Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1122 1121 [Who touched my car? 】

Chapter 1121 1121 [Who touched my car? 】

During the call, Hiroshi Hiroshi happened to pass by a truck parked on the side of the road.

Haiyuan Ai was on the phone, and Conan was eavesdropping on the phone. The two of them accidentally raised their eyes, just in time to see the rope on the truck break, and several heavy steel bars rolled down from the truck, hitting Hirokawa Hiroshi who was concentrating on looking at the window.

The two of them were startled and rushed over quickly, trying to stop them, but they were too late.

Fortunately, the moment before the steel bar rolled down, Xiao Hong happened to see enough of the toys in the window, turned around and left.

The steel bars crackled on the back of his feet, breaking the solid floor tiles into a spiderweb of cracks. Xiao Hong was startled by the movement and trotted away a little scared.

"...Xiao Hong was almost hit by a steel bar just now." Haiyuan Ai calmed down, sent his location to Jiang Xia, and then switched back to the call interface.

She ran to the truck, frowned and glanced at the rope on the ground, her expression became serious, and she whispered to Jiang Xia on the phone: "Something's not right - the rope's break is very neat. I'm afraid this is not an accident." The accident occurred because someone deliberately cut the binding rope."

"Maybe it was an accidental venting of anger, or maybe someone was targeting the truck driver, or the child you are responsible for following." Jiang Xia glanced at the location on his phone, "Anyway, I'll be there right away. Please pay attention to your safety."

"Okay." Hearing this, Hui Yuan Ai felt a little relieved. She felt relieved in every sense of the word - although Jiang Xia hangs out with the members of the organization all day long, he is still an upright person. When he heard that a child might be attacked, his whole person felt as if They were all stunned, they must be worried about the situation here.

Haiyuan Ai put down her phone and subconsciously looked at Guangchuan Hong.

However, when she raised her head, she felt a thump in her heart: "Where is that child?"

Next to him, Conan looked a little regretful: "I just saw a suspicious figure at the corner, so I subconsciously chased him, but I didn't catch him, and then..." Then when he turned around, he found Hirokawa Hiroshi carrying a shopping bag. , ran to where.

The other three children had even less hope. They were still looking at the pile of steel pipes on the ground, wondering whether to help the car owner put them back.

"Separately search, there aren't many forks here." Conan would not be immersed in the emotion for too long, and quickly calmed down, "Xiao Hong still has the task of 'running errands and buying things', maybe he went to the corresponding store - — Pay more attention to stationery stores, convenience stores and grocery stores, as well as daily necessities stores and tofu stalls.”

Five real and fake children walked along the street and searched for a while.

When they ran out of a store, they finally saw Hirokawa Hiroshi.

——Hiroshi Hirokawa has a pack of gift bags in his shopping bag. He is crossing the road and intends to go to the next target store.

The intersection he was at was low, and there was a slope next to it.

At this time, on the slope, a car with an empty driver's seat "accidentally" slid down the slope. Covered by the noisy people in the shopping street, it became faster and faster, as if with a murderous intention, it went straight into the car. To Hiro Hirokawa.


Several real-child cameras were frightened and rushed over.

Conan ran two steps after him and immediately realized that he would not be able to catch up. He turned his gaze to the roadside, squatted down, and unscrewed the button on his sneakers with his fingers, intending to find something he could kick and knock the car off the track.

But at this moment, the three real children running out in front of them were suddenly startled, and they stopped suddenly as if they had seen something terrible.


Conan paused slightly and followed their gazes.

I saw two figures, one behind the other, rushing out of the branch road leading to Mihua Park like lightning. Conan was startled: "Jiang Xia and... Xiaolan?"

Unlike the children who were trying their best to move with their short legs, the new reinforcements were closing the distance very quickly.

After running to the side of the road, the two of them kicked off the railing blocking the road. Their bodies drew two parabolas of different lengths, and landed accurately. In the blink of an eye, they had already reached the side of the car that was slipping down the slope.

One of them surrounded the out-of-control car, one hand held the open window frame, and the other hand kept borrowing force from various objects nearby. Within a few seconds, the speed of the one-ton vehicle had slowed down significantly.

Next to him, the "man" who had just walked out of the mall stared at this scene, stunned. The half-melted ice cream in his hand didn't have time to bite, and a drop fell onto the back of his hand.

Jiang Xia suddenly felt something and turned his head to look this way.

He secretly put away the puppet clay stuck between the car's axles and waved to the stunned "passers-by".

The car owner came to his senses and ran closer quickly. He threw the ice cream into the paper bag, opened the door, jumped into the moving car, stepped on the brakes, and pulled up the handbrake.

The car came to a complete stop.

The passers-by who were watching seemed to be waking up from a dream. I don't know who took the lead in cheering like a cheer, and then the crowd actually applauded.

Mao Lilan was suddenly surrounded by applause and smiled sheepishly at the crowd.

She let go of the slightly deformed car frame and secretly shook her numb hand: It was too thrilling. Fortunately, the slope was not too steep.

Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief, wanting to see if the child who was almost hit was okay.

However, as soon as she raised her head, she suddenly saw an acquaintance getting out of the parked car.

Mao Lilan was startled: "...A new doctor? Is this your car?"

The new doctor looks tall and strong, but for some reason, he seemed quite agile when getting in and out of the car just now.

He looked at Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan, and his eyes quickly fell on Conan, who was running closer. The "man" smiled a warm manly smile, as if he wanted to say something.

But before he spoke, Jiang Xia suddenly shouted to the children from a distance: "Look where the child you are responsible for ran away - he was attacked twice in a row. The murderer should be aiming at him, don't let him Keep running around."

Conan thought of Hiro, who had been lost in the blink of an eye, and nodded without stopping. He quickly chased out with the young detective team and disappeared around the corner.

Haiyuan Ai lowered the baseball cap on his head and without saying a word, he blended in with the children and passed by together.

After running around the corner, she could no longer see the people next to the car. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but look back.

——I don’t know why, but when I pass by the “new doctor”, I always feel a very unpleasant smell.

On the street behind several people.

Jiang Xia looked at the car that almost crashed, then at the "new doctor", and patted his shoulder comfortingly: "Next time, park the car more safely."

When he took back his hand, he took a handful of apple-flavored murderous aura.

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