself as a villain.

And when Lin Xinyi and Chris beat her up like this, it was just the police catching bad guys.

This couldn't be further from the truth.

Curacao, who guessed the truth, didn't hate Lin Xinyi at all.

Instead, she looked over very moved:


"Thank you for giving me this opportunity."

"Let me experience what it's like to live in the sun before I'm sent to prison."

As he spoke, Curaçao’s voice almost choked with sobs:

"Thank you for believing in me now"

"Well" Lin Xinyi, Mao Lilan and others' expressions were more subtle.

Curacao, on the other hand, had already stretched out his hands while talking to himself:

"Mr. Lin, put handcuffs on me."

"I am very satisfied that you have been able to act with me until now just to fulfill my little wish."

"I know I should pay for what I did."

She sincerely repented of her crimes.

Even though she hadn't even remembered what crime she had committed.

This made Lin Xinyi and others very embarrassed.

Of course they couldn't send Curacao to jail.

But Curaçao still took care of himself and "explained the funeral affairs" there:

"If you can, please try not to tell Ayumi and them the truth."

"I don't want them to know."

"Their big sister is a bad person."

The words just fell

Lin Xinyi and others have not expressed their stance yet.

On this lonely and uninhabited road, a cold and terrifying voice suddenly sounded:

"Hmph, you have really become weak."

"Who?!" Curacao's expression froze.

This cold male voice seemed very familiar to her.

Could it be someone I knew before?

"Sure enough, he has lost his memory."

The man with the voice slowly appeared.

Wearing a jet black trench coat, long silver hair, and a face as cold as ice.

"You, you are?"

Curacao stared at the man blankly.

Somehow, that familiar feeling grew stronger.


Lin Xinyi called out his name with an ugly expression.

Hui Yuan Ai's face turned pale and her whole body trembled.

"Gin? Gin gin"

Curacao murmured the name.

Memories of the past surged forward, making her head ache.

Gin didn't explain, he just took out a stack of colorful transparent cards from his arms.

These are the "memory cards" that Curaçao used to use to aid quick memorization.

It is a special prop specially designed for her own memory ability.

These colorful and transparent cards, which may seem ordinary to others, are to her the keys to the memory library.

So, the next second I saw these colorful cards.

Curacao’s headache suddenly worsened a hundred times.

Memories of the past flowed out like a tide.

The organization, rum, gin, Bellmode, the brick that Bellmode knocked on her, everything, were all recalled by her in an instant.

"I, I am."


Curacao remembered her name.

"Very good." Gin smiled coldly: "It seems you have recovered your memory."

"I" Curaçao was speechless for a moment.

She did remember who she was.

But somehow, she didn't want to admit it at all.

She didn't want to go back to the past, and she didn't want to be that Curacao anymore.

But Gin would not give her a chance to refuse.

"Okay, let's talk about the gossip later."

"I still have business to do."

A cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and his murderous aura was evident.

"Oops." Curacao's heart sank.

Before she even had time to think, she instinctively turned to Lin Xinyi and shouted:

"Mr. Lin, be careful!"

Gin raised his gun at this moment.

Lin Xinyi also dodged at this moment.

But the gunfire sounded from another direction.

A direction where the end cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye.

The gunshot hadn't even sounded yet.

A blood flower bloomed from behind Lin Xinyi.

He didn't even have time to finish his dodge before he was caught off guard and fell to the ground screaming.


Curacao's eyes were filled with tears.

"What?" Gin smiled coldly at her:

"Are you heartbroken for your enemy?"

"I" Curaçao's expression froze:

Yes, Lin Xinyi turned out to be her enemy.

She still has the injuries caused by Lin Xinyi.


Not only did she not hate it at all.

Instead, you instinctively want to protect him?

"It seems that this memory loss has really had a great impact on you."

"Wake up for me——"

"You are Curaçao, the Curaçao of the organization!"

Gin snorted coldly and threw another pistol into Curacao's hand:

"You fire the next shot."

