Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1227 1226 [It is Jiang Xia who is killing people]

Chapter 1226 1226 [It is Jiang Xia who is killing people]

The two guns, which were old and soaked in water, were originally supposed to be placed in the police station as evidence of the murder. Even if you forget to return it temporarily, you can play with it for a few days at most, and the police will soon find out.

It's just a few days less opportunity to hold a gun openly.

With this in mind, Jiang Xia took them out, glanced down at them, and threw the gun to the police without a care.

Next to him, Conan was reviewing the previous case in his mind, but suddenly felt a chill in his back.

He was startled, then frowned and looked at the police station, and he had a guess in his mind: Kasuga Teruhiko must be scolding them, huh, he is such a loser, who made him choose Xiaolan as a hostage... It's simply... An example of self-inflicted suffering.

Not long after, the police went to the lake to collect evidence and pulled back Dr. Tanaka's body.

"I did shoot." Kasuga Teruhiko thought of the Kasuga Consortium that was about to be acquired, and realized that if he was arrested at this time, the wealth would probably fall into the hands of his brothers.

He didn't want to admit it just like that, and said angrily and unreasonably: "You can't just listen to one side of the story! That gun actually belonged to Jiang Xia. He killed Dr. Tanaka. I took advantage of the chaos and got the gun. I wanted to fight back, but my shot was in vain. After that, I was unfortunately beaten by them... These people are all in the same group! They colluded to frame me for the murder!"

"But." The fat police officer looked at him speechlessly. Although he felt that this man was making trouble unreasonably, he could not completely ignore his testimony, so he had to try his best to explain:

"Several other students did go with Jiang Xia, but even your girlfriend insisted that you were the one who shot and killed her. She couldn't be Jiang Xia's accomplice - not to mention that Jiang Xia had no motive for killing. He didn't I don’t know Dr. Tanaka, and I don’t have gun smoke reaction.”

"My girlfriend..." Kasuga Teruhiko gritted his teeth, "Actually, she got interested and hooked up with that detective a long time ago!"

"?!" Nakamura Yukiko was stunned, "You can even say such things, you, you don't have dignity!"

"That's right!" Suzuki Sonoko stood up from the table, rolled up her sleeves, and looked offended, "Don't touch the porcelain carelessly!"

Once you lose your moral integrity and start lying, it becomes easier immediately.

"A detective will definitely have many opportunities to come into contact with guns." Kasuga Teruhiko relied on the fact that this was a police station and no one could hit him. He held his head high and said so hard that he almost believed it:

"And why didn't Jiang Xia have a motive for killing? Didn't he suspect that Dr. Tanaka was the murderer of the female corpse at the bottom of the sea? It must be because he said it but couldn't find evidence, so in order to prevent himself from concluding the wrong case, he simply killed the person!

"A dead person can't argue for himself. In this way, Jiang Xia's case detection rate is still 100% - if you ask me, his efficiency in solving cases is so high, which is very abnormal. There may be some shady means behind his back. ! As for the gun smoke reaction, he took a dip in the lake and his body was covered with water, so it’s impossible to measure it accurately. In short, in short, I didn’t kill anyone!"


It's rare to see such a tough-talking prisoner.

Jiang Xia looked at him for a few times, and then discovered to his disappointment that Kasuga Teruhiko might be at the police station, or he might have been knocked up just now. In short, right now, he is busy pushing the blame, and there is not much murderous aura in him.

In this case, let’s end it as soon as possible and then return to Tokyo to continue picking up ghosts...

"I don't think I said I thought Dr. Tanaka was the murderer." Jiang Xia said, taking out another plastic bag from his bag, "However, I did find evidence that he is the murderer."

"..." Kasuga Teruhiko looked at the deflated lifebuoy. Although he didn't know what it had to do with Dr. Tanaka's murder, he still subconsciously believed Jiang Xia's judgment and scolded Tanaka in his heart - what a waste. , can’t even hide the evidence.

"Is this... a lifebuoy?" The fat police officer looked at it doubtfully, "What does this have to do with the female corpse at the bottom of the sea?"

Just as Jiang Xia was about to speak, there was a sudden commotion in the corridor.

An old man wearing a straw hat broke in, stroking his gray beard and said angrily: "Officer, I want to report the crime! I don't know which thief stole my boat - even the garbage boat. He is really hungry! Shameless! Unscrupulous!" Pooh!"

A primary school student in Hawaii who was suddenly scolded: "..."

After explaining the situation, the ship was compensated.

Jiang Xia grabbed the white-bearded old man who wanted to leave. Since we are here, why not just leave some clues before leaving: "You should know this sea area very well - how will the sea currents flow at night in the past few days?"

Grandpa has been fishing for ocean garbage for many years. At this time, he had just received a generous compensation and learned that his ship had saved people. I was in a good mood, so I waved my hand:

"Bring a pen and paper! You won't understand even if I tell you, I'll just draw it."

While he was drawing the picture, the police also conducted a preliminary inspection of the lifebuoy.

"Although it's blurry, it does have Dr. Tanaka's fingerprints on it!" the police officer said in surprise. "In addition, we also detected blood stain reaction on the lifebuoy. Although further verification is needed, it seems that the location of the remaining blood stains is... It basically matches the scratches left on the deceased’s armpit!”

The evidence is all there.

Jiang Xia secretly began to fast forward: "The autopsy results were not tampered with. At the time when the victim drowned, Dr. Tanaka was indeed drinking in the izakaya.

"But before that, he had already knocked his girlfriend unconscious, tied heavy stones around her ankles, and then put her on a lifebuoy with a small hole in it, and let her float along the current on the sea. ——If you look carefully, you can actually find that the knot on the deceased's ankle is oriented in a strange way. Rather than sitting in a certain place and tying the rope, it looks more like it was tied from another direction."

"After sending those who are still alive to the sea, Dr. Tanaka can return to the tavern and continue drinking. He has many colleagues to help testify, and he even deliberately choked with a few high school students, leaving a good impression on many people. Let it be remembered that he happened to be in the tavern at the time.

"At the same time, Miss Photon on the lifebuoy floated with the sea current. Because the lifebuoy was punctured, the air inside slowly leaked. When it could no longer support her weight, the body would be hit by rocks and sink. To the sea.

"Maybe it's because these preparations are difficult to control, and because I didn't expect that the lifebuoy would be found, Dr. Tanaka didn't wear gloves and accidentally left his fingerprints - it's a pity that he was beaten to death by Mr. Kasuga, otherwise he would have really wanted to see it Let’s see what reasons he will use to justify it.”

No one knows how Dr. Tanaka would have defended himself if he were still alive.

Kasuga Teruhiko really wanted to argue, but unfortunately there were both witnesses and physical evidence, so it was not possible to get through by just messing around.

Thank you to the cruel vampire for the reward~

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