Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1297 1296 [Remember, you are not here to kill people] Qiyue

Some rainwater accumulated on the ground, and the rain from the sky gradually became heavier. Attacked from both sides, the fire was quickly extinguished.

The charred man's lips moved, as if he was trying his best to say something, but the burns on his face made his words unable to form sentences. He muttered for a while, then suddenly raised his hand tremblingly, reached out to Jiang Xia who was squatting aside, and suddenly grasped the handle of the umbrella in his hand, staring at him with bloodshot eyes.

After stubbornly leaving a death message, the man dropped his hand and lost his breath.

Conan and Hattori Heiji followed the man's dead eyes and looked at Jiang Xia: "..."

...Haha, that person can't possibly mean to say that the murderer is Jiang Xia.

The two then looked away and looked at the umbrella in Jiang Xia's hand: "He was desperately holding on to the umbrella before he died... Is the person who killed him related to the umbrella?"

Jiang Xia looked at the extra burnt black oil stain on the umbrella, then looked at the people on the ground, and finally looked at the crowd of onlookers beside him. His thoughts couldn't help but wander a little: If Vodka was present and he had done a reading comprehension meal out of nothing, he might be able to take extra risks. Order some ice cream...

He sighed sadly and looked down at the people on the ground, as if regretting the loss of a life: "Call the police."

After saying that, the three detectives subconsciously turned their heads and looked to the side.

Then there was a moment of silence, and suddenly I remembered: the three people who were best at calling the police happened to be absent - they were looking for Yuan Shan and Ye's wallets.

In a camera shop near Osaka Castle.

After the three female high school students finished explaining the situation, the old lady said "Oh!" and as if she remembered something, turned around and rummaged through the shelves.

After a while, she took out a small wallet from a pile of sundries and handed it to Toyama Kazuye with a smile:

"I knew that people who lost their wallets would definitely come back to look for it, so I didn't send it to the police station immediately - it must be a very important thing. I saw a lot of amulets inside."

Yuan Shan and Ye happily took the wallet: "Thank you, aunt!"

Mao Lilan thought of something and looked at her hand in surprise: "...many amulets?"

She knew that Toyama Kazuye had an amulet that he liked very much. She heard that it contained fragments of handcuffs from childhood and was very effective.

But why haven’t we seen each other for a while and there are more amulets?

Toyama and Ye secretly laughed, looking a little proud: "Because I bought a lot of amulets to ward off evil spirits! I got them from various famous shrines. I heard they are particularly useful."

As she talked, Yuan Shan and Ye couldn't help but feel sad as they thought of the cases they encountered today, the people who died, and her shattered travel plans.

She sighed faintly: "I made so many preparations, but I didn't expect that I lost the amulet at the critical moment... I wish I hadn't forgotten my wallet here. It's all because I didn't bring them with me. I just encountered them today. So many things.”

Suzuki Sonoko patted her shoulder and comforted her: "It's okay! We're not leaving today. Let's go shopping together tomorrow."

"Well!" Yuan Shan and Ye were indeed comforted. She hugged the amulets tightly, "I will wear them close to my body tomorrow and never give them a chance to throw them away again!"

The three people walked out of the door talking and laughing.

As soon as I came to the street, I noticed that the area was very chaotic: some people were standing still, discussing something in panic, some were running in the direction of the castle tower, and some were running away in the opposite direction. One of them happened to be passing by the entrance of the store and almost bumped into them and tripped.

Mao Lilan helped the passerby up and said, "Are you okay?"

Suzuki Sonoko also came over and asked him curiously: "What's wrong? I'm in a hurry. Are there any free activities nearby?"

"Activity? There is no activity. Someone is dead in the castle tower!" Passers-by were obviously frightened by the charred corpses. "Just now, a man on fire fell from the castle tower!"

Yuan Shan and Ye Yi were stunned, unwilling to believe it: "It's true or false, you can't be wrong. It's raining now, how could someone start burning inexplicably?"

"Who would joke about something like this? The police have already passed by, how could it be fake!" Passersby said emotionally, "If you don't believe me, just ask the people nearby, everyone saw it!"

Yuan Shan and Ye could only believe it. She lowered her head and looked at the amulet in her hand: "..." Liar! These shrines just don’t work!

Mao Lilan let go of his hand. The passerby regained his freedom and scurried away.

Suzuki Sonoko thought of something and looked around for Jiang Xia and the others to confirm the situation, but she couldn't find them.

After a moment, she came to her senses and slapped her forehead: "They must have gone to the castle tower - if something like this happens, the detective is the fastest runner."

The three female high school students who longed for peace looked at each other and sighed tiredly. They could only walk to the castle tower together, intending to meet up with their classmates and stop by to check out the situation.

When we arrived at the place, we saw a lot of people surrounding the castle tower on three floors below and three outside.

——The man who was on fire just now was so eye-catching that he attracted most of the tourists around him.

Suzuki Sonoko wanted to pass through the crowd and go to the crime scene, but was squeezed out by a group of uncles watching the fun.

"..." She rolled up her sleeves unwillingly, showing off the muscles on her forearms that were not obvious at all. Then he grabbed Mao Lilan with one hand and Yuan Shanheye with the other, "Let's go!"

At the same time, she raised her chin proudly: Although she couldn't squeeze through the crowd of onlookers, she, Suzuki Sonoko, was not alone!

At this time, some time had passed since the initial commotion.

Two streets away.

Gin sat in the car, which was parked in a secluded spot.

He looked out the window and saw a van from the Osaka branch driving into the alley from a distance. The driver looked around furtively, then several people got out of the car and dragged the two fraudsters away.

This completes the handover.

Gin paid no attention to these losers. After the van left, after a while, he started slowly.

After walking for a while, Gin stopped and put Vodka into the car: "How was it?"

Vodka just snuck near the castle tower and inquired about the news.

At this time, his face was a little complicated. When Gin asked, Vodka whispered: "What happened was the five-person tour group we were watching before - one member climbed up to the eaves of the castle tower for some reason. Suddenly, It burned, and then fell down. Uzo and the police were at the scene, and I... Well, I was worried about disturbing his work, so I didn't get close. But judging from the situation at the scene, the man should be dead. "

Gin: "..." Uzo's way of solving tasks has really not changed at all: start with people first and then solve them.

For normal assassination missions, this would not be a problem.

But now, their goal is not only to silence them, but also to obtain thousands of pieces of ladle... If they continue to kill like this, can they really find it?

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