Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1117 1116 [The ‘wolf’ is coming]

Chapter 1116 1116 [The ‘wolf’ is coming]

Although every time he faced Uzo, even if he just "faced" him through a network cable, Subaru Okiya would feel a lot of psychological pressure.

But like now, Uzo just silently created incidents near him without directly giving any clear attitude, which only made Subaru Okiya even more troubled. I was afraid that I might misunderstand Uzuo's meaning at any step, which would lead to irreversible consequences.

While I was struggling, my phone suddenly rang.

Okiya Subaru looked at the caller ID.

Then he instinctively opened his notebook, called up the monitoring software, and took a glance.

Finding a row of green lights above, which meant that he was not being monitored, he picked up the phone and asked, "Mr. Akai?"

"I arrived nearby and saw the police coming out of your apartment, but I didn't see you." Akai Shuichi's voice came, "Did the matter resolve successfully?"

Subaru Okiya breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that others were nearby, and briefly recounted the circumstances of the case.

After hearing this, Shuichi Akai was silent for a moment and asked: "Which link contains Uzzo? - Or, why do you think this is Uzzo's handiwork?"

After saying that, he suddenly paused and remembered the distress message sent by Okiya Subaru just now.

——Strictly speaking, Uzo was not mentioned above. It only said, "There was a murder and the neighbor died."

And perhaps because he was led astray by Okiya Subaru, Akai Shuichi discovered that when he saw the email just now, his first reaction was the same - Usa was about to take action.

Akai Shuichi: "..." But, looking at the peaceful scene in the distance... he secretly thought, if this is really a trap used by Usa to punish Okiya Subaru, is it too simple?

Across the phone, Subaru Okiya was keenly aware of Akai Shuichi's slightly questioning mood.

A vague sense of disobedience arose in his heart. After pondering for a moment, Okiya Subaru suddenly grabbed something, breaking into a cold sweat.

He held the phone and asked in an unusually solemn tone:

"Mr. Akai, have you heard of the story 'The boy who cried wolf'?"


Of course Akai Shuichi had heard of it, and quickly understood what Okiya Subaru meant.

But even so, he can't stay here 24 hours a day, and: "If Uzo hasn't discovered anything yet, but just vaguely feels that there is a force contacting you, then he uses it again and again like just now If the murder case catches me out, the situation will only become more troublesome."

Okiya Subaru: "!"

Hearing these words, he instinctively turned around and glanced at the tightly closed curtains. And quickly understood Akai Shuichi's concerns.

The fact that "Okiya Subaru has a secret" only aroused Usa's ordinary interest.

But "Akai Shuichi" is famous in the organization. If at the beginning, Uzo just wanted to play with his subordinates casually, but in the end, he fished out Akai Shuichi...

Okiya Subaru pursed his lips silently, not wanting to think about the horrific scene of Uzo going all out to deal with him.

Although people in the organization are somewhat afraid of Shuichi Akai. But in Okiya Subaru's opinion, Usa must not be in this range.

Okiya Subaru: "..." If these two evenly matched people faced each other head-on... Mr. Akai, who is highly skilled and courageous, might be able to escape from the fight in one go.

But the "Shin Okiya Subaru" caught in the middle is like a weak, helpless ant in the hands of two strong men when they are fighting... Even if Shuichi Akai has the intention to rescue him, facing Usa When faced with pressure, he may also be distracted and may even injure his teammates.

Okiya Subaru was moved: "Then why don't you get too close and just take a look at the situation from a distance?"

"Yeah, I think so too." Akai Shuichi responded.

Of course, he was not giving advice to Subaru Okiya, but had already done so. At this time, he was observing from a distance while reading the message sent by his colleague:

"There are no suitable hiding spots around your home. No one is ambushing you, and there is no figure suspected of Uzo. Although I don't have much contact with Uzo, I always feel that if he wants to contact you, he will not hide on purpose. It’s more likely that you’ll just knock on the door and find him.”

Akai Shuichi rushed over immediately after receiving Okiya Subaru's "help email" just now.

But after all, he has been dealing with the ruthless people in the organization for so many years, and he is still slightly better than them all, and his vigilance is no weaker than anyone else. Therefore, after Akai Shuichi arrived, he did not get close, but was secretly observing a few hundred meters away. Although his people did not reach Subaru Okiya's house, they were within range.

Moreover, Shuichi Akai has arranged several reliable FBI members nearby. No matter how you look at it now, there is no trace of Uzo's presence here.

Akai Shuichi thought of the email Subaru Okiya sent just now and consoled him:

"Have you ever thought about it, there is actually another situation - the case just now had nothing to do with Uzo, it was just an ordinary murder case.

"I remember when you registered the information related to the Witness Protection Plan, you said that you didn't have many friends. The few close friends you had were unfortunately involved in murder cases... Looking at the bright side, you may have a bit of an incident constitution. Today The problem is actually your own problem.

"As for the key words mentioned by the murderer. The rent for your apartment is high, and it is normal for the tenants to be related to 'overseas'. In addition, 'lost job' is one of the common reasons for anger..."

As he spoke, Akai Shuichi's voice lowered slightly.

... He also felt that this case was too coincidental.

But it is undeniable that this is indeed possible.

Akai Shuichi sighed, stopped worrying about the probability issue, and got down to business: "I just found out some important information, which needs to be verified as soon as possible. I can't stay here any longer."

Okiya Subaru responded calmly: "...That's it."

Akai Shuichi heard the trace of despair in his voice, and thought about the topic of "Wolf Crying" just now, and then thought about the fact that his opponent was the extraordinary Uzo...

So he added:

“If you encounter a similar situation again, you can still come to me without any scruples.

"However, continuing like this is not an option. If you are really worried, you might as well take advantage of the chaos and move to a place with fewer acquaintances.

"In this way, even if Uzo wants to involve you in a murder case, he will lack enough material - although there is still a chance that you will be killed as a 'passerby' or 'cannon fodder,' such a marginal role on the stage , the degree of freedom is obviously higher, which is better than being directly targeted.”

Okiya Subaru: "..." You and Uzuo seem to have a good brain circuit. It's very vivid to say this, and you immediately understand the advantages of moving...

Okiya Subaru thought about this proposal seriously.

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