Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 116 All this is too heavy for Jiang Xia

Jiang Xia caught the keychain and handed it to Qingdao Quandai.

Miyano Akemi lay on Jiang Xia's wrist and let out an unfriendly sigh at the woman. Jiang Xia remembered that this was a trendy language she had recently learned from her client's cat.

Everyone in Qingdao shrank inconspicuously when they saw Jiang Xia.

But she soon realized her gaffe, raised her hand again, and took the keychain from Jiang Xia with a dry smile: "I didn't expect Miss Yoko's acquaintance to be beside me - this feeling is so amazing, it's almost like It was like Ms. Yoko had also reduced her dimensions to be next to me. The surprise was too much and I was a little scared, hahaha."

Then she leaned back in her seat and fell into silence.

Qingdao Quandai had to have someone accompany her to pick up her sister because she killed her sister last night and disguised the scene as a secret room suicide.

To get the best chance of exonerating herself, she needed someone to discover the body at the same time as her.

Originally, the person who discovered Qingdao's selection was her "brother-in-law-to-be" and also her ex-boyfriend. But she didn't expect that the other party suddenly caught a cold and declined her invitation. She was anxious when Kogoro Mouri came over to talk to her.

At that time, Qingdao Quandai felt that he was extremely lucky and immediately accepted these tools of escape that came to his door.

Mouri Kogoro, who can lose tickets, must have a careless personality and will not find her flaws. As for the other three... At that time, Qingdao Quandai scanned it from a distance and found that they were two high school students and a child, so they didn't take it seriously - students are usually very naive, so there is no need to worry about being exposed by them. .

When he first got on the bus, because he was closer than before, Qingdao Quandai looked at Jiang Xia sitting in the back and felt vaguely familiar.

But at that time, the light in the car was a little dark and it was difficult to see clearly. Qingdao Quandai still didn't think much about it and just thought Jiang Xia had bumped into some male star.

However, now, combined with what Kogoro Mouri said about the "Perspective Detective Agency", Qingdao Quandai understood everything in an instant - she had not seen a similar face in a celebrity magazine at all, but had seen Jiang Xia himself!

...This turned out to be the famous detective who solved the case quickly.

Also, Kogoro Mouri seemed to have said just now that he was almost able to buy Yoko's album, but he met a "client" halfway.


The whole generation in Qingdao is sweating like rain.

In this case, the profession of the uncle next to him is probably that of a detective.

...Inviting "eyewitnesses" casually, even if they accidentally invited detectives, there were two of them... Qingdao Quandai's eyesight went dark. For a moment, she wanted to faint and be sent to the hospital. , to escape reality.

It's a pity that the body could not be kept for long. If you miss today, it will only be more difficult in the future.

Besides, who said the detective would be able to see through her plan? Her plan is very clever, completely different from the other stupid criminals who were caught. As long as you stay steady and don't panic, you will definitely succeed!

Qingdao Quandai secretly clenched his fists and encouraged himself.

The car stopped in front of Qingdao's house in a strange atmosphere.

This is a single-family house. Qingdao Quandai calmed down a little at this time. She welcomed the four people into the house and asked them to sit in the living room. She excused herself to find her sister and trotted away.

Jiang Xia entered the living room and took a casual look. There are posters everywhere, even on the ceiling. The album photos in the cabinet are collected in pairs, and there are some creased cardboard boxes stacked next to them, which look very lifelike.

He walked around meaningfully, telling others through his actions that he had collected clues.

Finally, when Jiang Xia stopped next to the coffee table, a scream suddenly came from the corridor outside, as well as the sound of hammering on the bathroom door.

Qingdao Quandai shouted anxiously: "Meicai, open the door! I know you are inside, open the door quickly!" He started crying as he spoke.

This emotional change was originally in Qingdao Quandai's script, but at this moment, when she thought of the two detectives close at hand, and herself who had to fight the famous detective, she couldn't help but cry. A little bit of true feelings.

The other three people all reacted quickly to strange movements. When Jiang Xia turned around from the coffee table, Maori, his daughter, and Conan had already rushed to the bathroom following the sound.

Jiang Xia also quickly followed.

When he arrived at the bathroom door, he saw Qingdao Quandai twisting the doorknob and slamming the door.

The frosted door swayed slightly, but it did not open. It seemed to be taped from the inside - through the frosted glass, you could see a lot of light yellow tape on the four sides of the door. It seemed that they were not only It firmly blocked the gap and glued the door together.

At the same time, several large words - Farewell - were taped in the middle of the glass door.

Mouri Kogoro was shocked: "What's going on?"

Qingdao Quandai wiped away tears: "I couldn't find delicious food anywhere. Then I found that the color of the bathroom door was wrong. When I looked closer, I saw this... She must have taped the door shut from the inside. I hit Don’t open the door…”

Mouri Kogoro looked at the helpless woman in front of him, comforted her not to worry, and suggested that they open the door together.

Qingdao Quandai leaned against the door lock, nodded vigorously, and showed a smile of success on the corners of his lips covered by his hands.

But not even a second after he smiled, a hand suddenly reached out from his side. Jiang Xia gently pushed her aside, revealing the doorknob that was blocked behind her. Holding the door handle, twist and push.

With a creak, the "sealed door" lightly slid open a gap.

Jiang Xia continued to push the door open, and at the same time looked at the door frame step by step: "It's not firmly attached. It seems that the person who posted it just put the tape on the door, and then closed the door... This is a fake secret room. .”

Qingdao Quandai's smile suddenly froze on his face.

The only good thing was that no one noticed her at this time.

——As the bathroom door slid open, the scene inside was completely revealed to everyone. There was a pool of blood in the bathtub. A long-haired woman was kneeling beside the bathtub, her left hand hanging limply in the water, and her right hand holding a bloody knife. She looked dead.

Mao Lilan and Conan were startled, and suddenly felt a strong sense of déjà vu. They turned to look at Jiang Xia in unison.

Jiang Xia didn't notice the look between the two. He saw Mouri Kogoro rushing into the bathroom, so he took out his mobile phone and followed him, planning to call the police when Moori Kogoro sadly said "The person is dead" to save time.

But just as he took a step forward, Mao Lilan, who was frozen next to him, suddenly became excited. She raised her hand at lightning speed, turned around, and threw Jiang Xia from the door to the outside like a gust of wind, and then pushed him against the wall on the same side. From here, you can't see the bathroom at all.

"..." Jiang Xia put down the hand that was almost reflexively hit and looked at Mao Lilan, a little confused. This domineering president's path... was taken over by Suzuki Sonoko in the second period of the middle school? "What's wrong."

Mao Lilan looked particularly nervous and whispered: "Don't... don't look."

Conan also looked solemn: "Leave this matter to us."

Mao Lilan nodded subconsciously along with his words.

After clicking, she suddenly felt something was wrong. She looked down at Conan and asked suspiciously: "Why are you..."


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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