Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 670 Akai’s Nightmare

Today is also a complicated and fulfilling day for Akai Shuichi.

He was first "hijacked" by Ireland in the morning, and later met the mysterious Mr. Noah.

After returning to the FBI and briefly discussing countermeasures with James, he hurriedly returned to the Metropolitan Police Department as Subaru Okiya and told the police the details of how he was casually released by the gangsters after being "hijacked".

After finishing the transcript, Akai Shuichi learned that the police station next door had been attacked by a mysterious woman in the morning.

Although he judged that the attack might be related to the organization, the prisoner had already escaped and disappeared, and he could not trace it even if he wanted to.

So he went to work, got off work, and went home to rest as usual as Okiya Subaru.

until night

"Why hasn't Mr. Lin come back yet?"

Akai Shuichi noticed that the Lin Xin family next door was unusually quiet.

Because Lin Xinyi disappeared since the morning and has not appeared again until now.

At first, he thought this was just Lin Xinyi's traditional performing arts - this manager Lin often took time off to travel and go shopping with his female students, and kept saying that this was how he worked.

So Akai Shuichi didn't pay much attention at first. He just thought there was some sudden activity on Mao Lilan's side, so he called Lin Xinyi and Miss Chris over.

However, it is now almost late at night.

There was still no movement in Lin Xin's family.

Neither he nor Miss Chris came back.

"Where are they now?"

Akai Shuichi did not forget that he was also tasked with monitoring and protecting Lin Xinyi.

So he tried to dial Lin Xinyi's number.

No one answered.

I tried calling Miss Chris again.

No one answered.

Call Mao Lilan again.

Mao Lilan just answered hesitantly, saying that she had never seen Lin Xinyi and Chris today.

Call Dr. Ali again.

Dr. A Li actually said that he was busy dating.

He hung up the phone without saying a few words.

I called around and no one knew where they were.

Akai Shuichi vaguely felt something was wrong:

This situation has never happened before.

When I opened the tracking and positioning software on my computer, I found that the sports car equipped with the positioning device seemed to have not been driven away in the first place and was still parked in the parking lot of the Metropolitan Police Department.


Akai Shuichi felt even worse.

He could only try to guess Lin Xinyi's position:

"If Mr. Lin is not at home or with his friends."

"Then he should be here now"

A face with complicated emotions slowly emerged in his mind:

"Miss Asai."

If Lin Xin didn't go home at night and wasn't with his friends, he would have to go to his "girlfriend".

I just don’t know how Miss Chris could come along.

Thinking of this, even though he didn't want to listen to the inexplicably familiar voice, Akai Shuichi still tried to dial Miss Asai's mobile phone.

As a result, no one answered.

I called several times and no one answered.

Miss Asai has also lost contact?

"Is it a coincidence, or..."

Or ran away together?

Akai Shuichi suddenly had a very bad premonition.

A certain absurd idea that he had dismissed long ago grew like an inexhaustible weed.

"No, it's impossible."

"She's not Akemi at all."

"Mr. Lin didn't even know about the existence of the organization before, and it's impossible for him to have any contact with Mingmei."

In fact, there is.

Lin Shinichi and Miyano Akemi are elementary school classmates and may have known each other from a long time ago.

Akai Shuichi couldn't help but think of this again.

"It's just a temporary loss of contact. Maybe I'm overthinking."

"But let's go take a look."

He was really uneasy and finally walked out of the house unable to sit still.

It was a fast ride and the engine roared.

Driven by the worries in his heart, Shuichi Akai quickly drove to the door of Miss Asai's villa at a speed that even the experienced driver couldn't keep up with vodka.

Then I looked up:

The lights were dim and there seemed to be no one in the room.

"Miss Asai, are you at home?"

Akai Shuichi stepped forward and rang the doorbell a little uneasily.

Sure enough, no one responded.

Tried calling again, still no answer.

"." Akai Shuichi was silent and hesitated for a while.

He knew he should go back.

But the lingering crazy thoughts drove him to unlock the door without asking.

The door opened, and what came into view was the empty entrance hall.

