Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1229 1228 [Let’s make friends, doctor] Please vote for me (

Chapter 1228 1228 [Let’s make friends, doctor] Please vote for me (づど)

At first, Gin thought that Ireland, the bastard, was trying to weaken his power and steal his job.

But soon, Gin was pleased to find that the boss still trusted him more: the key tasks were still in his hands, while what was handed over to Ireland and his subordinates were some complicated and seemingly confidential tasks, but Work that is actually not that important can be summed up in one sentence: thankless.

In short, in the past two days, as the busyness has been reduced, sleep and leisure time have become sufficient, and Uzo is not around, Gin's mental state has really improved a lot instantly, and the dark circles under his eyes have faded.

From this point of view, Gin thought, the boss was not trying to beat him up, but really wanted him to have a good rest and recuperate his mental state.

——To be honest, Gin feels that his mental state is very healthy.

It was just that during the sniper attack, he was tricked by Uzo into forcing Bourbon to death, and the email sent to the boss gave the adult the false impression of being "gin-face-blind"; plus this time, Anonymous hypnosis technology interfered with it, and it looked like something was wrong.

In short, Gin felt that the problem was not big: next, as long as he followed the adult's request and successfully received Dr. Utsumi, and then called Uzo, and received one or two of the "hot spring treatments" that Dr. Utsumi was good at, he would be fine. Can insist that he recovered.

In this way, he, who had no problems to begin with, could return to his previous routine.

——Leisure is leisure, but after being idle for a long time, it will inevitably become a bit boring, and in the long run, Ireland will inevitably take advantage of it. Gin still felt that he should "recover" as soon as possible.

Hope the treatment goes well.

No, treatment doesn't really matter, after all, I'm not sick.

It should be said that I hope Uzuo will cooperate a little and get through these days in peace.

"The top is the Beigang Line. The bottom is the Nanchuan Line."

At the station, Suzuki Sonoko looked at the route map and turned around to ask some of her companions: "The speeds of the two lines are about the same, and the arrival time at the station is also about the same. However, since they go around both sides of a mountain, I heard that the scenery is very different. …Which car should we take?”

Several people looked at the promotional pictures and finally chose the Beigang Line.

The vehicle departs at 3:05 p.m.

The high school students sat in the car and looked at the scenery along the way for a while, gradually becoming sleepy.

I was yawning and wanted to catch up on some sleep before the bus arrived.

But at this time, someone sitting next to him suddenly started arguing. The voice still sounded familiar.

One of them had a helpless voice: "I didn't mean that! Oh, what happened to you today? You have such a bad temper."

Another person stood up angrily: "I can't tell you clearly!"

Then he turned around angrily and left, going to other cars - there were many empty seats in this car. It seemed that the man wanted to separate from his companions and calm down.

The high school students were just bored.

Suddenly they heard someone arguing, and they looked over curiously.

Then I found that the people who were quarreling not only sounded familiar, but also looked familiar.

——It turned out to be that group of lingering doctors again.

No, using "a group" to describe it is not appropriate.

Currently, they have only seen one of the doctors - the kind, fat doctor who invited them to share a table at the izakaya last night.

The action of the four high school students turning their heads to look at each other was a bit obvious.

The fat doctor quickly noticed them. He looked over and was startled: "It's you."...Why are these children so haunted? Speaking of which, ever since I met them at the banquet last night, the murders have been happening one after another.

Although he was a little embarrassed in his heart, the fat doctor was obviously a person with a good temper.

He remembered the quarrel he had with his friends just now, so he found a topic in a friendly manner: "I'm so sorry that you guys saw the joke."

Jiang Xia, an enthusiastic passerby, asked: "What happened?"

"It's nothing, just a little conflict." Dr. Sato sighed, "Maybe it's because there have been murders in the past two days, and everyone is very uneasy, so the temper has become like this... Ida has not been so irritable before."

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko: "..." For some reason, they were obviously innocent people and the murder had nothing to do with them, but they still felt guilty and glanced at Jiang Xia quietly.

Then he hurriedly changed the subject: "Um, aren't the other doctors with you?"

"No. Not all of us came from the direction of Tokyo. Some people went back to other directions, and some took the Nanchuan Line. Anyway, they would all go to the same place." Dr. Sato shook his head, "The people on this car should It’s just me and Ida.”

The two sides started chatting.

After a while, the train slowly stopped at Chaoshan Station.

This is one of the few transfer stations before arriving at the terminal.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the platform outside through the car window, and suddenly remembered something. She banged her little fist on her palm: "By the way! I remember that the Nanchuan Line also stopped at this station - we should have packed our luggage in advance and changed trains as soon as we arrived at the station, so that we could enjoy two different trains. view!"

"Haha, that's too late." Mao Lilan looked at the train timetable in her hand, "Our train arrives at Chaoshan Station at 6:05 pm, but the Nanchuan Line already leaves at 6 o'clock. If you have to wait for the next train, I still have to spend more than an hour at the station, so I can’t save my time.”

"...Okay." Suzuki Sonoko sighed in disappointment.

Jiang Xia didn't seem to be interested in their conversation and leaned on the chair to catch up on his sleep.

Although the two cars cannot change stations, they run parallel to each other most of the time and are not too far apart.

Therefore, before departure, Jiang Xia left a piece of puppet clay on the Nanchuan Line car next door, plus a ghost. He could move his consciousness on it at any time and drive his "Usa" Matsuda Jinpei puppet.

At present, it seems that the Utsumi doctor who is good at "telling crime stories and bringing inspiration to others" is also riding the Nanchuan Line at this time.

——Jiang Xia once helped Dr. Utsumi pick up a mobile phone at the izakaya last night.

During that contact, although Jiang Xia didn't do anything to the phone, Noah quietly moved his paws and silently monitored the messages on the phone.

This is not to peek into privacy. It’s just that Jiang Xia feels that Dr. Neihai’s instigation methods are very unique, and there are many people around who want to kill Dr. Neihai. Considering the doctor’s personal safety, Jiang Xia hopes to maintain a certain degree of contact with him, so that in case of emergency, Help Dr. Utsumi receive what he left behind after his death. By the way, you can also visit those who want to kill him and collect the murderous aura dropped by those who were threatened by Doctor Utsumi after he left.

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