Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1148 1147 [You came fishing again]

Chapter 1147 1147 [You came fishing again]

In an instant, the naive detective who was easily knocked down by sleeping pills turned out to be the only person present with a weapon.

"...How could you still be awake?!" Ito Misari was shocked and stepped back in panic.

But what was unexpected was that Jiang Xia did not immediately rush towards her to capture the thief first, nor did she turn around and run away. She even ignored the three guns that flew out.

The young detective just took a step to the side, squatted down, picked up the attic roof from the ground, and clicked it to the exit, sealing the only access to the attic.


Misari Ito was stunned for a moment, not understanding what this meant, but a bad premonition instinctively arose in her heart.

But soon, she glanced around and saw her two younger brothers who although they had no guns but still had the ability to move, her eyes lit up and she waved to them: "Come on, catch him!"

——Hmph, a law-abiding little detective is easy to deal with. Faced with this crisis, Jiang Xia actually didn't want to use a gun to solve the problem. Instead, he deliberately knocked the gun away and threw it on the stick... In this case, don't blame them for bullying the minority.

When the two younger brothers heard her order and remembered the consequences of being escaped by these hostages, they gritted their teeth and endured the pain, and rushed towards Jiang Xia.

Misari Ito quickly ran to the corner to get the gun.

Hattori Heiji caught sight of it and stood up suddenly to stop him, but he forgot that he was being handcuffed to Toyama and Ye. He stood up menacingly and fell to the ground with a crash.

"..." Hattori Heiji adjusted his balance shamelessly, and when he tried to get up from the ground, Misari Ito had already thrown himself next to the gun.

The woman smiled in surprise and stretched out her hand.

Then it was empty.

——A black cat appeared next to the gun at some point.

Just when Ito Misari was almost able to touch the gun, the dark-clouded snow cat slowly stretched out a paw and kicked the gun away.

"...bastard!!" Misari Ito was furious, but now was not the time to vent his anger on the cat. She could only run quickly to the nearest other gun.

But the same thing happened again - whenever she was almost able to touch the gun, the cat would run over to her one step ahead and slide away on the gun... It was so tacit understanding that it was as if she was deliberately playing with the cat. .

Hattori Heiji was so anxious that he broke into a cold sweat at first, but looking at it, he felt a little sympathetic to Misari Ito.

There was nothing he could do now anyway. Hattori Heiji hesitated for a moment, pulled a gun nearby and hid it, barely contributing to the melee in front of him, and then turned to look at Jiang Xia.

The scene in the narrow attic was chaotic.

At the same time, Conan was holding a solid wooden ornament found in a corner and was struggling with it - he deliberately kicked the ornament away and helped Jiang Xia knock down one of the enemies. But he was afraid that he would accidentally kick Jiang Xia and cause the team to be destroyed.

In the end, Conan could only hold the ornaments and carefully look for opportunities.

As he looked at it, he couldn't help but wonder:

It was obvious that when Jiang Xia shot down the gangster's pistol just now, his movements were so precise and neat. But now, time suddenly became longer - although Jiang Xia had been knocking on the two gangsters, the progress was very slow, and it even looked like he was entertaining...



Conan's mind recalled the scene in the past when Jiang Xia evenly beat the prisoner, and he vaguely understood what this neighbor was doing.

"..." At such an urgent moment, Jiang Xia still wanted to hit someone for fun. Could it be that there was nothing in the cup of tea just now?

But that's wrong. If nothing was really released, Lawyer Ito would have felt cheated when she saw Jiang Xia suddenly falling asleep. But she didn't. Instead, she happily asked someone to carry Jiang Xia up...

Conan fell into deep thought for a moment.

Next to him, Hattori Heiji watched this scene, and when he thought of how the group of people had shouted arrogantly to cut off people's fingers just now, he felt strangely relieved, and even wanted to join in.

However, the majestic face of Hattori Heizo flashed in his mind, and the second generation of Kansai policemen shook his head and threw away these messy thoughts.

——If his father finds out that he secretly beats prisoners for fun, I'm afraid he will be the one who gets beaten...

After thinking about it, he turned his head and saw Conan holding the ornament and frowning in thought.

Hattori Heiji was startled, he might have mistaken his intention, and whispered to this war scumbag: "Don't make trouble, it's not that Jiang Xia can't beat those people, it's just..."

Speaking of this, Hattori Heiji paused for a moment, not knowing how to describe it.

After pausing for a moment, he struggled to pick out a word that almost conveyed the meaning: "I'm just exercising - if you join in hastily at this time, it will easily cause him trouble."

Conan: "..." Exercise?

He had a lot to say at the moment, but he didn't know where to start.

In the end, he simply gave up, returned to business, and whispered: "I'm not thinking about this. It's Jiang Xia who just drank the tea brought by Ito Misari. I'm worried that sleeping pills were put in it. I can't tell when it will attack - Isn’t that how you got caught?”

"..." Hattori Heiji, who was caught directly without drinking tea, froze slightly.

After a moment, he cleared his throat nonchalantly and changed the subject: "...Ah, um, yes, yes. It is indeed dangerous. But Jiang Xia should know better... Well, you first pry the handcuffs of me and He Ye. Open. This way, even if Jiang Xia is out of shape later, those gangsters will not be able to make a comeback."

Conan nodded, and then, under the surprised gaze of Yuan Shan and Ye, "Where did you get these strange skills, kid?", he lowered his head and took the time to pry up the handcuffs.

However, it turns out that Hattori Heiji and Conan's concerns were all unnecessary.

Jiang Xia fought with the gangsters "evenly" for a while, then carefully looked at the two younger brothers who were gradually trying to escape, as if they had lost interest in them.

He no longer fought back and forth with the two of them, but suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed one of them by the collar, threw him to the ground, and knocked down the other person at the same time.

Then the two people stepped on each other, picked up the swinging stick, and knocked over skillfully.

Misari Ito was chasing the cat and the gun and passed by.

Suddenly she heard a loud bang, and she suddenly came back to her senses from her fight with the cat. Turning around in surprise, he saw the two younger brothers being thrown to the ground in an instant.


She originally wanted to curse and run away quickly.

But Jiang Xia happened to be standing on the ground door of the attic, firmly blocking the possibility of them leaving.

Jiang Xia was slightly startled when she found Misari Ito passing by. Then he raised the stick in a friendly manner and made a stroke, just in time to circle in the murderous group that came to the door.

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