Shuichi Akai turned on the light and walked into the house, but immediately realized that something was wrong:

“Too clean.”

"No, not just 'clean'."

Akai Shuichi's heart sank.

The villa seemed to have been cleaned just now.

Only the person who cleans it is not a housewife, but a trace expert.

After a brief inspection, Akai Shuichi suddenly discovered:

The coffee tables, cup walls, and door handles that should have left many fingerprints in daily life were actually so clean that not even a single fingerprint could be seen.

It is common to see hair falling out on bathroom floors, wash basins, and drains, all of which appear smooth and spotless amid the smell of bleach.

Even if the professional investigation team from the forensics department came over, they probably wouldn't be able to find any useful inspection materials in this room.

Then I walked to the bedroom and took a look:

The beds have been made, and the desks, wardrobes, and bedside tables are all empty.

At first glance, it looked like someone had packed it up and taken it away.

Leaving with so many things is almost like moving.

But if it's just a move, why do you need to clean up the traces so cleanly?


The air becomes more oppressive in the silence.

"no, I can not"

Akai Shuichi still has a glimmer of hope.

But he soon discovered to his despair:

Miss Asai didn't seem to clean up carefully enough before leaving here.

At least one thing remained.

It was a stack of tear-off sticky notes that I kept in my kitchen.

Although there is no writing on this stack of sticky notes, there is a line of writing vaguely printed on the top note.

Akai Shuichi immediately found a pencil and painted out this line of writing clearly.

I saw it read:

"Lunch box prepared for Mr. Lin~"

"Wish you good luck with your work~"

The content was very ordinary, and it looked like a note posted on the lunch box of a housewife to her husband.

But this trace.

"It's Mingmei's handwriting!"

Akai Shuichi's expression suddenly froze.

He opened his eyes and looked carefully several times before finally confirming that he had not made a mistake.

This is really Mingmei's handwriting.

Mingmei is still alive? !

Has she always lived here?

This should be good news.

But somehow, Akai Shuichi only felt an unspeakable sourness.

"Lunch box prepared for Mr. Lin~"

This short line of words seemed to have some kind of magic power, making Akai Shuichi stare at it in a daze and tremble all over.

He thought of the intimate date scene between Lin Xinyi and "Miss Asai" that he had witnessed with his own eyes.

Holding hands, hugging, kissing deeply in the street, never leaving in the face of bombs, flying together in the Tokyo night sky.

How romantic and affectionate these images are.

But now that the images of "Miss Asai" and "Miyano Akemi" have quietly overlapped, these romantic pictures are like sharp knives, piercing Mr. Akai's heart.

He never thought that this would really be the case.

What I once thought was a ridiculous nightmare has become a reality.


Akai Shuichi slowly clenched his fists.

He was clenching so hard that his finger joints were cracking and deforming.

Although he tried hard to regain his composure, more images emerged uncontrollably in his mind:

For example, the tape Mingmei left for him contained the breakup declaration.

"Miss Asai"'s indifferent expression when she rejected him.

There are also the razors in her shopping bag, men's slippers, and her happy expression when she is with Lin Xinyi.

Akai Shuichi stood frozen as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. It took a long time before he finally regained some vitality.

"Sure enough, Lin Xinyi and Mingmei know each other and have always been in contact."

"When Mingmei was in danger, it was him, his 'old classmate,' who probably helped her."

Based on the existing clues, Akai Shuichi quickly imagined a good drama in which a folk master hero saves a beauty.

Lin Shinichi must have rescued Miyano Akemi, and then asked his friend Asai Narumi to hide Miyano Akemi here.

Speaking of which, I actually have to thank Lin Xinyi.

If it weren't for Lin Xinyi's presence, Mingmei might have encountered something unexpected.

So you can't blame Akemi.

Shuichi Akai can only blame himself.

It was he who didn't show up when Mingmei needed her most, and pushed Mingmei into the arms of other men.


"What is the relationship between Lin Xinyi and Miss Chris?"

"Are they really boyfriend and girlfriend? If so."

"How could Mingmei be with a man who already has a girlfriend?"

Akai Shuichi instinctively felt something was wrong:

Who is Lin Xinyi?

