Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1268 1267 [How to deceive Jiang Xia away] Please vote for me (

Chapter 1267 1267 [How to deceive Jiang Xia away] Please vote for me (づど)

Before the stand-in student could think about it any longer, Toyama Kazuha's voice brought him back to reality: "Where did Hattori go?"

The junior came back to his senses and thought hard: "He seems to have gone to the bathroom in the annex."

The annex is right next to it, not far from here.

Yuan Shan and Ye rolled up their sleeves and rushed over, ready to catch this fishy guy.

Jiang Xia walked behind her and saw many school students coming and going on the road - in addition to high school competitions, the university kendo club competitions were also held here at the same time. The crowds were bustling and it looked harmonious.

The two quickly arrived at the annex and found the men's restroom.

Yuan Shan and Ye were about to kick the door open and rush in. Before raising their feet, they suddenly remembered something. When they turned their heads, they saw Jiang Xia looking at her.

Toyama Kazuye: "..."

Originally, she thought it was okay for a girl to enter the men's room.

But at this time, there was an acquaintance watching silently. Although Jiang Xia didn't seem to have any objections to this, Yuan Shan and Ye still blushed and silently put their feet down.

"Ahem." She cleared her throat sheepishly, pretending that she was just stretching her hamstrings, and turned to look at Jiang Xia, "Please help me call him out. It's not convenient for me to enter the men's room."

A few walls away, in a bathroom stall.

Hattori Heiji is calling Conan:

"Hurry back to the gym! The two sides are obviously so close. Why did it take you so long to buy some food? It's not freshly made. If Xiaolan insists on shopping, just show off and trick her back. Aren't you very good at it? Are you good at this? You have no idea how good women can be at shopping. If you continue to let me go like this, you won't be able to come back when my competition is over!

"What? Are you wandering around?...Then come back quickly!"

"No, no one died, and no, there were no attempted cases. It's... well, that's it. I have a surprise for you."

Hattori Heiji said while silently showing a cunning smile: Hehe, Jiang Xia must not be the only one to bear this burden.

Although there has been no case yet, for the sake of safety and for his own peaceful life, he still doesn't want to stay with Jiang Xia.

At present, it seems that Jiang Xia is paying more attention to Kudo - maybe he can let Kudo deceive people away. That way he could quietly fight Okita.

Hattori Heiji made a quick calculation and decided that after finishing the phone call, he would wait here until Eka and Kudo Shinichi went out to visit the scenic spots.

The plan was perfect.

The next second, the light came on, and the door clicked and someone opened it from the outside.

Jiang Xia appeared at the door of the cubicle and glanced at him: "You are hiding here."

"!!" Hattori Heiji's heart suddenly jumped up from the toilet seat, "What are you doing in here?!"

"You're not using the bathroom. Let me open the door and see what's wrong." Jiang Xia looked innocent. "He Ye is in a hurry and asked me to come get you out. If you don't leave, she might come in."

Hattori Heiji: "..." How did you know I was just hiding in the cubicle and talking on the phone?

He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but thinking about Jiang Xia's observation skills when solving the case, he felt that this was very reasonable.

Compared to this...

Hattori Heiji looked at Jiangxia, then at the compartment door, and asked suspiciously: "How did you open the door?"

He was sure that he had locked the door just now. After all, the door here would automatically be open if it was not locked. Hattori Heiji said in surprise: "I seem to have heard from Kudo that you are not very good at picking locks."

Jiang Xia said modestly: "I'm really not good at it. I got lucky."

...Prying locks is not a necessary skill, just let the puppet clay poke it in randomly.

He turned to the door: "Let's go." Don't be autistic in a place with few people. Since you are a master of swordsmanship, you should make full use of your expertise in front of the audience.

"Huh? We finally came out." At the door of the bathroom, Toyama and Ye looked at Hattori Heiji with dissatisfaction, "You actually escaped from the battle and hid in a place like this. Is the competition so scary?"

"What do you know? This is my tactic." Hattori Heiji glanced at Jiang Xia out of the corner of his eye and snorted, "Before the finals, I have to conserve my energy to face that guy from Kyoto."

Toyama and Ye Yi were startled: "That guy?" After a moment, she remembered something, "Oh, you mean that Okita who looks very similar to Kudo."

Hattori Heiji nodded and pointed behind his ear.

Jiang Xia turned her head and looked over, and after looking carefully for several times, she realized that there was a shallow scar there.

"Last year, he used that five-stage sword technique and scratched me here." Hattori Heiji recalled the last experience, "I wanted to continue the competition, but the organizer didn't let me, saying that there was too much blood... hum. , if they hadn’t stopped me, I would have won the championship long ago. This time I must have a showdown with him!”

Jiangxia was not interested in the gender of Hattori Heiji, but was a little curious about what kind of person the other Kudo-faced person was. Maybe I can dig it out, he's a good detective...

Just as he was thinking about it, an angry shout suddenly came from beside him: "What do you mean?!"

The roar echoed in the corridor, deafening, attracting the attention of an entire row of people.

Jiangxia and the others are no exception.

When he turned around, he saw a group of college students gathered around the wall.

There was a drunk man lying in the corner.

Judging from their uniforms, they looked like teammates on the same kendo team.

After the team member who had spoken just now finished speaking, he was still upset. He took a step forward and grabbed the collar of the man on the ground: "For such an important game, even if you are late, you actually said that you can't play because you are hungover?! Do you really take our kendo club seriously?"

"Haha, there's nothing I can do." The man lying on the ground sneered, "I finally succeeded in applying for a job, but the company suddenly closed down. What else can I do if I don't drink?"

The grumpy member became even angrier: "If you think the club is insignificant, quit the club early! It's about to start, and you have to get drunk at this time?!"

Another team member was obviously dissatisfied with this. He said coldly: "Don't worry about him. Let Juijian calm down here and let's prepare for the game first."

Several people snorted coldly, let go of the drunk man's collar, and turned around to leave.

The arrogant Kuami Atsushi sat up and burped. He looked at the backs of the members and was very unhappy with their attitude: "I can drink if I want to. Do you have to choose a day? After all, you have Who are you to tell me what to do?"

He suddenly thought of something and showed a smile full of malice: "You're in a hurry, be careful if I expose that matter. None of you can even think about it easy! Anyway, I have nothing now, and I'm not afraid of wearing shoes when I'm barefoot."

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