Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1280 1279 [Organization of stalkers -1, -1]

Chapter 1279 1279 [Organization of stalkers -1, -1]

Although several female high school students on the riverside didn't like murder cases, they hesitated for a moment and still followed him.

Suzuki Sonoko set up an arbor, looked at the track diagonally above, and then looked into the distance, and quickly remembered something: "Isn't this the line we sat on when we came here?"

Mao Lilan looked around with her in confusion. After looking for a long time, she had no clue. She actually didn't know the way very well, especially in a place like this that she rarely visited. The railways all looked the same in her eyes.

Jiang Xia quickly nodded: "Indeed."

At this time, a young police officer nearby had collected relevant information and was reporting to the Otaki Police Department:

"The deceased, Giyuu Kenmura, was ostensibly an employee of a housekeeping company, but according to the information we have, he is probably engaged in fraud and has a small gang - that gang specifically targets elderly people living alone, and after gaining their trust, he then Large sums of money were defrauded by false investments. Many victims went bankrupt as a result, and many committed suicide.”

Suzuki Sonoko thought about the building she just saw and said thoughtfully: "So this is a wanted criminal?"

The young police officer was a little embarrassed when he heard this and shook his head: "Our evidence chain is not complete enough to arrest the person. But almost all the evidence vaguely points to them, so he has always been on our watch list."

Jiang Xia glanced at the crowd and then looked at the young police officer: "The cause of death was the wound on the head?"

"That's right." The police officer nodded, "There are no other injuries on the deceased's body. One blow was fatal."

Conan looked around and was a little surprised: "The deceased was so burly, but there were no signs of fighting at all around him, and it didn't look like he had moved his hands after being numb. The murderer was quite powerful."

As he said that, he couldn't help but glance at Jiang Xia: Speaking of which, Jiang Xia and his stick swing fit the situation very well... Pa.

Conan raised his hand and slapped his face to bring his wandering thoughts back on track:

Jiang Xia has been with them all the time and has no time to commit crimes at all. Moreover, Jiang Xia prefers to beat people slowly like they are simmering on low fire. How could he kill someone directly... No, in the final analysis, the most important thing is, how could Jiang Xia kill someone.

Just as he was thinking about it, another police officer came over.

Next to him, followed a white-haired but energetic old man.

Yuan Shan and Ye were startled when they saw the old man, and then said in surprise: "You are the person in the car just now!"

Fayue Dema was startled when he heard this, turned his head to look at her, quickly recognized her, nodded and said: "It's you."

The Otaki Police Department looked at the old man and then at several high school students: "Do you know each other?"

Hattori Heiji responded: "I met him on the tram not long ago. Over at Jomachi Station, he helped catch a thief who was robbing with a knife." After a pause, he added, "He is very skillful."

Although it sounds like a compliment, Hattori Heiji's words seem to have other meanings - the murderer of this case seems to need the condition of "quick skills". and……

He looked at the old man and couldn't help but ask: "I remember when we were in the car just now, you were holding a cane in your hand... where did it go?"

Fayue Dema was startled, as if she heard the implication of his words, and laughed loudly: "Kid, are you doubting me? No, I am just a passing witness."

He pointed to the side.

Several high school students looked over and saw a young yellow man being held up by two policemen and forcefully pulled here.

Huang Mao was very resistant to this, and he looked very anxious: "What are you doing? Let me go! I have very important things to do, and I don't have time to chat with you!"

Fayue Dema looked over there and said to several high school students: "I just passed by here in a car and saw this man carrying a stick and sneaking around nearby. At that time, I just thought something was a little strange. Who After I got off the bus, I heard that a murder had occurred here, so I went to the police to provide clues."

The Otaki Police Department looked back and forth between the two men, and apparently felt that the yellow-haired man looked more in line with the characteristics of the murderer than an old man in his seventies.

He asked Fayuedema: "Apart from him, did you see the deceased or the scene of the murder?"

Fayue Dema said "Huh", as if he was thinking seriously about something. After a moment, he hesitated and said: "There seems to be another person in the shadow under the bridge."

Next to him, the young police officer looked at Huang Mao and was suddenly startled.

Soon he found his notebook and checked it, and then made a surprising discovery.

He showed the information he had found to the Otaki Police Department: "This man with yellow hair is named Kiritani Teruhiko. He is a colleague of the same housekeeping company as the deceased."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice slightly: "According to the information we have, Kiritani may have been engaged in fraudulent activities like the deceased."

Otaki Police Department nodded thoughtfully: "Take him back and ask for details."

It just so happens that the police headquarters is right on the street, and you can get there in the blink of an eye.

...Speaking of which, this guy dared to commit a crime here. He was simply provoking the majesty of the Osaka police.

The crime scene is under the bridge, so the blockade is also under the bridge.

There are still people coming and going on the bridge.

My wife, Ruzo, was passing by this bridge while looking at her cell phone.

He found a bunch of people gathering by the bridge. He was a little confused and wanted to go over and have a look at the excitement. But just as he got closer, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the color of police lights.

My wife, Liuzo, immediately turned back to her original route, passed by, and disappeared into the crowd as if nothing had happened, not wanting to have anything to do with that place.

Most of the peripheral members of the organization actually have another day job. After all, the organizational structure is huge and it cannot support too many people who are free of money, and members from all walks of life are themselves an important part of intelligence.

So today, my wife, Liuzo, had to suspend her daily work and go out with two subordinates to keep an eye on her.

Fortunately, among the three of them, he could barely be considered a small leader, so he assigned himself the easiest job - after the other two arrived at their posts, each of them would keep an eye on the entrance and exit of Osaka Castle. He is responsible for "flexible response". In other words, as long as the two people are busy, he can fish.

My wife, Liuzo: "..." Although I don't know why the higher-ups wanted to find a five-person tour group, but that group of targets dared to run out to travel carelessly while being targeted by the organization. They must not be professional characters. This task must not be difficult.

Thinking this, he yawned, looked at the large restaurants in the food court in front of him, and thought for a moment.

——Although you can ask the "company" to reimburse the catering expenses during the mission, why do you have to pay for it yourself when you can eat for free?

Go to a shop where you can do prostitution for free, and then use false receipts to get reimbursements. The way to make a fortune is to accumulate a small sum of money.

Thinking this, he quickly walked towards one of them.


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