Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 100 Please spoil the story slowly.

Jiang Xia didn't care about Conan. No matter how angry Conan was, he wouldn't really kick people to death, but he might kick others out of his murderous aura...

The coffee on the tray was ordered by Fei Yingli. Jiang Xia walked to her table and put down the cup. Fei Yingli raised her head and was startled when she saw him.

Jiang Xia nodded towards her and said hello: "Eiri...Hello, sister." Since she used to call Kudo Yukiko one sister at a time, then Fei Yingri is Kudo Yukiko's peer, so she should be called her like that. Otherwise, if one day I meet two mothers of the same age at the same time, one is called sister and the other is called aunt, it will always feel very bad.

When Conan heard this, he turned around and looked at Fei Yingli in shock.

Fei Yingli didn't notice the child's abnormality. She recognized Jiang Xia and said in a good mood: "Long time no see." She did not correct Jiang Xia's name.

The two briefly chatted for a few words. At this time, Jiang Xia suddenly saw Conan leave his seat and tiptoe towards the door, as if he wanted to slip away.

Jiang Xia smiled and said goodbye to Fei Yingli, then walked over quickly and caught Conan who was trying to escape back to the store.

"...let me go! I really have to go." Conan struggled and whispered, "Suddenly I remembered that I have something to do today."

When Conan heard the name "Yingli", he immediately understood why Fei Yingli was so good-looking, but his first impression of her was "scary" - he was naughty when he was a child, and was often scolded by Fei Yingli.

And now, as soon as Fei Yingli appears, it is already obvious who the "important person" of Maori Lanyue is. Conan felt that he could leave with peace of mind.

However, Jiang Xia didn't let go at all.

The shop owner glanced over and realized that Jiang Xia was trying to stop the children from running around. Not only did he not stop the new clerk, he also gave him an encouraging look with relief.

Conan was dragged back to the store unwillingly.

He didn't understand why Jiang Xia didn't let him go. After thinking for a while, he had to reluctantly attribute it to the fact that Jiang Xia might also be afraid of Fei Yingli, so he wanted to force a brother in trouble... However, Jiang Xia seemed to be quite well-behaved when he was a child, and Fei Yingli never scolded her at all. He...

Just as he was thinking about it, a frightened scream suddenly came from the bathroom.

Conan was startled and looked over sharply. Almost at the same time, Jiang Xia let go of his hand.

Conan straightened his collar and didn't think much about it. He just felt that Jiang Xia let him go because he had something serious to do.

The two of them rushed to the bathroom one after another and saw the playboy slumped on the ground, pointing at the toilet stall and speechless. Following his pointing, they saw a large amount of blood slowly flowing out from under the stall door. .

Fei Yingli frowned, put down her coffee cup, and followed.

Originally, she wanted to see what happened and observe the crime scene.

However, for some reason, Fei Yingli's eyes turned towards him unconsciously when she stood next to Jiang Xia.

She raised her hand and took off a little thread on Jiang Xia's back. She originally wanted to pat him and tidy up his clothes, but at this moment, Conan suddenly rushed towards the blood-stained compartment. Fei Yingli was alarmed and stopped. action.

Jiang Xia noticed Fei Yingli's behavior, but didn't think there was anything wrong. In his impression, middle-aged mothers in this world are indeed so warm and friendly. In comparison, Fei Yingli's reaction was relatively dull. .

As Conan ran towards the cubicle, Jiang Xia also followed.

The primary school student pushed the compartment door first, but it didn't open, so he gathered his strength and jumped up, trying to grab the top of the door to see what was going on inside.

But just halfway through the jump, Jiang Xia accurately intercepted it.

Jiang Xia held Conan's collar and slipped him aside: "Don't destroy the scene. What if you make the door collapse?"

With that said, Jiang Xia ignored Conan's excuse of "I'm very light!" He also pushed the door intentionally and found that the door was unlocked, but it seemed to be blocked by something from the inside.