Curacao was trembling and speechless.

The pistol that had once been as handy as her fingers felt too heavy to lift in her hand.

"I said that:"

"You fire the next shot!"

Gin snorted coldly.


Curacao swallowed hard.

Lin Xinyi fell to the ground and screamed.

Taken in Mao Lilan, where the sniper dared not move.

The pale Conan, the shivering Haihara Ai

Everyone's miserable situation was reflected in her eyes one by one.

Curacao knew what Gin was up to.

Gin was suspicious that her journey of amnesia would affect her character and her absolute loyalty to the organization.

So he wanted to surrender his name.

Use the blood of her new friends to prove that she is still the same person.


Scenes of scenes flashed through Curacao's mind uncontrollably.

There is Lin Xinyi's caring smile, Mao Lilan's gentle eyes, and everyone's silent companionship from Ayumi, Haibara Ai, and Dr. Ali.


"I'm not the same person anymore."

Curacao finally confirmed that he had really changed.

It's a bit incredible.

But in such a short day, I just visited the zoo with my children.

This female assassin of the organization has really changed.

Curacao does not want to return to the organization, let alone be a killer.

"What?" Gin was still urging her indifferently: "Aren't you willing to do it?"

"Curaçao, you should know the consequences of such hesitation."

"I know."

Curacao took a deep breath.

Even though he knew that he was facing Gin.

Even though he knew that he was already targeted by a sniper.

Despite knowing that there is little hope of victory.

But she still resolutely stood in front of everyone, raising her gun towards Gin and her past.

"You are betraying the organization!"

The murderous look in Gin's eyes grew stronger.

"I know!"

Curacao did not hesitate to pull the trigger.

With a bang, the bullet was shot out

But Gin turned out to be fine.


Curacao's face darkened:

Damn it was Gin who handed this gun to her!

He had been guarding against her from the beginning!

Curaçao felt increasingly desperate.

But that didn't change her stance.

She still stood firmly in front of everyone, trying to fight Gin and a sniper in the dark with her bare hands.

This is obviously a life-or-death choice.

But Curacao still chose this without hesitation.

So, the next second, Gin

"Ha ha ha ha."

Gin actually threw the gun away and smiled happily.

Lin Xinyi, who had been seriously injured and fell to the ground, stood up from the pool of blood alive and well.

Mao Lilan smiled sheepishly.

Conan curled his lips helplessly.

Huihara Ai, who had previously shivered in front of Ginjiu, regained her former composure in an instant.

Counting "Gin", everyone here is a fugitive Oscar winner.

"What, what are you doing?"

Curacao suddenly realized something.

"Sorry, just to be on the safe side."

"We can only use this method to help you recover your memory, and by the way, test your attitude."

Gin took off his mask.

What was exposed was Belmod's face.


Curacao has it all figured out:

"Did you really betray the organization?"

"Yes." Belmode smiled and shrugged:

"Just like you, isn't it?"

Curacao was silent again.

The ups and downs of life left her unable to express her feelings for a while.

But Mao Lilan had already blinked her big, watery eyes at her:

"Miss Curacao."

"I know you don't want to be a bad guy anymore—"

"Although there is no reason, I have believed so firmly from the beginning."

"Now we have an opportunity to get rid of the organization completely."

"Miss Curacao, are you willing to fight alongside us?"

This time Curacao showed little hesitation.

She followed her heart and answered instinctively:

"I do."

Curacao stretched out his hand and grasped the light in front of him.

"Welcome, Miss Curacao."

The light embraced her too.

Curacao's brain, which had just recovered its memory, suddenly felt a dull pain again.

She tilted her body and fell asleep under Mao Lilan's gentle eyes.

"The 26th scene simulation is over."

"Operation Probation: Success."

"Operation success rate so far: 100%."

"Miss Chris, do you need to reset the 'player' memory, modify the story line, and continue the scene simulation?"

Dr. A Li's house, underground laboratory.

