Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1327 1327 Case closed and asking for monthly votes

Thinking of Uzo's hidden and neat methods, and the fact that it was rare that he found a suitable test stone instead of wasting time on that group of trash, Gin didn't have any objections to this.

However, one learns from adversity, so he snorted coldly: "The 'solution' you are talking about this time, it is best not the kind of 'solution' that comes in thousands and thousands of dollars."

"Don't worry, you will have everything you should have." Jiang Xia made it up casually, "Although she is an unscrupulous thief, she focuses on the desire to collect, not worldly pleasures, nor simple accumulation of money - those stolen treasures , she must still keep it, and will not exchange it for money and squander it all. This time, the harvest will definitely be big. "

On a black vehicle.

Vodka listened to the progress of the two people's chat, opened his notebook obediently, and began to study Kaobing's relevant information.

Pressing Enter, he looked at the numerous achievements of "Shi Kaobing" and the long list of theft results, and breathed a sigh of relief silently.

"..." Such a big thief should be enough for Uzo to play for a long time.

At least during these hours in Osaka, he should not have time to disturb other cadres.

Vodka: "..." Although Uzo, the bastard, sent an annoying cat over to help him, at least the cat couldn't kill others. It seems that I can finally take a breath and take a good vacation...

Jiang Xia perused his colleagues, took back his phone, and walked back.

When they arrived at the place, they saw that Conan was finally released by the doctor. At this time, the child was looking up at the sky haggardly, looking more energetic than when he entered.

Seeing Jiang Xia coming, several people stood up. It just so happened that the test results had come out and they were almost ready to leave.

Hattori Heiji remembered something and asked the Otaki Police Department: "Have you caught that robber gang?"

Otaki Police Department shook his head and sighed: "They are all dead. A bomb was installed inside their carriage. At present, no other people's fingerprints can be detected from the fragments. The specific situation is still under investigation, but for now, It's very possible that someone wanted to kill his accomplice and steal the treasure, but something went wrong in the process, which ultimately led to this tragedy."

"...internal strife?" Conan frowned, thinking of Xiaobai who had appeared nearby for no reason, "It shouldn't be that simple."

He even suspected that Anonymous had erased those two cars of people for some reason.

But no matter how suspicious it was, after the explosion just now, the vehicle immediately fell into the water again. Now after being baptized by water and fire, many fragments are still incomplete. It will take a lot of time to extract useful clues from the messy clues, and the results cannot be obtained in just one night.

And if there is no evidence to support it, no matter how many possibilities are inferred, it cannot be verified.

Conan had no choice but to temporarily divert his attention from this matter and think of another thing.

He asked the Otaki Police Department, without any hope but not wanting to give up: "By the way, Uncle Otaki, have you seen a child tonight? About my age, wearing... uh, a very cute dress. "

...Speaking of which, Xiaobai's dressing up today is weird, completely unlike his usual style.

But this feature seems to work very well. …

The Otaki Police Department actually provided clues: "When we followed you with our chief, we did see a child in the alley. The chief even sent people to chase him, but we couldn't catch him. We have sent a few people to search nearby, but there is no news yet.”

Conan: "..." It's impossible to find it. Xiaobai has probably escaped long ago.

He thought of something, looked at Jiang Xia again, and asked in a low voice: "Does the woman who was rowing just now have a tattoo on her body?"

Jiang Xia thought for a while and said rigorously: "There is no exposed place."

Conan recalled the possible tattoo locations of the anonymous people and frowned: "What about the parts that are not exposed?"


After asking, no one answered.

Conan raised his head in confusion and met Jiang Xia's "perverted" gaze.

"!" Conan came back to his senses and waved his hands hastily, "I'm not asking you to peep! I was just thinking and said something casually..."

Jiang Xia looked unbelieving, but she still followed his words and nodded thoughtfully, pretending that she believed it.

So he successfully used this complicated expression and doubtful attitude to interrupt the starting question machine and get a brief quiet time.

Conan: "..." Rowing alone in the river in the middle of the night is indeed suspicious no matter what you think. That woman's appearance was too coincidental, and she had captured Jiang Xia. This series of characteristics of a high school student who loves to help reminded him of the elusive group "Anonymous".

But when Conan recalled what happened just now, he always felt that the temperament of the women in the river did not seem to match the Anonymous people, and there was no subtle similarity in their appearance...

He scratched his hair irritably and sighed: Damn it, there are too many mysteries in all the things tonight. Although it seemed that all the cases had been solved, he always felt that there might be other important things hidden behind these things, but he had no clue.

Unlike Conan.

On the other side, Jiang Xia was in a rather relaxed mood, concentrating on enjoying this trip that came with a lot of rewards.

Before going to sleep, he suddenly remembered something, rummaged through his pocket and found an unfamiliar business card.

The hard paper is simple and elegant, and there seems to be a light fragrance left on it. The bottom picture of the business card is an ancient landscape painting, and in the place of the name is written "Pusi Qinglan", a researcher of the Romanov dynasty.

This was something Shi Kaobing secretly stuffed into his pocket when he got off the boat just now.

Although all the ghosts saw it, Jiang Xia still pretended not to notice it - since the other party wanted to give him a small surprise in this way, then he reluctantly gave him a surprise for the sake of his murderous aura and shikigami.

Jiang Xia took out her mobile phone, entered the number, and sent an email to Shi Kaobing to report that she was safe and to express her gratitude.

The other party responded quickly and gently told him not to worry about such trivial matters and let him rest early.

At the same time, the two made an appointment to meet near the Suzuki Museum of Modern Art the next day.

After making an appointment, Jiang Xia put away her phone and lay down peacefully.

While he was drifting off to sleep, a cell phone ring suddenly rang next to him.


Jiang Xia touched the daily machine, then looked at the organization machine, and found that neither one was ringing.

When he opened his eyes again and recalled carefully, he suddenly remembered that he actually still had a mobile phone.

——The one that Kidd used to contact Kiriten Dog.

Jiang Xia: "..." I didn't expect this phone to be so strong. Is it equipped with some of Dr. Ali's black technology?


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