So Jiang Xia asked Fei Yingli to borrow a mirror, stretched it out from above, first focused on the blood stain on the edge of the door, and then saw the scene inside.

In the compartment lay a young female corpse. She leaned against the compartment door with her back, a large amount of blood pouring out from her heart, and the contents of her bag were scattered on the floor, with a blood-stained knife mixed inside.

At first glance, it looked a lot like someone had robbed and stabbed her in a cubicle, then dropped the knife, climbed out of the cubicle from the top and ran away.

Jiang Xia nodded secretly, "Very good, he has seen everything he should see. The prerequisites for the spoiler have been prepared, and he can start writing with confidence."

Conan was spinning around Jiang Xia's feet, constantly saying "Let me see! Show me!". After urging him a few times, he was successfully treated as a troublemaker.

Fei Yingli sighed and stepped forward, forcibly taking Conan outside to prevent the child from leaving a psychological shadow after seeing the body or disturbing Jiang Xia's investigation of the case.

In this world, detectives are already well-known, and Fei Yingli is not only a lawyer, but also the wife of a detective, so she usually pays attention to relevant news unconsciously.

Therefore, Fei Yingli noticed Jiang Xia's recent activity in the detective world, which was one of the reasons why she could quickly recognize Jiang Xia after not seeing him for many years.

In Fei Yingli's view, when detectives solve a case, it will definitely become more difficult if there are naughty children nearby who are causing trouble or even destroying physical evidence or traces.

Although Fei Yingli often dislikes some detective behaviors, since today is Jiangxia...well, young people need experience, so just break it if you want, as long as it doesn't break the law.

And she had seen reports of Jiang Xia solving the case before.

Jiang Xia is very different from other detectives. He never wanders around, let alone messes with evidence. Usually he only needs to stand next to the corpse for a while to figure everything out. At most, he will unconsciously tug on the corpse while thinking. trouser legs... In short, except for the last little problem, in Fei Yingli's eyes, Jiang Xia can be regarded as a model detective, which is one of the reasons why Fei Yingli silently supported him at this time.

Conan, who was taken away by Fei Yingli, looked at the crime scene eagerly. If it was someone else who was pulling him, he must have run away. But Conan was trained too many times by Fei Yingli when he was a child, and he had already formed a conditioned reflex. Although he was very eager to solve the case, he could only act like a cat being held by the scruff, not daring to run away.

In the end, Conan could only sigh in despair. Even if he couldn't solve the case faster than Jiang Xia, why not look at the scene and enjoy the fun of reasoning? Is there any reason for this?

However, after seeing the customers in the store, Conan quickly became energetic again. Although he can't see the crime scene...but he can observe the suspect! If the murderer's psychological quality is poor and he accidentally lets it slip, he might be able to find the murderer faster than Jiang Xia...

Fei Yingli walked into the hall with Conan and saw several policemen walking in. The leader happened to be from the Memu Police Department, who was also an old acquaintance of hers.

Fei Yingli nodded and said hello to the Memu Police Department, and then let go of Conan.

Conan was happily free.

He stared at several guests who had entered the bathroom shortly before the incident, and was about to go over to chat with them one by one. But at this time, Jiang Xia happened to come out of the bathroom.

When the Mumu Police Department saw Jiang Xia, they originally wanted to say, "It's you again"...but he had actually said this too many times, and he found it boring.

So I temporarily changed a synonym: "Have you found the murderer again?"

"Yes." Jiang Xia nodded, "Although some details have yet to be confirmed, the murderer should be Mr. Dianshan." As he said that, he pointed at the strong man sitting next to the bar who had been chatting with the boss just now.

Jiang Xia used a normal volume.

Dianshan Thirteen: "..."

Conan had just walked up to the first suspect and before he had a chance to talk to him: "..."

He stopped expressionlessly, took out his notebook, and wrote down a few words on it: soundproof earplugs.

...If he encounters another murder case next time, he will definitely put on the earplugs the first second he sees Jiang Xia.

No one can persuade me!

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