The sound of Noah's Ark slowly sounded.

"No need?"

Lin Xinyi looked at Belmode:

"We've all tried so many times."

"The script has been changed several times."

"Curaçao never once sided with Gin or the organization."

"This girl is really not bad at heart."

He especially remembers the "Amusement Park" script.

Noah's Ark even let NPC Gin come out in an Osprey rotorcraft.

Curacao actually chose to betray the organization without hesitation and risked his life to protect everyone.

That's when you're facing rockets and machine guns.

Is there any need to doubt which side Curacao is on?

But Belmode was still a little hesitant:

"Curaçao is Rum's confidant."

"When I went to an amusement park or a zoo with my children, I immediately rebelled."

"Are the simulation results really reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable." Noah's Ark assured confidently.

"Okay." Belmode thought for a while before finally making a decision: "Just keep the results of the last scene simulation and release her from the 'game world'."

"no problem."

The holographic simulation game cabin named "Cocoon" finally flashed with lights indicating the end of the game.

The cabin door slowly opened, revealing Curacao's peaceful and peaceful sleeping face.

"Take her to bed."

Belmode turned to Lin Xinyi and gave detailed instructions:

"Remember to ask everyone to memorize the script of the last simulation and stop acting out."

"Hey" Lin Xinyi just sighed.

He is going further and further down the road of crime.

And together with Conan, Mao Lilan, and Dr. Ali, they went dark collectively.

"I understand, but"

"What about those kids?"

"Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, Genta, they won't cooperate with us in acting."

"It doesn't matter."

Belmode replied nonchalantly:

"She won't be able to remember those things herself."

"Noah's Ark left her with only a very vague memory, and..."

"An 'instinct' that is close to us, or, in other words, a mental imprint."

Lin Xinyi: "This"

Isn't this just washing people?

"It's influence."

Belmode corrected him solemnly:

"It's true that it's probation——"

"We didn't actually do anything."

"It just brought out the kindness deep inside her."

This is true.

"But what Miss Mori said was inspiring."

"It shouldn't be this kind of influence, right?"

Lin Xinyi sighed helplessly.

"Then what else can be done?"

"Did you really let a female killer who might wake up at any time wander around outside with the children?"

Belmod glanced at him angrily.

Then his expression became gentle again, and he reached out to touch his cheek:

"I said that:"

"Just be a good policeman."

"I will help you do what the CIA should do."

"Okay." Lin Xinyi stopped talking.

Just let go of this entanglement, and together with Belmode, gently carry the sleeping Curaçao out of the holographic game cabin.

They carried Curacao out of the basement, carried her to the bedroom prepared in advance, and placed her smoothly on the bed.

Outside the window is the sunset that has not yet set.

Just like in the simulation scenario.

"Dr. Agasa should have found Miss Kinoshita by now, right?"

Belmod suddenly asked curiously.

"Definitely found it."

"The codes have all been cracked by Conan."

"We also sent him the detailed information we found on Noah's Ark."

"Dr. Agasa knows that the person he is looking for is the famous fashion designer, Fusae Campbell Kinoshita."

It has a name, a surname, a phone number, an address, and even the location of the other person’s cell phone. It’s a shame if you miss it.

“To be honest, I really didn’t expect it.”

Lin Xinyi sighed with emotion:

"Dr. A Li's childhood sweetheart is 50 years old, and he is still alive"

"Huh?" Belmode snorted displeasedly.

"Ahem. Actually..."

"Still single and not married."

"I think she has been waiting for Dr. Ali for the past 40 years."

Lin Xinyi secretly cheered for Dr. A Li in his heart.

Belmode also showed a rare blessing smile.

And just when they were discussing Dr. Ari's first love.

Curacao has opened his eyes hazily.


Belmod instantly put on a gentle expression:

"you're awake."

"I" Curacao slowly straightened up from the bed: "How long have I slept?"

"Not long."

Belmod looked at the sunset outside the window:

"You woke up just as we brought you back."

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