Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1059 1058 [Toru Amuro: You plot against me! 】

Toru Amuro noticed a fleeting change in Subaru Okiya.

He recalled the scene just now, and quickly contacted Sato Miwako's "body search".

Toru Amuro glanced at Okiya Subaru, especially his waist and ribs, and vaguely understood - this man must have a gun on him.

Moreover, judging from Okiya Subaru's reaction, he probably doesn't have a gun license at all. This means that once the person is searched, he can be sent to the police station in an open and fair manner...

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro couldn't help but feel a little moved.

However, as a cautious undercover agent, you should make decisions before taking action when dealing with matters related to the organization.

As soon as the idea of ​​"locking up this guy who looks like Uzo" flashed through his mind, Toru Amuro instinctively began to weigh its feasibility and the risks involved.

——First of all, you definitely can’t push this matter by yourself.

Because in theory, the organization's style advocates "confidentiality."

Compared with the rule of "hiding the existence of the organization", internal fighting among cadres has to go back... No, it is not a matter of going back. It is the organization that does not promote infighting at all.

When it comes to "internal fighting", Toru Amuro couldn't help but briefly wandered off.

——According to the rumors about Uzo, why has the boss never sanctioned him?

After all, the rumors were exaggerated, and Uzuo did not actually have the habit of "arbitrarily persecuting other cadres when he was in a bad mood." Or is it that his own value is so great that "that gentleman" can occasionally turn a blind eye to him?

Toru Amuro: "..." In any case, at this time when the boss may be paying attention to it, if "Bourbon" took the initiative to send someone related to the organization just because Uzo invited him to the banquet, In the hands of the police... this is really not what an intelligence agent belonging to an organization should do.

Fortunately, there are some things that you don’t have to do yourself.

Toru Amuro thought about it and took out his mobile phone:

As long as he sends an email to Kazami Yuya, he will naturally be able to skillfully advance this "body search" and capture Okiya Subaru before he has time to handle the gun. Then……


Toru Amuro was about to enter his email address, but his fingers suddenly froze on the keyboard, and he suddenly realized something.

——If you think about it carefully, no matter how "clever" the process is, an act of advancement is bound to leave traces.

If you think about it in the worst light: maybe everything today is just a trap created by Uzo to catch the "rats" in the organization.

Toru Amuro: "..." It must be the last experiment of "going out with Jiang Xia" that exposed his persistence in "investigating Uzuo". That's why Uzo's current counter-temptation came about.

——A few days ago, after receiving the invitation letter "Come to the Nishitama City Municipal Building to watch the fireworks festival", Toru Amuro came to the building and began to explore nervously. Today, he suddenly "accidentally encountered" one murder case after another.

Just when he was feeling a little tired, the tempting bait "Okiya Subaru" fell from the sky and appeared in front of his eyes.

Toru Amuro couldn't help but think: If he let down his guard at this time and was constrained by the sunk cost of "the efforts he put in to find Uzo these days", then it would be really difficult for him not to be attracted by the "bait" and he would be tempted to Let the police men catch something - like now.

"..." In just a short moment, a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on Amuro Toru's back. Surprised at his own carelessness.

It shouldn't, it shouldn't.

It took "Bourbon" five years and a huge price to finally reach this point in the organization.

He must not step into Uzo's trap and expose himself without getting enough important information - even if there is only a one percent chance that this trap will exist, he must be careful at all times.

Toru Amuro: "..." The terrible Uzo.

He flipped through the phone interface nonchalantly, pretending to be just playing with the phone out of boredom, and did not send any message about "taking Okiya Subaru" during this period.

Jiang Xia was standing next to Sato Miwako, looking down at what she had written down in her notebook. At this time, the tip of his nose suddenly moved slightly, and he felt that the smell of coffee in the classroom was much stronger.

I thought it was because the police were working overtime and were making coffee at the crime scene without showing any police ethics. Jiang Xia was about to go over and get a drink, but when she turned around, she realized that the police were still working diligently and were not slacking off at all.

The source of the coffee flavor is the nearby Amuro Toru.

——At some point, Toru Amuro completely entered the "bourbon" state, and the murderous aura in him came out like water like water when he usually comes into contact with cadres face to face.

Jiang Xia: "...?"

Could it be that after some speculation, the boss finally felt that "Okiya Subaru" was "Usa", so he entered this murderous mode similar to Gin and Belmod?

...How much does Subaru Okiya look like "Usa"?

Jiang Xia turned her gaze slightly to the side and looked critically at her new little brother.

Then I secretly felt that my "Uzo" was indeed more mysterious and more powerful. Although Subaru Okiya's narrow eyes look "mysterious", he lacks a bit of the oppressive aura that a cadre should have, and he often quietly wanders away with a deep look on his face... which is very unseemly.

Subaru Okiya was not aware of the secret observation from his superior.

He thought for a moment and gradually recovered from the "body search" news. He remembered the experience taught by an FBI and decided to find an excuse to go to the bathroom.

——While the situation is chaotic, wipe off the fingerprints on the gun and hide it somewhere. Even if the police find the gun by then, they will have no proof. No one can say that the gun is his: there is no separate bathroom in the cooking classroom and it is shared with the restaurant outside. The gun must have been hidden by a guest who had dined there. Anyway, it has nothing to do with him, Okiya Subaru.

Once a gun is lost, it is lost, and it is not difficult to get another one. Okiya Subaru didn't feel any distress at all.

The only thing that worries him is that at this critical moment, he doesn't know whether the police will let them "suspects" leave...

I am secretly struggling.

At this time, Jiang Xia passed by him and walked to the long table at the end of the classroom.

Every few dozen centimeters on the table, there are small piles of items spread out - the students in the cooking class, in accordance with the police's requirements, placed their belongings on the table so that the police could find the needle-shaped needle. weapon.

Jiang Xia looked down for a while. Before starting to search him, he turned to Sato Miwako and spoke very reliably:

"I probably know who the murderer is."

Okiya Subaru: "!"

...Yes, if Jiang Xia can solve the case directly, there will naturally be no more "body searches". The police will only need to search for the murderer.

"..." Thank you Jiang Xia. You are a good person! !

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