Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1006 1006 [Lonely]

Okiya Subaru: "..." If that's the case, then Uzuo wouldn't have noticed his guilty reaction.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath slowly and tried to regain his peace of mind: I can't think about it anymore! Mr. Akai also said that if you really don’t have the confidence to hide your thoughts in front of Uzo, then it is better to empty your mind and think about nothing.

And now...

While trying to relax, Okiya Subaru briefly recalled his actions just now.

Then I felt that the problem was not a big one: the "feeling guilty" that emanated from Wu Zuo when he was staring at him can actually be explained as "the peripheral members suddenly saw the cadres and were a little scared."

——Many peripheral members are a little afraid of the official members, because those guys are really a group of terrifying desperadoes, let alone those like Uzo who do it secretly.

Subaru Okiya even suspected that even if some cadres sat face to face with Usa, their reaction would not be any better than his own - the legendary cadre who had battled wits and courage with Usa countless times and was still alive and well, maybe He was able to treat Usa calmly, and even smiled provocatively when Usa passed by... But it was not normal for "Okiya Subaru", a peripheral member, to be afraid at all.

In short, Subaru Okiya secretly thought: After this period of time, he will be able to fly away soon. At that time, the identity of "Okiya Subaru" will be left to Mr. Akai. I heard that he has recently gained insights into the matter of disguise.

Okiya Subaru was slightly distracted.

By the time he came to his senses with a slight cold sweat, Uzo had already withdrew his gaze.

"..." Subaru Okiya breathed a silent sigh of relief, feeling as if he had rolled around at the gate of hell.

Immediately afterwards, his phone suddenly vibrated.

"The details of the mission have been sent to your email. Read and smash it in front of me." Uzo whispered, lowering his head and playing with his phone, as if he had lost interest in him.

Okiya Subaru responded and checked his new mission.

As soon as I took a second look, I couldn't help but feel a little thump in my heart.

——Uzo actually asked him to blow up the building. It’s still the tallest twin buildings in Tokyo and even Japan that have recently become famous! Why do organizations always have trouble with these famous buildings...

Jiang Xia sat opposite Subaru Okiya, while shaking the straw in the cup, he released the ghosts and let them wander around to see if there were any traces of Akai Shuichi.

At this time, two familiar voices suddenly came from the table behind.

Jiang Xia was startled, turned around, and vaguely saw the backs of Mao Lilan and Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko through the ornamental plants on the stone wall.

The two people were sitting on the sofa stool, with some freshly served snacks in front of them, and seemed to be having a private conversation.

Mao Lilan sat next to Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko and looked at him with slight curiosity, wondering what this first-year elementary school student suddenly came to "discuss" with him to talk about.

Then I heard Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya say nervously:

"Sister Xiaolan, actually I have liked Bumi very much since kindergarten. But Bumi likes Conan more. So, that..." He suddenly raised his head and looked at Mao Lilan longingly, "Please tell me, how can I do this? From childhood sweethearts to lovers, just like you and Shinichi-nii!"

"..." Mao Lilan looked at this thoughtful kid and blinked, "Wait a minute, Shinichi and I are not lovers yet..."

However, Mitsuhiko is already immersed in his own little world. He sighed again and raised his hands to cover his face:

"And lately, I've become more and more concerned about Haibara-san - am I a terrible man for falling in love with two people at the same time?"

Okiya Subaru, who just wanted to focus on the mission, but accidentally heard some strange gossip: "..."

He couldn't help but follow the words - to be honest, "I am a terrible man for falling in love with two people at the same time." A roommate of his in college also said this, and it was so sweet and sweet. Happy tone.

Afterwards, under their envious eyes, the roommates hugged each other and went out to camp, and then they never came back. Calculating the time, if his roommate was reincarnated, he would be around the same age as a first-grade child... Subaru Okiya suddenly had a strange feeling like meeting an old friend again.

However, when he looked up, he didn't see the person who was speaking. Instead, he saw Uzo opposite.

Wu Zuo obviously heard that piece of wonderful gossip and seemed to find it interesting, so he smiled inconspicuously.

Okiya Subaru was shocked. Although he also "felt it interesting", Usa's "finding it interesting" might have terrible consequences.

"...The person who is talking is just a child, let him go!"

Okiya Subaru wanted to slap the table and give a righteous advice like this.

But in the end he just lowered his head silently.

"..." It's not that he's worried that Uzuo will get angry at him for being thrown cold water on him, but that he shouldn't over-interpret it - in case Uzuo just thinks it's funny and doesn't think much about it. As a result, when he said that, Uzo took it as a provocation, and his rebellious heart was triggered. He would not give up until the childhood love triangle was killed... Forget it, forget it.

Subaru Okiya pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose calmly and continued to read the emails on his phone.

However, his ears couldn't help but prick up, and he secretly listened to the movements on the other side of the table. At the same time, he prayed for the people at that table: Don't say anything more that would arouse Uzo's interest!

Okiya Subaru: "..." In addition, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the little boy's voice seemed familiar. Like someone I've seen before.

Mao Lilan and Guangyan knew nothing about the eavesdropping from next door.

After listening to Mitsuhiko's confession, Mao Lilan flipped through the chicken soup for the soul that she had reserved and poured a bowl for the children:

"Having someone you like is a wonderful experience. You are not bad - but at this age, it is better to be friends with the people you like first, whether it is Xiaoai or Ayumi, and of course, Conan and Genta .”

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was silent for a moment, as if he had some realization: "...I understand!"

Okiya Subaru: "..." What do you understand? Don’t go from riding on two boats to riding on four boats!

In his worry, the little boy bowed gracefully, turned around and ran away.

Uzo did not chase him out, nor did he look over there.

Okiya Subaru caught a glimpse of this scene out of the corner of his eye and secretly breathed a sigh of relief: It seemed that the innocent child had successfully escaped.

But I haven't even finished breathing yet. He suddenly heard the intimate elder sister at the next table stand up and waved her hand towards the door: "Ayumi, this way!"

Okiya Subaru: "..." Wait, Ayumi... isn't this one of the two ships just now!

Also, why did he seem to have heard all the names of those children somewhere...

Okiya Subaru was thinking about it when he suddenly remembered something and his eyes twitched slightly.

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