Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 105 Please give food to those in need

Originally, one of the purposes of Jiang Xia's visit to the doctor today was to remind Haiyuan Ai not to take off his organizational vest.

But after arriving at the doctor's house, Jiang Xia found that the environment was not suitable - there were too few people, and Dr. Ali could easily notice his actions.

If he whispered to Haihara Ai, whom he had "met for the first time" in front of the doctor, it would be a bit suspicious no matter how you look at it.

And if Dr. Ali is locked out of the house and he takes Haibara Ai and hides in the house to talk... I always feel that the doctor will call 110 with tears in his eyes and try to send him to a juvenile detention center.

The only good opportunity was the short minute when Dr. A Li was repairing the props.

But the scaled-down version of Shirley was so fun that Jiang Xia accidentally missed the best opportunity.

Now think about it... Dr. A Li went to bed early anyway, so it would be better to wait until he goes to bed later and then sneak over to talk to Haibara Ai alone.

On the other side, Haibara Ai fell silent after observing the terrain around Dr. Ali.

Anonymous is also very good at picking places.

Fortunately, she was not exposed in front of Jiang Xia today.

But now that we are so close to Jiangxia, we must always be careful in the future. Otherwise, if the horse falls off, at least three lives will be lost.

Fortunately, turning into a child is too unbelievable and Jiang Xia should not be able to imagine it.

Hui Yuan Ai was pacing, thinking, and pacing. She passed by the experimental table and her eyes stopped on the table.

——I don’t know when an extra bucket of instant noodles appeared there.

Huiyuan Ai was startled, this was what Jiang Xia brought over just now.

He even used instant noodles as a house-to-door gift... Could it be that for these two people, this kind of junk food is a necessity of life that can be found everywhere?

Dr. Ali organized his toolbox.

It was already almost dinner time. He was flipping through the phone book for ordering food. After looking for a long time, he couldn't find what he wanted to eat. However, he suddenly remembered the instant noodles Jiang Xia had brought.

In Dr. Ali's impression, Jiang Xia is sometimes very particular - even if he eats junk food, he must choose the most exquisite type of junk food.

Instant noodles and instant noodles are different. Even if they are both instant foods, their tastes are very different. Dr. A Li remembered the snacks Jiang Xia had brought him before, swallowed, and stood up to find some noodles.

As a result, when she turned around, she saw Haiyuan Ai holding the bucket of instant noodles. She looked at the ingredient list on it, then tore off the cover and looked inside, revealing a cold look in her eyes.

Dr. A Li was stunned.

Haiyuan Ai glanced at him and put the instant noodles aside: "I'll cook tonight."

"Huh? This is not good..." Dr. Ali looked at this child who only looked like a first grader and doubted that she could lift the pot.

However, Haihara Ai was not asking for advice. When she said those words, she had already walked into the kitchen.

There were some fairly fresh vegetables in the refrigerator. Haihara Ai scanned the refrigerator critically with the eyes of a lab rat and took out a few items.

Dr. A Li opened the door uneasily and watched for a while. He was slightly relieved when he saw Haibara Ai move a small bench and put it under his feet, washing and chopping vegetables on it with skillful movements.

He temporarily handed over the kitchen to this black organization researcher who suddenly wanted to cook for some reason. He walked back to the test bench and continued to handle the props.

Half an hour later, Dr. Ali looked at the pile of dishes on the table: "..."

For two of them, one old and one young, isn't this... a bit much?

Hui Yuan Ai wiped her hands, glanced at the table, and said calmly: "Sorry, I haven't cooked for a long time, so I can't tell the quantity."

"It's okay, it's okay." How could Dr. Ali blame a child who took the initiative to cook for himself.

He took a sip of the aroma of vegetables wafting in the air. He was already a little hungry, but now he was even hungrier: "Put more in the refrigerator so you can still eat it tomorrow."

Hui Yuan Ai shook his head: "It's not new to stay overnight. I'll do it tomorrow for tomorrow's portion."

"Haha, that's right." Dr. A Li was now completely attracted by the delicious dinner and had no energy to think too much.

He couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and was about to take them down, but at this moment, Hui Yuan Ai suddenly put down the bowl with a thud.

The doctor was startled, vaguely feeling that she had something to say, and looked at her doubtfully.

Haihara Ai kept hinting, but to no avail. She took a deep breath tiredly, thought about it, and pushed the rice bowl in front of her to follow the doctor.

She herself took the instant noodles she had just opened: "Thinking about it carefully, you are right, waste is not good. This will be my staple food tonight."

Dr. A Li looked at the instant noodles, then at a table of sumptuous dishes, and fell into deep thought.

He felt that there seemed to be a problem with Haihara Ai's understanding of "waste". Well, the black organization is indeed a scary place where people's cognition is easily distorted.

However, as the box of instant noodles that the doctor had been thinking about was shaking in front of his eyes, he finally followed the instant noodles and thought of Jiang Xia next door.

Dr. A Li had an idea: "By the way, why not give some food to Jiang Xiayun? He probably hasn't had dinner yet."

After saying that, the doctor remembered that the food on the table was not cooked by himself, and it seemed not good to share it with others without permission, so he looked at Haibara Ai again and asked for advice.

"Jiang Xia? Is he the person who came to see you just now?" Haiyuan Ai held his chin, pretended to think for a while, and nodded reservedly, "Okay."

After saying that, she got up and went back to the kitchen - when she was looking for tableware, she found a food box in the cabinet, so she took it out and washed it.

While loading vegetables into the food box, Haihara Ai reminded the dull-looking doctor in front of him: "Don't say it was made by me when you give it away. Normal children can't make such things. I don't want to reveal my identity. And I know He will definitely be frightened that adults can become smaller, and if he goes out and talks nonsense, he will cause trouble."

"Haha, it's okay, Jiang Xia is very strict, so he won't be scared." Dr. A Li waved his hand, "And actually, before you, we have already met a person who has shrunk."

The chopsticks in Hui Yuan Ai's hand fell to the table.

She was shocked: "What did you say?!"

Dr. A Li didn't expect her to react so strongly.

What Haiyuan Ai is afraid of is that "Jiang Xia knows that there are people in this world who can become smaller", but Dr. Ali instantly grasped the wrong point, thinking that what Haiyuan Ai cares about is "another person who can become smaller", so he explained:

"Didn't you mention a case of shrinking before? I'm talking about him. I originally wanted to discuss it with Shinichi first, and then let him come to see you... Well, are you okay?"

Dr. Ali looked at Haibara Ai's increasingly pale face and couldn't go on - he didn't expect Shinichi to be so scary in the eyes of the members of the organization. After just mentioning him a few words, Xiao Ai was almost turned into a plaster statue with fear...


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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