Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1119 1118 [Grudge Handbook]

Chapter 1118 1118 [Grudge Handbook]

Okiya Subaru thought to himself: Usa's cat is here, which probably means Usa is here.

——This also means that the case just now was not a coincidence.

Akai Shuichi didn't have so many ideas.

On the contrary, he felt that since Usa had said that he would condone his subordinates' "secrets", the chance that Usa would immediately take action on "Okiya Subaru" was actually not high - there were plenty of opportunities for ruthless cadres who wanted to kill their subordinates. Compared with this, Akai Shuichi was more worried about Uzo suddenly coming for an interview while he was away, and then discovered some fatal problems from Subaru Okiya's anomalies.

So at this time, Akai Shuichi calmly proposed another possibility:

"I remember you had it for a few days before. Maybe it was at that time that the cat recognized the door of your house. In fact, when I was watching people outside, I occasionally saw cats of similar colors passing by from a distance and entering. It can often be seen visiting every house, especially around the towns of Yoneka and Cupido.

“If you think about it, it might just be a normal passerby of your house and a walk in.

"In addition, it is also possible that it is not Uzo's cat at all, but just happens to have the same coat color - cats have very strong reproductive abilities, and after litter after litter, there will always be many cats with similar coat colors slowly appearing in an area. cat."

Moreover, Akai Shuichi secretly thought: no matter what, it is just a cat.

If it is a dog, it is possible that it has received certain training and went to Okiya Subaru's house with a certain purpose.

But the cat... even Uzo probably didn't train the cat to this extent. That man was the criminal mastermind of the organization and a killer who could see into people's hearts, not an animal breeder, let alone a circus tamer. division.

Rather than panicking about "Usa's cat," Akai Shuichi was thinking more about how to take the opportunity to install a transmitter on the cat and follow it to Usa's lair.

"..." It's a pity that since Uzo dares to keep pets, he probably won't make such a simple mistake.

Moreover, we are currently in a critical period when the secret of "Okiya Subaru" is exposed and Usa is paying attention. At this time, whether it is Akai Shuichi or Okiya Subaru, settling down for the time being is the best choice.

Akai Shuichi rubbed the handle of the gun and regretfully extinguished this idea.

In the apartment in the distance.

After listening to Akai Shuichi’s statement. Okiya Subaru stared at the dark clouds and snow cat in front of him for a long time, still unsure whether it was his boss's cat.

Okiya Subaru: "..." In short, to be on the safe side, let's treat it friendly first.

And after all, it’s Uzo who’s scary, so what’s wrong with the cat? ——Strictly speaking, this cat and myself should be considered colleagues. Rounding it all off, we can be regarded as sharing the same fate and sharing the same fate. We should be friendly to each other...

After muttering like this for a long time, Okiya Subaru finally couldn't help but stretched out his hand and touched the cat's head with lightning speed.

After that, he retracted his hand at about the same speed, pushed up his glasses, and looked around calmly. He didn't notice that Uzo came out and swore sovereignty to the cat, so he relaxed a little.

Okiya Subaru: "..." I hope that as Mr. Akai said, the cat just passed by by chance and the case just happened by chance.

...In short, he must not let him meet Uzo again today, or be involved in the script written by Uzo.

Subaru Okiya secretly prayed in his heart while peeping at his boss's cat.

Jiang Xia didn't know about the speculation and panic about the real and fake "Okiya Subaru", and didn't care much about it.

Originally, he planned to drive Matsuda Jinpei's "Usa" vest to visit Okiya Subaru's home.

However, if Matsuda Jinhei is allowed to open a puppet, Matsuda Jinhei's "Uzo" can only move but cannot speak human words, making it inconvenient to have friendly exchanges with his younger brother.

And if Jiang Xia possessed himself into the puppet, his body would become sluggish and hang up.

After solving the case, when leaving the apartment. Jiang Xia looked at the energetic Mao Lilan and then at Subaru Okiya's apartment, feeling a little confused.

Then I thought about it, the occupancy rate of this apartment was not high, and after a quick glance, no one in it was showing any murderous intent. Compared to staying with my younger brother, Hattori Heiji, who was about to arrive at the station, was indeed more attractive.

Jiang Xia: "..." And just now, when he was talking casually before leaving, Subaru Okiya didn't know what he thought of, but he actually said that if there was a murder case, he would contact him immediately...

Very aware.

Jiang Xia mentally added 10 impression points to Okiya Subaru and decided not to scare him this time.

In the end, he just made a cat out of puppet clay and let the cat replace him to visit his little brother who had been shutting himself away recently. By the way, I stayed for a while to see if Akai Shuichi was called to the door.

After leaving Okiya Subaru's apartment, Jiang Xia checked the time, took Mao Lilan and went straight to the station.

When they came to pick them up just now, Hattori Heiji was late for dozens of minutes because of a theft during the journey.

But now, Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha are fine, and Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan have encountered another murder case... No matter how fast the case is solved, from waiting for the police to arrive at the scene to finishing, there are still many things to deal with. Not too little.

In short, when Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan arrived at the station, they searched along the exit for a while, but did not see Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha.

"I just sent an email to Heye and told her that we might be late for a while."

Mao Lilan has been reporting to the police for such a long time, so his hand speed is already amazing, and Gu Ren is also very experienced - after all, the schedule is often delayed by unexpected cases: "Maybe they went to sit in the rest area, or were wandering nearby. .”

With that said, she took out her mobile phone and planned to contact her friends in Osaka to ask about the situation.

However, before clicking on the address book, Mao Lilan suddenly said "Huh?" in confusion:

"Hattori sent me an email."

Jiang Xia: "...?"

...Shouldn't it be given first to him, the main force who comes to pick up the station?

Why did you send it to Mao Lilan in a roundabout way?

"..." It seems that after not seeing each other for a while, Hattori-san has become introverted again... The enthusiastic Osaka people have become less communicative. How can this be okay? I need to talk to him about my feelings in the future.

While Jiang Xia secretly noted this in her mind, she leaned over to read the email Mao Lilan received:

[Since there is a case, you don't have to worry, just handle it seriously. You can't make mistakes in this kind of thing, you must be cautious.

We had made an appointment with other people to talk before, but now we are almost late, so I will leave directly - you should go home quickly, thank you for picking me up this time. ]

"Hattori seems quite busy." Mao Lilan was a little surprised. However, thinking about Jiang Xia who was often too busy to see anyone, she felt that this seemed normal - Hattori Heiji was also a detective.

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