Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1017 1016 [Strange Nanny] Please give me your monthly ticketヽ(〃?

Mao Lilan secretly observed "Maori Kogoro", and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this was an NPC: a normal person would suddenly run into a place like this, and he should ask about the situation. But "Moori Kogoro" didn't look out of the ordinary, as if that was how things should be.

"..." What's more important is that upon closer inspection, Fei Yingli is also at home - the couple who have been separated for many years are actually getting together harmoniously... Although this has always been Mao Lilan's dream, but obviously , which is something that is unlikely to happen in reality.

Mao Lilan sighed, and while looking at her parents living together peacefully, she thought about what she should do now: According to what "Miss Miyano" said before, everyone else has probably gone to the campus by now, and she cannot be left behind. .

Thinking so, Mao Lilan turned around and opened the door, preparing to go to school.

However, just as she was about to turn the doorknob, Mouri Kogoro suddenly stopped her:

"Why are you going to school so late at night? Stay at home!"

Mao Lilan: "..."

At the same time, on the other side.

Hattori Heiji also encountered a similar situation.

——He ignored his parents’ dissuasion and forced his way out. . Then his gentle and elegant mother knocked him back into the living room with a wooden knife.

Hattori Heiji covered his troubled head: "..."

The security guards stopped me during the day, my parents stopped me at night... and I couldn't let anyone investigate the case! There are so many rules in high school here.

Hattori Heiji stood up without giving up and continued to try to get out. At the same time, he couldn't help but miss his school.

Kudo Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko were in similar situations, both were stopped by their parents.

Next door is Jiang Xia's house.

Jiang Xia stood in the middle of the living room, looking at the woman blocking the door, and asked doubtfully: "Who is this?"

Noah appeared out of nowhere, floating next to him, and studied the figure:

"According to the settings of the game, it will automatically generate a guardian to prevent you from going out - but now that your parents are gone, the game background cannot be too divorced from reality, so this person was generated."

"...Guardian?" Jiang Xia thought for a moment and vaguely remembered something, "The nanny?"

He walked to the door with slight curiosity and looked at this woman he had never seen before.

After a moment, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought: "Why is your face so blurry? Isn't the murderous look enough?"

Noah moved the newly added pot on his back and whispered: "It is automatically generated based on the player's impression. In your impression, she does look like this."

Jiang Xia: "..."

In fact, he has never seen this nanny in person, he only saw a little bit from the memory left in his body.

A year ago, when Jiang Xia came to this world and picked up his body, he took a look at the memories left by "Jiang Xia Tongzhi". But this Tongzhi's mental state seems to be very average, and his memory is not as good as that of a psychic. The things that happened when he was a child are not very impressive.

Jiang Xia: "..." I don't know what kind of nanny a couple in black would find to help them take care of their children... Jiang Xia occasionally thought of this incident, but actually suspected that this "nanny" had been secretly silenced by the organization.

However, suspicion is just suspicion after all.

But now, probably because he was not sure whether the nanny was dead or not, she appeared in the game as a guardian again.

Since you can't go out according to the regulations, being idle is also idle. Jiang Xia looked around the silent nanny for a while:

The woman's appearance is not young, but she is not old either... But this is a memory from her childhood. Her real age is probably older. The facial features seem to be deeper than those of Asians, and there are actually many mixed-race people in Tokyo. In addition, her attire is also very strange. She wears a sun hat and a mask at home. In my impression, this person rarely goes out, and the reason she gave seems to be "sun allergy."

Jiang Xia: "..." I insist on saying it is reasonable, but it is quite reasonable.

But to say it is suspicious, it is indeed suspicious enough.

...However, since she was a person she had not interacted with for a long time, and there were too many suspicious people around her, Jiang Xia did not spend too much thought on this strange woman.

He tried to go out, but found that the woman was blocking the door, so he returned to the sofa.

Jiang Xia picked up the Coke cup, thought for a moment, and remembered one thing:

"If after death, for the sake of the world view, I can no longer appear as a guardian. Then among the few of us, isn't it true that only Haihara Ai can go out at will?"

Noah nodded: "Yes."

Jiang Xia looked at the night outside the window and thought thoughtfully: "In other words, I have to wait until her action is over before I can go out for activities?"

Noah floated next to him, looking at the face of the psychic master, and suddenly understood something.

It swallowed back its original "yes" and changed its words naturally:

"Actually, strictly speaking, the 'nanny' whose relationship has been terminated is not considered a guardian. It's okay for you to leave if you want - however, in order not to destroy the balance of the game and cause the game to end in an instant. When you get to school, please remember to cooperate with us... "

Jiang Xia waved his hand with satisfaction: "No problem!"

He stood up and walked to the door.

The nanny noticed his intention to "go out" and raised her head to look at him with a calm look.

Soon, the revocation order was issued. Her whole body seemed to turn into a cloud of smoke, like a touch of dust entering the water, and soon disappeared.

Without the "parents" to stop her, Jiang Xia walked to the door and turned the doorknob. With a "click", the door opened smoothly.

the other side.

Haiyuan Aijia.

Just now, after the get out of class bell rang, Haibara Ai, who was reading materials in the "Mysterious Phenomena Research Association" activity room, was teleported home like everyone else.

She stood in the entrance hall, looking at the "home" that should only exist in her memory. She was stunned for a while and couldn't help but walk around every room. She also opened all the cabinets and put her head in every place where people could be hidden. Take a quick look.

...But I didn’t see the Miyano Akemi I imagined.

Haiyuan sighed. He leaned against the last door in disappointment and slowly slid to the ground.

She walked for a while holding her knees, and suddenly remembered the last time, "Colonel Moran" in the game.

Haibara Ai: "..." Judging from the last experience, if you think about it carefully, my sister, as an "NPC" in the game, seems to have a mission and can only appear on specific occasions.

And this time, all the strange things happened in school.

In other words, whether you want to see your sister or find out the truth, you must first go to school.

And according to the clues they got today, others will probably go to the school to search at night...

After thinking about it, Haiyuan Ai's thoughts slowly returned to the business.

——Go to school and have a look.


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