Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1236 1235 [Gin: Why did you kill the doctor]

Chapter 1235 1235 [Gin: Why did you kill the doctor]

"It's okay if you throw away the ticket. You probably haven't thrown away the wallet yet." Jiang Xia thinks it's not a big problem. "Did you get so many coins from the deceased in order to disguise the murder as a robbery and murder? In this case, the above There should still be fresh fingerprints.”

Ida Xiong's lips moved.

However, before he spoke again, Jiang Xia finished his lines for him: "Considering that you were acquainted with the deceased and may have had money transactions, it is not surprising that there are fingerprints of both of you on the money - but it is very unfortunate. , You may not have listened carefully just now. The salesperson on the Nanchuan line said that this was the change she had just given to the deceased. So the money also had her fingerprints on it."



As if he had entered the correct password, Datexiong's stubborn mouth was finally pried open.

"It's all Nehai looking for death!" He punched the ground angrily, "That guy has evidence that I took kickbacks from the drugstore - when I was trading with those people, Nehai secretly recorded the video, and then took those The video threatened me and said that I needed help with something.

"I asked him what was going on, but he refused to tell me. He only said that we would discuss it in detail later... Oh, don't think that I don't know. The price that is not mentioned is the most expensive. He clearly intends to blackmail me for the rest of his life! So! I made an appointment with him to discuss it in detail at that location in the car, and then..."

Then Dr. Utsumi disappeared.

Ida Xiong was taken away by the police dejectedly.

The railway police officer obviously liked the speed of solving the case this time - the original murder case that occurred at the station was difficult to investigate due to the large flow of people. However, this time, they found the murderer in less than half an hour.

"It's getting dark, I'll ask my subordinates to take you back!" The police officer looked at the high school students and said understandingly, "When you have put away your luggage, remember to fill in the transcript when you have time."

The three of Mao Lilan took the police car.

Jiang Xia did not go with them. Instead, he sent the customer's wife who provided the clue out of the station first and found her driver. The wife seemed to be frightened by the theory of "robbery and murder" and said she did not dare to leave. I don’t like being sent away by the police.

After putting people on the bus, Jiang Xia did not return to the station.

He stopped at the station entrance, looked around, and his eyes quickly landed on a black Porsche in the corner.

——Before even looking at the license plate, Jiang Xia knew it was Gin's car. The strong murderous intent in the car could not be stopped even by the thick metal shell.

Looking around, I found that there were no other acquaintances nearby, and no passers-by were paying attention.

Jiang Xia then stepped forward, opened the car door, and got into the car comfortably.

He first used the action of closing the car door sideways to calm down the murderous aura floating in front of him.

Then he turned his head, glanced at Gin, and asked in confusion: "Why do you have this expression and a bad mood? - Vodka messed up the mission again?"

Gin: "..."

After being in contact with him for such a long time, he has long been immune to Uzo's various "innocent", "as if nothing happened", "didn't understand the situation" and other behaviors.

He thought of Dr. Utsumi who had disappeared on the way back to Tokyo before he had a chance to go through the motions with him. The murderous aura that had just been suppressed a little could not help but come out again: "... Regarding Utsumi Kazuhiko's matter, I need it. An explanation."

"Utsumi Kazuhiko." Uzo's tone was indeed very innocent, "You mean the deceased in the car just now? He was also a member of the organization? - I didn't do anything to him. As for why he died, it was probably because of his own bad luck. .”

Gin held a cigarette in his mouth and sneered: "Unfortunately, I met you?"

Jiang Xia looked at him in surprise: "You are actually praised by others."

"..." Gin's hand holding the gun couldn't help but tighten, "Shut up."

Jiang Xia sighed and seemed to have no intention of shutting up. He waved his hand: "It really has nothing to do with me. To be honest, we just met once at the station. We don't know each other at all."

Just as he was talking, on the street outside the car, two unfamiliar female high school students passed by hand in hand, chirping excitedly as they walked:

"It's so scary. I didn't expect that the murder was actually in our carriage! Fortunately, Jiang Xia solved the case so quickly. If the murderer couldn't be caught, I would have had nightmares tonight - speaking of which, I thought the murderer was the murderer before. It’s the handsome curly-haired guy wearing sunglasses.”

"Yes, not many people wear sunglasses at night, and he was dressed in black from head to toe... I had been hesitating just now whether to come forward and provide clues to the police, but fortunately I didn't wrongly accuse a good person."

Gin: "..."

Jiang Xia: "..."

Gin Jiu turned to look at him and slowly repeated what Jiang Xia had just said: "It has nothing to do with you?"

"..." Jiang Xia actually felt that targeting "Uzo's subordinates" just by being a "curly-haired handsome guy wearing sunglasses" sounded very imprecise - shouldn't other curly-haired handsome guys be allowed to wear sunglasses late at night?

But before he spoke, the tough-talking Dr. Ida suddenly appeared in his mind, and he felt that it would not be cool enough if he continued to deny it.

So in the end, Jiang Xia just held up her chin and sighed, as if summarizing her mistake:

"Well, it seems that being conspicuous is actually not a good thing. Next time, I should find someone with an ordinary appearance as my subordinate... But if he is too ugly, he will not look good at ordinary times."

This is an admission that Utsumi Kazuhiko's death was indeed related to him.

The problem finally came back to its original point.

Gin gurgled with murderous intent, his finger on the trigger, as if Jiang Xia would immediately shoot him in the head if he couldn't give him a reasonable explanation: "Why kill him?"

"Actually, according to my own thoughts, I would rather live in harmony with him." Jiang Xia said with regret, "But I feel that he wants to kill me. I can't just stand and let him kill me."

"..." Gin actually doesn't care about the doctor's life or death at all, but the problem is, "That is the therapist specially assigned to you by 'that lord'."

Yep, just for Uzo. I have no use for him.

"It turns out to be a doctor, so it's a good thing he had an accident in advance." Jiang Xia analyzed rationally, "Otherwise he would have had ill intentions toward me. If he were to get the position of attending physician, it would make my already fragile mind worse. What should I do if I suddenly commit suicide one day?"

Gin Jiu sneered coldly: "Didn't you say you were not sick every day before, and now you suddenly have a fragile mind? - How could a doctor want to kill you for no reason. 'That lord' will not pay attention to such excuses. "

If it was really Utsumi Kazuhiko who made the first move, then it can barely be explained.

But Gin actually didn't believe the so-called "doctor had murderous intentions towards Uzo" at all, and he felt that judging from Uzo's usual behavior, the boss probably wouldn't believe it either.

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