Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1042 1041 [Antonym of famous detective] Please give me your monthly ticket o(〃

"Before the elevator door closed, you reached into the elevator and pressed the button for the 8th floor. Then the elevator carried the body down. When it reached the 8th floor, the elevator door opened, and the body had no support. It fell down and lay half outside. , half of it was left inside, and it looked like it was killed on the 8th floor - because the corpse took the elevator up and down the stairs on its own initiative, you don’t need to take the stairs, and two minutes is enough.”

Jiang Xia glanced at the police officer who had his ears cocked and was ready to rush out to find evidence at any time, and continued:

"When the murderer committed the murder, in order to gain time, he casually placed the bouquet on the carpet next to it, leaving pollen behind. On the elevator button in the middle of the 15th floor, there were traces of paste left when she fixed the elevator door. In addition, she had to complete In this plan, there would be some blood on her hands, and she should have worn gloves at that time. Considering the short incident, there was not much time to deal with the gloves, and they should be not far away..."

"..." The room was filled with silence.

The next second, as the lingering sound of reasoning fell to the ground, a "dong" sound of kneeling down sounded in the hall.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

Although I had already observed the scene once before, watching it again now, I realized that Jiang Xia was really just like the legend. He solved the case as if he was reading from a script and didn't even leave a chance for others to ask questions.

"..." If Jiang Xia hadn't always been so straightforward and devoid of any performance when exposing his tactics, Subaru Okiya would have really wondered whether Usa secretly gave the famous detective the script of the case he planned, and then the two of them found out. They secretly and colluded to play tricks on the police and the public... Bang.

Thinking of this, Subaru Okiya slapped himself on the forehead, interrupting the thought of disrespecting the detective.

——Jiang Xia is obviously different from Wu Zuo.

Okiya Subaru remembered that just now, Jiang Xia reminded him in a low voice not to talk nonsense to avoid being accused, and silently kept Jiang Xia and Usa far away in his heart - the dark boss is not worthy to be compared with the light of justice!

Next to him, Jiang Xia suddenly sneezed.

He raised his head in confusion, looked around, and found that everyone had normal expressions. In the end, he had to suspect that Toru Amuro, who was on standby in the next building, was secretly muttering bad things about him, such as "Jiangxia has encountered another case" and so on. …

However, "people say bad things will make you sneeze" is just a superstition, and "encountering a case" is not a bad word, but more like a blessing... Jiang Xia quickly stopped thinking about it. Continue taking notes.

No one else paid attention to this little incident - President Toya gave some cleaning staff a break in advance in order to get the dust in the tunnel and make footprints smoothly. This building is much dustier than elsewhere, so sneezing is normal.

By the time the mess was cleaned up and notes were taken, it was already late.

A few people found a restaurant nearby to have dinner.

While eating, Subaru Okiya tried to talk to a few people who were traveling with him, wanting to know the specific reason why Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan appeared here, and trying to find out whether there were any traces of Uzo behind the reason.

Considering the difficulty of chatting, Okiya Subaru initially planned to ask the innocent children for questioning.

However, for some reason, Conan didn't seem to like him very much and couldn't ask anything.

Thinking about the wariness of children towards "strangers", Subaru Okiya toleratedly ignored Conan's vaguely hostile attitude and went to chat with two female high school students for a while. He thought that once he integrated into the team, the wariness of children would be gone. will dissipate naturally.

However, as the chat progressed, for some reason, Subaru Okiya felt his back getting colder and colder.

Turning around, he saw Conan staring at him with increasingly sharp eyes.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

He was at a loss for a moment and suddenly remembered something - a few days ago, when the little girl named "Bumi" was chatting with Mao Lilan, she seemed to have said that "Conan" liked Mao Lilan...

Now it seems that the little girl who relies on "women's intuition!" to observe the world is not making things out of thin air? ?

Okiya Subaru couldn't help but glance at Conan again, his eyes a little more complicated: "..."

——You are only in the first grade, and you are already thinking about these romantic things, and you are so jealous. I always feel that life in Tokyo will be very difficult for this child when he grows up... Hey, just enjoy the safe time as a child. As long as they are not targeted by a terrifying pervert like Uzo, most people will not attack children.

Next to him, Jiang Xia looked at Conan and then at Subaru Okiya. He noticed the subtle sympathy in Subaru Okiya's eyes, and a question mark floated above his head.

Jiang Xia: "..." I always feel that my new subordinate is thinking of strange but interesting things, but he has no evidence...

It would be great if he had the identity of "Usa" now. If I ask a few more questions, Subaru Okiya should be able to tell the truth.

Okiya Subaru inquired around for a while, and in the occasional faint chill, he finally figured out the reason why the high school students and his group appeared here.

As he compiled the information, trying to distill the underlying oozo content, the group finished their dinner.

It was already dark, and it was soon time for the cooking class to start.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the classroom, and then go to the banquet." Suzuki Sonoko stood up, "We happen to be in the same building."

Several people left the restaurant and came to the Nishitama City Municipal Building.

Compared with when they first arrived, at this time, there was an extra sign decorated with flowers in front of the building. Above is a line of classical calligraphy - "World Art Award Winner Commemorative Dinner".

"The dinner is on the eighth floor, downstairs from the cooking classroom, not far away."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the sign, led a few people past it, and entered the building. At the same time, she secretly encouraged:

"If you think the cooking class is boring, you can come down and play with me - this banquet is held for that 'Okano Rika'. A while ago, her 'Flower Arrangement Magic' won the gold medal at the World Art Awards , I heard it’s a magic flower arrangement, and tickets are even harder to buy than concert tickets.”

Okiya Subaru nodded: "It sounds lively."

Although I was tempted, I had no intention of going.

——The eighth floor is a bit low, but the location of the cooking classroom is more convenient. You can see more of the "Nishitama City Twin Buildings" opposite.

Suzuki Sonoko led a group of people upstairs, walked all the way to the north, passed through several restaurants with exquisite space separation, followed the staff passage, and came to the living room at the back.

This restaurant is opened under the name of "Michi Uemori". It is open normally on weekdays, but on regular holidays, it will be temporarily closed to allow Michi Kamimori to hold cooking classes.

Although it seems to be open all day long, in fact, the restaurant generally does not have to be run by Mori Michi, she just has a name.

As for teaching students...for Yoshitomo Uemori, it is a way to relieve stress.


Thank you guys for your [Monthly Ticket](σ≧▽≦)σ-☆

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