Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1141 1140 [This detective must be dead] Please vote*

Detective Noda finished digging people and talked about business with satisfaction.

"You are here to ask Nanchuan, right?" He glanced at the date and counted the days casually, "Actually, that guy hasn't answered the phone for two or three days - a while ago, I heard him say that he was busy with a big project, I guess I don’t have time to contact you.”

"No contact for two or three days?" Mao Lilan was startled, "Didn't you call the police?"

"Haha, for ordinary people, losing contact for a few days may be scary, but for us private investigators, this is commonplace."

Detective Noda waved his hand and looked quite proud: "In order to obtain the information our clients need, we can do anything, including tracking, lurking, and even undercover. During this period, in order to prevent the identity of the detective from being exposed, we sometimes do not communicate with the outside world. Don't It has been two or three days, and there are people who have been missing for a year and a half - the person who received you today has been missing for two years. At that time, we planned to find his family members to apply for a death certificate, but he suddenly appeared again. "

Jiang Xia: "..." It's true that a person cannot be judged by his appearance. That man seems to be just an ordinary bald man, but he actually has such a story... I will go to the Abeido Detective Agency later and ask him for one too. business card.

Forget it, we’ve come here, let’s just go through them all—Detective Noda is right, peers need to communicate more and share files.

"..." Subaru saw that they were going off topic while talking, and couldn't help but put a stick of incense in his heart for "Mr. Kusukawa".

It may indeed be common for detectives to disappear for two or three days.

But now, with Wu Zuo involved, things may not be that simple...

The Acupido Detective Agency was not far from the coffee shop, and several people quickly entered the room.

Jiang Xia turned around and came back, remembering the business: "By the way, have two people who look like high school students come to see you? One of them is a high school student detective from Osaka. Well... he always blends in with the background of the picture. The one that is one.”

Detectives generally have good memories.

Detective Noda quickly understood who Jiang Xia was referring to: "You mean the detective who speaks with an Osaka accent? They came here at noon, and they were also looking for Nanchuan. I told them that Nanchuan was not there, and they asked me for Nanchuan's address, and then left."

As he spoke, he had written the address neatly on the note and handed it to Jiang Xia.

——There is Hatoso 202 in the 4th-chome of Cupido Town.

Fourth-chome is not far from here.

Jiang Xia pulled up the map and quickly arrived at the place with a few people.

Youjiuzhuang is a two-story apartment with a rather old style. It has no unit door and can be climbed up along the outdoor stairs on the side.

"'s probably this one."

Jiang Xia stopped at the door of one of the houses.

There was a note taped to the door, with unsightly handwriting on it:

[I will be back before noon. Please leave the courier to the landlord. ]

Jiang Xia pressed the doorbell. Until the doorbell rang, no one came to open the door.

Subaru looked at the thin door and sniffed the surrounding air quietly, trying to distinguish the smell of corpses.

"It's already past noon, is there something that's delayed?" Mao Lilan couldn't help but feel a little worried, but soon, she thought optimistically, "Perhaps Mr. Nanchuan had just returned home when he and Ye came over, and then The three of them went out to discuss things together, so they didn’t have time to take off the note—go check out the nearby coffee shop, maybe you’ll find them.”…

Jiang Xia glanced at the corner of the door: "It's also possible that Mr. Kusukawa didn't come back at all. Hattori and the others followed the traces and then disappeared together." He pointed to his feet.

Conan was shorter and quickly noticed the tape on the corner of the door.

This piece of tape is attached to the very inconspicuous lower right corner, with one end connected to the door frame and the other end attached to the door. If someone breaks in while the owner is away, it will be ripped open, leaving traces of an "open door."

At this point, one end of the tape has fallen off, and...

"There is a lot of dust on the tape." Conan also began to feel something bad. "Combined with what Mr. Noda said just now, Mr. Kusukawa probably never came back after he went out. Since Hattori has been here, it means that he may have discovered something. I found some clues and followed them..."

Halfway through, he suddenly remembered that there was a Subaru standing next to him. Conan was startled and hurriedly patched it up, showing the innocent smile of a child: "——Brother Jiang Xia must be thinking so!"

"Yeah." Jiang Xia looked at the closed door of the room, then at Conan, and said pointedly, "It would be great if we could go in and take a look. There might be important clues hidden inside."

Conan met his gaze and understood instantly:

There are some things that are not appropriate for high school students to do, but elementary school students can become lawless gangsters - for example, elementary school students playfully break open doors and run into other people's homes, causing law-abiding high school students to have to follow and arrest the person.

Conan: "..." Well, from this aspect alone, becoming smaller is not without its benefits... Although when I was Kudo Shinichi, I often did things like breaking into houses by breaking into doors, locks, etc. Now at least I don't have to worry about being sent to jail.

He raised his hand to hold the doorknob and twisted it tentatively. His other hand reached into his pocket to search for the wire.

Before taking out the door prying tool, the door was opened directly.

Conan: "...unlocked the door?"

...After being out for so long and not locking the door, I feel like the atmosphere of the incident is getting stronger and stronger.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia suddenly poked him quietly on the back.

Conan came to his senses, pushed open the door like a naughty child, and ran into the house. Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan quickly chased after him.

Subaru, who had witnessed everything, said: "..." The detective office really doesn't care about martial ethics, and even children are not spared. But after all, this is to save people and justice. Compared with those detectives who directly break the door and pick the lock, Jiang Xia is already very good...

Subaru rushed away: "..." Having said that, Conan is really different from other children. He reacts so quickly that he doesn't even look like a child. Could it be that after staying with Jiang Xia for a long time, he was infected with the aura of genius?

...Or maybe they have done something similar to what they just did many times?

As he thought, he waited cautiously at the door.

I didn't hear Mao Lilan's scream, nor did I smell the stench of the corpse.

Only then did Subaru regain his composure and cautiously walked into the house with some doubts.

The house was surprisingly clean, with no signs of fighting or rummaging, and it didn't look like it had been broken into.

Subaru looked around and found that the three people who had entered before were all gathered in front of the desk, looking down at the pencil scratches on the table.

"Someone used a pencil to scribble on a note here. He accidentally overdrew it and painted it on the table." Jiang Xia took the note pad on the table and compared it with the mark on the table. The size was exactly the same.


Happy Children's Day!

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