Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1129 1128 [Did Uzo send you here] Please vote for me (??

Eiji Katsumura couldn't help but touch his mouth: Did he accidentally say what was in his heart? no.

……Um? etc. Could it be that these three students, who just saw something outside the store, are now pretending to be stupid and deceiving him! ?

"..." Hideshi Katsumura suddenly broke out in a cold sweat when he thought that just now, when he was doing the aftermath, there might be three people standing outside the window, staring at him.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.


——These three guests obviously came together. Even if the detective has a good psychological quality and can pretend to be as if nothing happened after witnessing the murder scene, the high school girls and children next to him also look very calm... If they really saw something, they wouldn't be like this. reaction.

In other words, the chat between the three of them just now must be just a coincidence, and they can't mess up the situation!

In short, send people away as soon as possible...

Thinking this, Hideshi Katsumura put on a smile, walked to the table, and handed over the drink list in his hand:

"Look, what do you want to order?"

It was just as Hideshi Katsumura expected.

The three of them didn't order anything too complicated, they just ordered two cups of hot coffee and a cup of juice.

Eiji Katsumura returned behind the counter and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Juice is easy to handle. It is already chilled in the refrigerator and can be poured into a cup.

And coffee…

Although Hideshi Katsumura doesn't know how to make coffee, fortunately, according to his observation, the unscrupulous proprietress of this shop does not use coffee beans, nor does she have a coffee machine, but only some powder. In this case, just wash it in the lake and make it - make it taste a little bit unpleasant, just to drive people away.

After that, as soon as the three customers left, he immediately closed the shop and left.

"..." During this period, please don't let any other blind customers come to this illegal shop...

Eiji Katsumura rolled up his sleeves and prayed secretly in his heart while trying to brew coffee.

Two seconds later, the wind chime at the door jingled.

——Another guest has arrived.

Eiji Katsumura's eyes twitched, and a drop of hot water spilled on the table: "..."

...It’s never over!

a few seconds ago.

Subaru stopped at the entrance of the coffee shop, looked at the store in front of him, and then looked at the cat on his shoulder questioningly.

The cat yawned and waved its paw lazily at him, like an unscrupulous commander, signaling him to move on.

Chong Shi Subaru: "..."

Ten minutes ago, he was playing with the cat. He felt that the years were quiet and Wu Zuo might have forgotten about his young brother who was thinking of quitting his job and running away.

Unexpectedly, before he could calm down from the warning just now, Wu Zuomao suddenly seemed to remember something, hooking his paws on his newly bought clothes, as if asking him to go out immediately.

Even if it's just a cat, it's still a Wuzuo cat after all.

Subaru hesitated for a moment, then finally changed into his clothes for going out and followed him.

——It’s not that he’s so afraid of Wu Zuo that he’s even afraid of his cat… It’s mainly because he hasn’t gone out for several days. My mind is tense every day, and it is quite uncomfortable to stay at home like a prison.

And now, I finally have a chance to go out, just in time to relax. …

With his boss's cat by his side, Subaru secretly thought: He could at least get some credit and avoid some "accidents" that would cause widespread damage.

In this way, one person and one cat left the apartment where the death had just occurred, followed the direction of the cat's paw, and came to this cafe.

"Want to go in?"

Before pushing the door open, Subaru asked the cat again for his advice.

Although he felt that the cat was too smart to be a cat. But then I thought about it, the cat's owner was Wu Zuo... everything seemed very reasonable again.

Subaru has actually been to this coffee shop before, and can even be considered a regular customer here.

——This shop doesn’t have many customers, so he occasionally comes over with his computer to write papers, which is much more efficient than writing at home.

Although the proprietress of the store is a bit sloppy, she is generally an easy-going person. She occasionally feeds stray cats passing by and asks them to help catch mice in the store.

So Subaru didn't hesitate too much and went in with the cat on his back.

When he walked in and saw the situation in the store, he was slightly startled, and his whole body became tense silently.

——The store that Wu Zuo’s Maozhi came to was indeed different from usual.

First of all, the person who was busy in the store was no longer the proprietress, but a tall man.

Chong Shi Subaru took a closer look and realized that this man looked familiar - he vaguely remembered that he seemed to be the boss's wife's boyfriend.

"..." It's nothing. Everyone is busy sometimes. Maybe the lady boss doesn't have time to look after the store, so she asked her boyfriend to help.

So that's not the point.

The point is...

Subaru's eyes moved slightly and moved towards a table in the store.

——This coffee shop, which has always been deserted, actually had a table of customers at this time.

It also "happened" to be a table of acquaintances.

"Mr. Chongmi?"

The location of Maolilan is most convenient for seeing the door. She heard someone entering the store and said hello in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, her eyes fell on Chong Shi Subaru's shoulder, and her voice suddenly became surprised: "Xiao Hei?"

Subaru was startled: "Huh?"

... Even if these three students knew him, how could they still know the... well, the cat he brought him?

——This is Wu Zuo’s cat!

Subaru suddenly thought of something. He lowered his head slightly and saw a reflection in his glasses.

——Speaking of which, every time I encountered something related to Wu Zuo, I would meet Jiang Xia nearby and Conan opposite Jiang Xia. In addition, the probability of Mao Lilan appearing is not low.

Subaru Chongmi: "..." If there are too many coincidences, they will no longer be coincidences.

It is very reasonable for Jiang Xia to appear nearby - a person like Wu Zuo would definitely not be able to tolerate the police calmly saying "Oh, this is suicide" after seeing his carefully arranged stage... So he will try every means to make Jiang Xia like this The "bosom friend" came to the scene of the eucalyptus incident and announced the truth.

But Conan...

Subaru Chongshi touched his chin and thought of one thing:

When he first met Wu Zuo and racked his brains to promote the "assassination" mission arranged by Wu Zuo, it was because he met Conan in the park that the incident started smoothly.

Chong Shi Subaru: "..." Jiang Xia seems to have a good relationship with Conan. Could it be that Wu Zuo was taking advantage of an innocent and easy-to-manipulate child to lure Jiang Xia to a place where there was evidence?

Subaru's thoughts were wandering around, trying to grasp something, but he didn't show it on his face.

When you meet someone you know, you can't pretend you didn't see them.

Chong Shi Subaru walked towards the table where Jiang Xia and the others were sitting and sat down.

Mao Lilan reached out to him enthusiastically and took the cat from his shoulder: "I really didn't expect to meet it here. I thought Xiao Hei only wandered around Mihua Town."

Jiang Xia looked at the cat, but glanced at Chongshu Subaru out of the corner of her eye, hoping that her younger brother would remember this important point. It is convenient for Shuichi Akai to visit Mikka Town more often in the future.


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