Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1157 1156 [The boss just wants to visit]

Chapter 1156 1156 [The boss just wants to visit]

Although this commission is suspected to be related to the arson case, it is only a suspicion. Yuan Shanheye and Mao Lilan obviously have little interest in this.

"You go on your own, let's go shopping in the nearby shopping mall, and then go home to cook." Yuanshan and Ye waved to the detectives, "Come on and work!"

The two people quickly turned and walked away while talking and laughing.

"Well... let me take a look at the commission." Hattori Heiji took out a notebook and confirmed what Detective Kusukawa told his client, "Acupido Town 4-chome, a family named Morokaku."

"Acupido 4-chome?"

Conan remembered something: "When Mr. Okiya was taking notes, I took a sneak peek. His home seems to be in the 4th-chome of Cupido Town."

"Are you talking about the narrow-eyed man who encountered three cases in half a day and was almost hit by a truck?" Hattori Heiji laughed, "He shouldn't be so unlucky."

Conan sighed: "Not necessarily, I always feel that Mr. Okiya is being targeted by something."... Especially Subaru Okiya's previous reminder about "someone sniping at the elevators of the Twin Towers". The more Conan thought about it, the more he realized that this graduate student was not simple.

"..." Jiang Xia nodded silently, pretending to agree.

But I clicked an × in my heart: What does it mean to be targeted? It was obviously Subaru Okiya's physique that he had awakened in the incident, and he had a lot of contact with Conan and Maorilan...

However, when they arrived at the place, the three detectives discovered that although they were in the same 4-chome, the Okiya Subaru family and the Morokaku family were not next to each other.

Even separated by quite a distance.

Jiang Xia: "..." Without Okiya Subaru beside him, he always felt that he had lost some fun.

Fortunately, although they are not directly adjacent to each other, they are in the same neighborhood after all, which is not far from Okiya Subaru's house.

Jiang Xia secretly thought: Why not let the ghost float over later to see what the younger brother is doing at the moment, learn more about his subordinates' usual hobbies and movements, and be a good and considerate boss...

"..." Of course, even if your heart is moved, you can't just hang up and go find Okiya Subaru right away.

As a good detective who unfortunately didn't encounter a car accident, he still had to go through the process of investigating the commission.

"It should be right here."

Hattori Heiji stopped in front of a house uncertainly. He looked at his watch and felt a little embarrassed: "It's a little late. Mr. Kusawa emphasized this several times, saying that the client has a very strong sense of time and a very bad temper..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, his eyes lit up, and he turned to look at Jiang Xia: "How about you ring the doorbell?"

...I always feel that Jiang Xia seems to be very approachable, and if you let him take the lead, he will probably not get scolded.

Jiang Xia is not afraid of others getting angry with her, and even wants to make others angry.

He looked away from the street corner, walked over and rang the doorbell of Morokaku's house.

The doorbell rang, but no one came to open it until it finished ringing.

Hattori Heiji and Conan were still watching secretly at first.

Seeing this situation at this time, they couldn't help but frowned and their eyes focused: "... Nothing will happen."

The door of this single-family house was open at this time.

In broad daylight, this actually looks normal.

But at this time, this scene suddenly became weird in the eyes of the two detectives.

They hurried to the door. About to try knocking or banging on the door.

At this time, through the door, someone suddenly said sharply at the entrance:

"If you don't leave, I'll call the police!"

Almost at the same time, Jiangxia grabbed the hands of Hattori Heiji and Conan to push the door open, and whispered: "Let's check the situation first."

The two detectives nodded and huddled furtively at the door to eavesdrop.

The person who just shouted that she wanted to call the police sounded like a middle-aged woman.

At this time, another man's voice sounded in the room, with a humble and flattering tone:

"I'm really not that kind of scam salesman - well, my name is Genda Takatoku, and I'm the manager of an antique shop. My shop is in Rizen Town next door, not far from here, so I wanted to ask you to take a look Our store’s brochures and collection catalogues, please feel free to visit us if needed in the future.”

Zhujiao Ryoko sneered: "I'm not interested in that kind of scrap metal covered in dust."

Xuantian Lunde sighed, holding a product catalog and a small gift in a box with both hands: "Then I won't bother you. Please accept this, it is a small token of appreciation from our store..."

"Hmph, do I look like the kind of poor guy who just wants some free gifts?" Ryoko Morokaku slapped the booklet, sending the album and gifts flying away, "Get out of here!"

"...Yes, I'm sorry to bother you." Xuantian Longde lowered his head to pick up the brochures and small gifts from his shop, turned around and opened the door, and wanted to leave in embarrassment.

When he raised his head, he was caught off guard and met the eyes of the three people outside, and was slightly startled.

The three detectives moved awkwardly out of the way.

Xuantian Lunde silently nodded to them and left quickly.

In this way, Ryoko Zhujiao also saw the three sneaky guys outside.

She frowned and was about to curse again.

But after a closer look, this time it was a handsome young man who didn't look like an annoying salesman at all, so he reluctantly had a little more patience, swallowed the curses, and just asked: "Why are you blocking my door? "

Jiang Xia looked at her kindly: "We are friends of Mr. Nanchuan. He seems to have received a commission from you, saying that at night, suspicious figures appear in this area... Something happened to him and he couldn't come over, so Let’s check on him.”

"Kusukawa?...Oh, that detective."

Ryoko Zhukaku thought of something and waved her hand perfunctorily: "No, if you think about it carefully, it must have been my misunderstanding at that time. I was too tired during that time, so my eyesight was dazzled. It's none of your business, go back quickly."

"..." Conan and Hattori Heiji looked suspiciously.

However, Ryoko Morokaku obviously didn't have the patience to answer questions and acted as if she was busy seeing off guests.

The three of them had no choice but to go out again.

As soon as they arrived at the door, before they could discuss why the strange Morokaku Ryoko had gone back on her word, a car suddenly approached and screeched to a stop at the door of this house.

A tall middle-aged man stepped out of the car, wearing a crisp suit.

He looked at the three detectives who had just left the house in surprise, glanced at Jiang Xia, and was slightly startled. After a while, he passed by them as if nothing had happened and entered the yard of Zhujiao's house.

The man greeted Ryoko Morokaku who was still at the door: "How are you feeling lately?"

"Why did you come so early today?" Ryoko Morokaku saw him and showed a bright smile. She pointed to the shoe cabinet at the door, "Look, I arranged this porcelain jar as you said. I really feel lucky recently. A lot!”

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