Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 98 The black organization is also trash! Add more updates to the leader [Hundred Steps]

Chapter 98 The black organization is also trash! Add more updates to the leader of the alliance [Hundred Steps to Return the Sun]

Jiang Xia used an anesthesia needle from the doctor to anesthetize Shirley. This kind of thing would not leave traces on the skin, and Shirley happened to have a fever, so it was reasonable to faint. There was no need to worry about the doctor discovering the source of the anesthesia needle.

He carried Shirley and walked to his house. He happened to see Dr. Ali at the end of the street, wrapped in his coat and heading home.

Jiang Xia looked at his home and then at Dr. Ali. After struggling for 0.1 seconds, he decisively ignored Miyano Akemi, who was holding his arm QAQ and wanted to take his sister home, and walked towards the doctor.

Jiang Xia has no interest in raising children, and Shirley is not a real child after all. She is very smart and careful, and is not easy to fool. Jiang Xia itself has many secrets, and sometimes she even plays with ghosts. With Shirley next to me, I always feel constrained and not comfortable enough.

As for handing Shirley over to a state agency...Jiang Xia doesn't think it's feasible.

Let’s not say whether the world’s national institutions are reliable or not.

The main reason is that in the spoilers that Jiang Xia knows, Shirley alone made a temporary antidote that can turn Conan back into Kudo Shinichi - in case she has more powerful institutional support, she can just do it one day. With the permanent antidote... Conan will no longer be Conan.

Jiang Xia thought for a moment about her miserable situation as a murderous young ghost before Kudo-san turned into Conan, and her hands behind Shirley's back trembled slightly.

...In short, as an ordinary psychic who only wants to pick up ghosts, Jiang Xia has been very restrained not to get in the way of making a permanent antidote.

As for using spoilers that shouldn't exist in this world to help Conan grow bigger quickly... he couldn't do it, he really couldn't do it.

...Let Shirley stay with the doctor for now.

Thinking this, Jiang Xia quickly walked towards Dr. Ali.

Dr. Ali saw a child walking towards him carrying another child on his back. He was startled and a little surprised.

——The girl being carried had a lot of dirt on her body, was wearing ill-fitting clothes, and was unconscious. She looked like she had just escaped from an unscrupulous kidnapper.

Dr. A Li was about to ask what happened to them and whether he could help call the police, but at this moment, the little boy suddenly raised his head and their eyes met.

Dr. A Li's footsteps followed.

He began to think hard in his words - a child like this who had just escaped from the dragon's den would definitely not trust others easily. You have to find a way to make them believe that they are good people, and then quickly abduct the person into the home. Otherwise, if the kidnapper who kidnapped the child is still nearby, all three of them will be in danger.

Thinking of this, Dr. Ali smiled kindly and was about to say warmly, "Don't be afraid, uncle is a good person." But before he could speak, he saw the little boy walking towards him and decisively moving the girl on his back towards him. One release.

Dr. A Li: "...?"

Wait a minute, something doesn’t seem right about this plot.

This doesn't look like asking for help, it's a ploy?

Under the doctor's uncertain gaze, Jiang Xia looked at him innocently and "repeated" seriously: "She said she was a researcher of the black organization and was reduced in size by a poison. She asked me to take her to Kudo Shin. one."

"Black..." The amount of information in this sentence was too much. Dr. Ali was stunned and suddenly shocked, "Black organization?! Looking for Shinichi??!"

"Well, that's what she said." The little boy lowered his head indifferently, took out a slightly dirty coffee candy from his pocket, and handed it to the doctor:

"This is the reward she gave me. I have already eaten the others. Only this one has a taste I don't like. Grandpa, help me return it to her. By the way, remind her - don't forget what we said before."

"What we promised before" refers to reminding Shirley to stay at the doctor's house when she wakes up and not to wander around like a frightened bird. Jiang Xia doesn't want to look for anyone on the street.

In order to save energy, Jiang Xia's clothes had shallow pockets. When he was carrying someone, the coffee candy slipped out of the pocket and was crushed by him.

Jiang Xia originally wanted to throw it away, but after staring at the miserable candy for a while, he suddenly had other ideas and decided to let the candy shine and heat for the last time.

——Judging from what happened just now, Shirley’s brainstorming ability is not weak at all.

Throwing this candy to her might trigger wonderful thoughts, such as "Xiao Bai is reminding me that if I dare to run, I and the people around me will be shattered like coffee candy." In this way, she will Looking at the sugar will make you feel more at ease.

Dr. A Li reached out and took the candy. At this time, he had gradually come back to his senses - after all, Kudo Shinichi had become smaller before, and the doctor's world view had already changed into a strange shape.

He looked at the little boy in front of him sympathetically. This child was used by insidious organization members without his knowledge and risked his life to bring people here. And the reward he got was just a few candies. These people from the black organization are really...

Dr. A Li's words "crazy" came to his lips.

But he looked at the young girl on the ground and didn't know what to say.

In the end, the old man who cared about his children could only sigh helplessly.

He picked up Shirley and was about to tactfully ask the innocent child who had been deceived what he meant by "the appointment with her" just now, to prevent the child from being deceived again, but when he raised his head, he saw an empty space in front of his eyes. It was empty, the little boy had long gone.

The sudden appearance of a child of unknown origin, who is sick, or has even passed out due to fever, is a very troublesome thing in every aspect.

However, what does all this have to do with Jiang Xia, who is sitting in the office waiting for clients to come to her door?

Jiang Xia first drove the puppet, found a place to hide the remaining money, then dispersed the puppet, and returned his consciousness to his original body.

Xiaobai and other shikigami also returned directly to the seal space in his heart.

Jiang Xia stood up from the sofa and stretched.

He gave away the remaining cats and dogs in the office, took on a few mistress-finding tasks that he wasn't very interested in but could improve his connections, and ended his ordinary day.

The next day, Jiang Xia followed the address Amuro Tou gave him and found a part-time job location.

This time it was a coffee shop.

When Jiang Xia went to Toru Amuro to forcefully apply for a job, one thing was true - he was very familiar with the working procedures for various common positions, and chain restaurants like this were even more professional.

Jiang Xia changed into her employee uniform and sent away her colleagues who were on the early morning shift.

The front desk quickly prepared the meal. Jiang Xia walked to the corresponding table with the tray. Then when he lowered his head, he saw a well-dressed female high school student and an elementary school student who looked very unhappy.

Jiang Xia's eyes lit up.

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