Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1187 1186 [Vodka’s career as a police officer]

Chapter 1186 1186 [Vodka’s career as a police officer]

Jiang Xia watched for a moment, looked at his watch, and interrupted: "It seems that this is all I can ask. After all, they are not real people. When the NPC clues in the game are squeezed out, they will repeat a sentence back and forth. This person should be the same. .”

Gin responded thoughtfully.

Then he fired a shot and killed him neatly. There is no more information anyway.

While handling the body skillfully, he recalled the situation in the bubble. Then he discovered that he didn't see vodka at all, and the police didn't mention anything about this unreliable guy.

Gin frowned slightly. Although he felt that he did not have prosopagnosia, to be safe, he still asked the other two people next to him: "Did vodka appear in the memory just now?"

Jiang Xia shook her head regretfully: "No."

The same goes for Belmode.

"..." Gin was silent for a moment.

So where did the vodka go?

I always feel that Anonymous is brewing some kind of conspiracy...

Tachibana Goryu is a powerful celebrity, and his murderer is a famous detective who is quite popular.

The news soon reached the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

"Have you heard? That Tachibana Goryu was killed in Karuizawa! The murderer was the high school detective named Jiang Xia, who has helped us solve many cases before."

"...It's true that people cannot be judged by their appearance. Alas, young people are always impulsive."

"The murderer ran away halfway. Although the crime occurred in Nagano Prefecture, since it was a Tokyoite who committed the crime, we can't ignore it completely. Hurry up and recruit a few people to hunt together!" Take a look at the excitement.

The noise comes closer and further away.

Behind an open office door, a man in a silver suit quietly poked his head out.

After Vodka carefully listened to the information, he straightened his collar as if nothing had happened, and couldn't help but cast his eyes towards the full-length mirror next to him.

A handsome man was reflected there, which was different from Vodka's original appearance. And the identity is obviously completely different.

- Vodka just hit the ground a while ago. Originally, he was carefully preparing to win, and tried his best to reduce his presence so as not to be accidentally tricked to death by Uzo.

But unexpectedly after logging into the game, a closer look revealed that there was no Uzo around him at all.

And he himself became a young and promising police officer in the Investigation Section of the Metropolitan Police Department. No matter how you look at it, you are not someone who can be easily killed.

After Vodka was surprised, he couldn't help but quietly began to inquire about the relevant information of several accomplices.

After discovering that there was a famous detective named "Jiang Xia" in his phone book, Vodka felt a thump in his heart and couldn't help but mutter and complain: Forget it outside the game. Now, after finally playing a game, he still has to be a colleague with Uzo? Detectives and police officers have a lot to do with each other.

He continued to curse in his heart.

Unexpectedly, not long after, the situation suddenly reversed - Jiang Xia turned out to be a murderer.

"This kid actually has such a day, Anonymous did a great job!"

Sitting in the spacious office, Vodka brought up Jiang Xia's relevant information in a comfortable mood, took a glance, and felt better.

——The Jiang Xia of this world is still his original appearance.

And his acquaintances "Kurosawa Jin" and "Chris Wynyard" also have the faces of Gin and Belmod.

Vodka crossed his legs and touched his face. At first he was a little confused: Why was he different, with a different face?

After thinking about it later, he guessed that Anonymous might have thought that the "vodka look" did not fit the image of a just police officer, so he changed his face without permission.

"..." Although he felt that he had been discriminated against, Vodka looked at himself in the mirror and suddenly had a bold idea:

"Under the background of Belmode and Big Brother, Uzo will definitely form an impression that 'people from the outside will still maintain their appearance after entering the game'... In other words, I go out and about with this face, Is it most likely that Uzo won’t recognize me?”

Thinking of this, and then thinking about his previous experience of being persecuted by Uzo, Vodka couldn't help showing an excited sneer:

Oh, what a turn of events. Wu Zuo was unfamiliar with the place and the people around him. It was very difficult to plan a murder case against the "police police" in a short period of time. In other words, he will be in an invincible position for a short time!

Vodka couldn't help but get excited, circling back and forth in the office, shouting in his heart: No more delays! We must mobilize troops immediately to capture Uzuo, and first lock him up in a small dark room and give him a good beating. Otherwise, if you miss this time, you may never have such an opportunity again!

As for the puzzle-solving task...

Vodka touched his chin and thought happily: "With my current status, it is very convenient for me to obtain information about the case.

"Both brother and Belmode are not weak in thinking. When the time comes, they will find a way to let the information flow to them. After the two legs have solved the puzzle, I can naturally follow them out - this link does not require the use of Uzo, after all. Uzo is a fake detective who usually solves cases quickly because he writes the scripts himself. In terms of solving puzzles, Big Brother and Belmode may not be worse than him."

After thinking about it, Vodka couldn't help but have further expectations.

After all, he is an outlaw who has been with Gin for many years. He is not timid, but he usually cares about his life, so he seems a little more cautious.

So soon, vodka quietly came up with new ideas.

——It’s best if you can successfully escape from the game by then. Uzo, on the other hand, accidentally "died accidentally" in the game because of a tragic encounter with a gangster, and was then electrocuted to death by an anonymous punishment outside the game...

That way, hehehe, Vodka thought happily: Without Uzo, he would no longer have to worry about being hit by an "accident" falling from the sky one day while walking on the road; nor would he have to worry about his elder brother being killed on the spot one day. Enchanted, he suddenly aimed a shot at his younger brother.

Thinking of this, Vodka's expression tightened.

——By the way, since it is a game, it must have a time limit.

...We can't let Jiang Xia fall into the hands of the Nagano Prefectural Police. Otherwise, if we try to get the person in our hands and squeeze him, it will waste a lot of time for handover and procedures. Without further ado, we must arrest people now!

Vodka stood up and walked out of the office quickly.

At the same time, he mobilized his subordinates in a humane manner, showing a cold and unpredictable smile: "Let's go, since the murderer is an old acquaintance, we should also go and have a look - a detective becomes a criminal, but it is a very scary thing. It is necessary to arrest Jiang Xia before he commits more crimes." It would be even better if any impulsive subordinate accidentally knocks Uzuo away during the arrest...

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