Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1026 1025 [Kudo Shinichi’s Shark Aura] Additional update to the leader

Mao Lilan quickly rushed to the activity room of the "Mysterious Phenomena Research Association" and took a quick look. No one was in the room.

She was about to run back to the classroom to join Suzuki Sonoko and the strange Hattori Heiji, but before turning around, she suddenly saw something and was stunned.

——On the ground behind the computer desk, a pink object fell, a small square piece, very familiar.

I walked over, picked it up and took a look, and saw that it was a disk. The label reads "Seven Mysteries" - this is one of the information Sakura Ruriko gave them before.

Yesterday, after announcing the mission, Sakura Ruriko gave them two things. One of them is a thick bound volume of conference journals. The other thing is this disk.

Logically speaking, neither item can be taken out of the activity room of the "Mysterious Phenomena Research Society". However, after "Ms. Miyano" was murdered, the bound volumes and disks of the conference journals all disappeared.

"...It turns out that the disk was dropped here." Mao Lilan walked over and picked it up.

I was hesitating whether to read the contents and see if there was any message left by the deceased.

But when she stood up, something on the wall swayed slightly with the wind brought by her movements.


Mao Lilan put the disk down casually, looked closer to the wall, and saw a hair. ——There is a poster promoting the "Mysterious Phenomena Research Society" on the wall, with hair sticking out from a corner of the poster. It looks like the person who put up the poster wasn't paying attention and accidentally got his hair on it.

Mao Lilan, who likes neatness, reached out her hand and planned to pull out the hair.

When I pinched it hard, the edge of the whole poster suddenly moved.


A corner of the poster peeled off along with the cracked wall covering, revealing a dark hole in the wall. Mao Lilan looked over subconsciously, and was caught off guard when he met a skeleton's gaze - there was actually a corpse buried in the wall.

Mao Lilan: "..."

Mao Lilan: "…………"

Mao Lilan: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Q--!!"


There was a slight sound on the floor, masked by her terrified screams. Someone walked gently behind her.

The masked man stared at the high school girl in front of him, and ruthlessly raised the huge hammer in his hand.

On the other side, under the outer wall of the school gate.

Jiang Xia and Kudo Shinichi chatted with the sword-wielding officer for a while, trying to get some information out of him.

The sword-wielding police officer looked at the two young men. It may be that the two men's detective skills combined were barely qualified. The police officer hesitated for a moment and took out a small book from his arms.

"The missing 'initial teacher' I just mentioned disappeared thirty years ago, and there were indeed no other students missing at that time.

“However, ten years ago, a female student suddenly disappeared and has not been found yet.

"The student's name is Chihiro Aoyama, and she is also a member of your 'Mysterious Phenomena Research Society'. When we visited the school, many people said that she became a victim of the 'after school magician'... which is equivalent to nothing. No clues - everything about your school is good, but you love to make up stories so much that you can make anything into an incredible and terrifying legend."

Officer Kenmochi was grumbling and complaining when his cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked up the phone, listened to a few words, and his expression suddenly changed.

Jiang Xia looked at him, realized something, and looked up towards the street. Gu Cha

I saw the police car that had just walked away suddenly turned around and drove back.

The next second, Officer Jianzhi hung up the phone with a click. He looked at the two detectives with an unusually solemn expression: "Something happened in the school again!"

The three people quickly ran to the door of the printing room.

——Police Officer Jianchi received a call just now, saying that a murder was suspected here.

Just like when the body was found in the "Unopenable Biology Classroom" in the morning, students still came over after hearing the sound and gathered at the door to watch the fun. But compared with that time, it was already after school time now, and there were not many people blocking the door of the printing room.

Jiang Xia had just arrived at the printing room. Before he could see the situation clearly, he suddenly felt a figure rushing over.

He was startled and raised his hands in front of him.

Then he accurately caught Suzuki Sonoko, who was almost frightened by the hairband.

Suzuki Sonoko grabbed his arm and wiped her eyes: "Xiaolan, Xiaolan..."

"?!" Kudo Shinichi was startled, pushed aside the crowd of onlookers blocking the door, and quickly rushed into the printing room.

The originally neat room was now littered with messy papers, stained with bright red handprints, as if bloody hands had crawled over it. In the middle of the room, a large amount of paper was piled up, covering a raised object. A human figure can be vaguely seen on the bulge.

Jiang Xia passed over Kudo Shinichi, who was stunned at the door, and quickly ran to the bulge. He stared at the long strip and studied it. He carefully opened one side and saw Mao Lilan's face.

There wasn't much blood on the girl's face, and her expression looked very peaceful. The ghosts were obviously quite friendly to her, and they were very martial in their approach to bouncing people offline before beating the model without any worries.

"..." Jiang Xia touched Mao Lilan's artery politely.

After a moment, he turned around, faced the different eyes of the two classmates, and shook his head gently: It's hopeless.

Just after shaking it, Jiang Xia stared at him for a moment.

——A few wisps of murderous aura burst out from Kudo Shinichi's body.

"..." Jiang Xia stood up, walked to his neighbor, patted his shoulder hard, and said in a deep voice, "Win this game."

Kudo Shinichi was silent for a long time and nodded vigorously.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at this passionate scene and was a little infected.

She wiped away her tears with her sleeve and braced herself again: "We must catch that bastard 'Magician'!"

Although the death of a companion is heartbreaking.

But this undoubtedly inspired the detective's fighting spirit.

In just one day, three people were gone. In addition to Haibara Ai and Mao Lilan, Hattori Heiji also seems to be completely hopeless - he seems to have given wrong answers in the reasoning process, and unfortunately was assimilated into a passerby in high school.

"The cause of death was concussion caused by skull fracture, and the amount of bleeding was very small." Jiang Xia went to the police and walked around and brought back some information. He thought: "It seems that the murder weapon was probably some kind of cloth wrapped in cloth." Blunt weapon - Although the body was found in the printing room, it looked like a case of the 'Seven Unbelievable' serial murders. However, judging from the murder weapon used and the traces on the scene, the printing room was not the first scene. She was probably killed. It was transferred here from somewhere else.”

Kudo Shinichi is no longer risking murderous intent and has regained his sanity.

He nodded: "I am afraid that the murder weapon was deliberately used to reduce the amount of bleeding and facilitate the transfer of the body... The murderer is quite experienced."

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