Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 998 I’ve been looking for you for a long time

Unfortunately, Mrs. Komiyayama thought, the young detective guessed correctly - she was indeed the one who changed the dressing. She threw away everything in the Komiyayama medicine box, leaving only a stomach medicine of similar shape, which she often used.

Mrs. Komiyayama sneered and fiddled with her carefully permed curls and snorted:

"Those three idiots. If they hadn't taken turns hitting that bastard on the back of the head. This case would have been settled as a 'heart attack'... Is it true that the luck of evil people is better than that of normal people?"

"..." Yuan Shan and Ye murmured in a low voice, "Not only did he die, but he was knocked on the head three times before he died. This has nothing to do with 'good luck' - it's just that you are not lucky enough."

Mrs. Komiyayama glanced at her gloomily and suddenly walked over: "How can a child like you understand the feeling of marrying a scumbag pervert who wants nothing but money and watching him flirt with you every day? "

Yuan Shan and Ye shrank back in fear.

Mrs. Xiao Gongshan looked away from her and slowly stopped next to Jiang Xia.

She raised her brightly made-up eyes and glanced at Jiang Xia from the end of her eyes: "What a pity. I heard from my friends in Tokyo that you are great at finding cats. I originally thought that when I get the inheritance, I would move there and experience it, but it's a pity that now …”

She suddenly raised her hand, wanting to grab Jiang Xia's collar, drag him closer, and then bite him in a semi-retaliatory tone: Xiao Gongshan flirts with beautiful young people outside every day, so she can do it too!

Over the years, she has indeed had a lot of fun with her husband behind her back. But the kind of thing that can be tasted by just paying money is completely different from someone like Jiang Xia, who has only been able to evolve from nodding acquaintances to sitting and chatting with cats after finding cats more than a dozen times - she originally wanted to He had money and leisure to slowly experience life. He was the first to capture this reserved young man, but unexpectedly his plan was exposed by this guy.

However, before her hand touched Jiang Xia's collar.

Suddenly a black shadow swooped up next to him.

——The Henggou Police Department had to deal with Mrs. Xiaogongshan’s screams of “Hurry up and bring the criminal who knocked my husband to death to justice!” every day. He was already very wary of her. He felt that he was the only one present who was not raped. Mrs. Komiyayama's elegant dress confuses people.

At this time, when he saw Mrs. Xiaogongshan's long-nailed hand reaching towards Jiang Xia, the Henggou Police Department reacted first and pushed the person to the ground, saying "I've seen through you a long time ago!" The appearance snorted angrily: "How dare you attack the detective!"

Hattori Heiji:"……"

He was originally standing next to Jiang Xia. He stayed for a while before reacting. He took a step back with a strange expression on his face and moved away from where Mrs. Xiaogongshan was.

"..." These ladies in Tokyo are so perverted. Why do you describe the basic task of "finding a cat" in such a strange way! What does "finding cats great" mean? And "experience it"... It's really, really unreserved!

Hattori Heiji thought happily. Fortunately, when he was curious about the work of the detective agency and went to experience it, he found a job in Osaka instead of going to Tokyo...

Next to him, Jiang Xia glanced at him doubtfully, feeling that Hattori Heiji's face was a little strange with his face turning brown and then black.

Jiang Xia: "..." However, even compared to Conan, this Osaka classmate's brainstorming ability is not far behind. Trying to figure out their meaningless thoughts is a waste of time, and he still has something to do...

So Jiang Xia took advantage of the chaos at the police station and said hello to an unfamiliar police officer next to him. Then he left the police station silently, preparing to catch a bus at the station and return to Tokyo overnight to check on the situation. To prevent the Twin Towers from suddenly blowing up without his knowledge.

As for the iron head case just now, although Mrs. Komiyayama, like many other prisoners, couldn't help but reveal all the truth as soon as her ruse was exposed, there are actually many details in the case that need to be studied, such as her dressing change. The timing, the tiny pieces of evidence... these will take a lot of testing time, so it is better to leave it to Hattori-san who looks very leisurely.

Jiang Xia slipped away quietly.


There are several men in black who are also thinking about the Twin Towers in Nishitama City that Jiang Xia is thinking about.

——Recently, a traitor appeared in the organization.

That person used what he thought was a concealed method to transmit some information in his possession to the outside world. And the machine he used to do these things was the computer room of the Twin Buildings in Nishitama City.

This move undoubtedly brought disaster to the Twin Towers.

Gin and Vodka were sitting in the car, discussing how to deal with the traitor. Although Gin wears many hats, this one can be regarded as his real job.

Vodka stays with gin all year round and is very skilled in this process.

He quickly found several suitable candidates and showed them to Gin: "I'll arrange the bombing of the building. You can see which one is the most suitable."

Gin glanced at the list and pondered for a moment, but didn't choose any one:

"This task is for Uzuo - I just assigned a few subordinates to him before and asked Uzuo to hand it over to them."

Vodka was startled: "Uzo?"

Gin nodded:

"Don't forget Usa's bad habit of looking for prey when he's free - the designer of Nishitama City's Twin Towers was a student of Moritani Teiji, and Moritani Teiji had a problem with him, so he might have been targeting him for a long time. Fuck those people.

"This is a reminder to him - the tasks assigned to his subordinates will all pass through his hands. If you understand our plan, you can prevent him from sneaking in and causing mischief, and then blowing up the building together."

Gin thought of the Sindora who had caused them a lot of headaches not long ago, but finally fell into the hands of the organization without any trouble, and thought to himself: That would be a huge loss.

So a few minutes later.

Jiang Xia's phone vibrated and there was an additional email.

After using Matsuda Jinpei's puppet to make a "fake Uzo". The organization was very cooperative with his efforts to conceal his identity - the organization would regularly assign tasks to "Uzo", and then "Uzo" would then assign them to his subordinates, in order to keep "Uzo active in the organization." "Illusion.

And this time the mission...

Jiang Xia glanced at him:

[Next week the Nishitama City Twin Towers will hold an opening ceremony. Find someone to fill the banquet hall and machine room with bombs the night before the opening ceremony. Pay attention to confidentiality. ]

Jiang Xia: "..."

This task was actually assigned to him?

I really want to catch Akai Shuichi and someone hands me the bait... Okiya Subaru! It's up to you.

Jiang Xia smashed the email happily.

But he did not contact Okiya Subaru for the mission immediately.

When he first got the list of subordinates, he found that it contained the name "Okiya Subaru". Jiang Xia immediately made an excuse and asked someone to come out to check. Among Jiang Xia's "foreknowledges", after Akai Shuichi faked his death, in order to hide I once used the identity of "Okiya Subaru".

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