Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1012 1011 [Adult version of Haihara Ai] Please vote for me (づ?

The translucent dialog box above Sakura Ruriko's head had completely disappeared.

She looks like a normal schoolgirl. Seeing that everyone was here, she tapped the table with the pen in her hand to remind the people around her to come back to their senses.

The players withdrew their secret communication and turned to look at her.

Then Sakura Ruriko smiled mysteriously:

"The reason why we invite everyone here this time is actually for the 'Seventh Unbelievable'."

Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan were startled. Thinking of what they saw in the cutscene just now, they all shuddered: "Is it that thing that once cracked, the insider will be killed by the magician immediately?"

Sakura Ruriko closed her eyes, shook her head, and corrected her rigorously: "He was killed by the 'after school magician'."

"..." "Before school" or "after school" is not the point at all! The emphasis is obviously on "killing"!

Sakura Ruriko seems to have no idea about the cries in the hearts of the players.

She tucked her hanging hair behind her ears and continued in a warm voice:

“As you know, recently, the school plans to demolish the old school building.

"Unexpectedly, a few days ago, the principal suddenly received a blood letter, which said, 'Beidong is mine, if you dare to demolish it, I will curse you to death.'

"The principal is very troubled by this. And I think this must be related to the seventh mystery - if we can solve this mystery, we can find the guy who secretly sent the threatening letter."

Next to several students, near the window, there was a stool.

A middle-aged man sat there with a frown, looking a little anxious.

——Each club must be supervised by a teacher. The man by the window is Yuichiro Ba, the consultant teacher of the "Mysterious Phenomena Research Society".

Yuichiro Ba sat on the stool with some restraint and listened quietly. Halfway through, I started to break out in cold sweat.

He took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead, hesitated for a moment, and interrupted Sakura Ruriko:

"But I heard that there were some students who wanted to figure out the 'Seven Mysteries' before, and then disappeared... Let's leave this matter to the adults, and you can research something safer."

Hattori Heiji was startled, turned back to look at this NPC with a low sense of presence, and said to several classmates thoughtfully:

"He even set up an atmosphere team... However, since he has specially written relevant lines, he should also have relevant clues hidden here - I will try to squeeze out those clues."

As he spoke, he was about to walk to the consultant teacher and study this NPC.

But before he could take a step, a thunder suddenly struck from the sky. After the lightning flashed with a "click", Hattori Heiji stared blankly ahead. Suddenly his whole body went limp and he fell down on the table.

"..." Jiangxia happened to be next to Hattori Heiji, and couldn't help but pick up the pen on the table and poke him, "Hey, are you okay?"

In his ears, Noah's voice came along the contract: "It's an electric current that stimulates consciousness. Although it hurts a little, it won't hurt the body. The smoke and lightning are special effects."

Almost at the same time, a cold tone echoed in the office:

"Please do not destroy the world view of the game."

The harm of electric current to the body does not seem to be great.

Within a few seconds, Hattori Heiji let out a breath, gritted his teeth and got up from the table. The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he looked like he wanted to raise his middle finger in the air, but then he thought about it, after all, this is a game about life, and it is not his life alone...

In the end, he just snorted and stopped talking about analyzing the game in front of the NPC. He didn't do anything to the NPC by the window either.

Sakura Ruriko also obviously noticed something strange about Hattori Heiji.

She took out a candy and placed it in front of the club members: "You have to eat well, otherwise you will suddenly suffer from low blood sugar like this."

Hattori Heiji: "..." It's not about sugar at all!

Kudo Shinichi glanced at his little friend who was still smoking with lingering fear.

He thought for a while, then tentatively asked the consultant in a tone that was "in line with the world view":

"Are you worried that if something happens to us, you as a consultant will be implicated? - Why don't we tell you in detail what happened before, so that we can judge the degree of danger and avoid risks."

However, Yuichiro Ba shook his head and refused to say more.

After failing to get any clues, several high school students sighed, but they were not too surprised:

It is said that stories come from life, and in daily life, people who always like to mysteriously say "there was such and such a tragedy a few years ago" will often not reveal anything when they are questioned... Tsk , the abominable Riddler.

Sakura Ruriko looked at several members, covered her lips and smiled:

"Teacher Techang has always been very cautious, or a bit timid. But don't worry, this world is scientific and there are no ghosts. As long as you catch the person who is secretly causing trouble, the matter will be solved.

"Okay, I have told you about the latest topic. Let everyone investigate carefully according to their abilities - whoever finds out the truth of the 'Seventh Mysterious' will gather everyone and announce the answer here.

"By the way, don't go to the police rashly. Because we were harassed by our officers before, they now attach great importance to evidence. If you don't have complete evidence and chain of reasoning, go directly to find someone, and the police station will not provide any help. , but they will suspect that we are playing a prank again."

After the words fell, Sakura Ruriko looked at her watch:

"It's getting late, let's stop here today. I have to go home and cook quickly..."

With that said, she packed her schoolbag, winked at the members, and quickly turned around and left.

The consultant teacher also wiped his forehead and walked away calmly.

Suddenly, there were only six players left in the room wearing high school uniforms.

Several people looked at each other for a moment.

Jiang Xia glanced at the ceiling where the lightning strike had just fallen, and tentatively said to several companions: "Without those two people here, we should be able to discuss things that are 'not in line with the world view.'"

In the last half of the sentence, as soon as the words "not in line with the world view" came out, everyone was shocked and looked at him suddenly, with nervous expressions on their faces.

After two seconds, the surroundings were quiet and no lightning struck down.

The five people all breathed a sigh of relief.

Suzuki Sonoko glanced at Hattori Heiji, touched her chin and analyzed:

"It seems that as long as he doesn't plan to do things to NPCs that are not in line with his status as a 'consultant teacher' like he just did, the problem won't be a big problem."

After saying that, she remembered something and looked at the adult version of Huihara Ai standing next to Jiang Xia. The more she looked at it, the more familiar she felt: "Is this...?"

There are currently six players present: five high school students who know each other, and one "Miyano Shiho".

Even if Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko are not good at reasoning, they instinctively feel that something is not right - why does the game suddenly throw a "stranger" in?

...Unless this "stranger" is not actually a stranger, but has a certain relationship with the five people.


On the last day of March, the monthly pass will expire (secret hint)

Thank you guys for your [monthly votes](`)

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