That's a scumbag who has his feet in two different things!

He clearly said that he wanted to show off and break up with his girlfriend for her, but he still hangs out with his "ex-girlfriend" every day until now.

How could Mingmei like such a romantic bastard? !

But if she didn't like Lin Xinyi, the various intimate interactions she had with Lin Xinyi when they were dating were all witnessed by him at the time.

The items in her shopping bag that day also proved that she had indeed been living with Lin Xin.

Is Mingmei really willing to be with that scumbag rather than return to him again?

There were too many questions in Akai Shuichi's heart.

But no one can give the answer.

He could only do his best to search in this empty villa, looking for anything that could help him get closer to the truth.


Akai Shuichi found another clue——

Perhaps "Miss Asai" was careful when cleaning up the traces and missed something like this without finding it; perhaps, someone left it here intentionally.

He actually found a tape in the tape recorder in the desk drawer that he seemed to have forgotten to take out.

The packaging of the tape is completely blank, and judging from the overall style:

"It's exactly the same as the tape I got from Lin Xinyi at that time."

Seeing this tape, Akai Shuichi could almost imagine the sour scene of Miyano Akemi sitting in front of the desk, looking at Lin Shinichi's face next to him, and recording the "breakup declaration" for him.

He took a deep breath and finally summoned up the courage to press the switch and play the tape.

Following a rustling idling sound, soon.

Miyano Akemi's voice slowly came out:

"My lord, long time no see."

"Since you left"

Sure enough, it was the tape he got from Lin Xinyi, the breakup declaration.

Just the content is slightly different:

"Your Majesty, let's break up."


Miyano Akemi's voice was only halfway recorded when she was hurriedly interrupted by a male voice.

That was Lin Xinyi's voice.

"There is something wrong with the design of your recording."

"Don't forget that the day before you 'disappeared', you sent a love text message to Akai Shuichi."

"Now that you talk about breaking up directly in the recording, how can you make him believe that this is the recording you left for him a week before you disappeared?"

"This." Miyano Akemi hesitated a little.

Then she seriously discussed with Lin Xinyi how to deceive her ex-boyfriend:

"I understand. I can add another paragraph to the recording to make Xiuyi believe it."

"Actually, I still love him."

"It's just because of Shiho that we shouldn't be together."

"In this case, he should give up on me completely."

Akai Shuichi felt very complicated after hearing this.

And the recording continues:

"Okay, then let's re-record another volume based on this idea."

"But we have to hurry up and not make any mistakes this time."

"Now Shuichi Akai has probably taken the FBI to Dejima Office. I must arrive at the scene before him and replace the real tape."

"Well, I'll try my best."

"Then I'll go outside and start the car first. Once you've finished recording, I'll send the tape directly over."

As he said this, there was a burst of noise in the recording.

It sounded like someone stood up quickly, causing the stool to shake.

Lin Xinyi should have gotten up and left as he said.

"Oh, wait!"

Miyano Akemi's concerned voice suddenly sounded:

"Mr. Lin, you forgot to bring your gun!"

"Well, this gun, cough cough."

"I won't bring the gun."

"It would be bad if this guy who uses knives and guns hurts Shuichi Akai."

"Better bring it with you."

The sound of Miyano Akemi's footsteps following closely followed:

"I told you, Mr. Lin."

"Shuichi is very difficult to deal with. You don't need to be merciful to him for my sake."

"If you accidentally get hurt because you kept your hands on him, then I will be very sad too."

Akai Shuichi: "."

He really wanted to turn off this recording now.

But what's the use of turning off the recording?

It doesn't change the fact that it happened:

"Okay, I'll put the gun on."

"But don't worry, I will try not to use it."


"You must come back safely, Mr. Lin."

"haha of course."

"I want to come back to eat the Chinese food you cooked."

Akai Shuichi: "."

The fist is slowly hardening.

"By the way, Mr. Lin, last question."

"Are you spending the night here too tonight?"

"You have been coming to my place recently, would Miss Chris have any objection?"


"She's already used to it anyway."


The tape recorder was smashed to pieces.

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