Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1388 1388 [Uzo’s Cat]

Next to her, Pu Siqinglan watched their interaction and frowned silently: Have you never heard of such a great person as "Rasputin"? Huh, it's a waste to keep this kind of brain, just kill them together when the time comes - anyway, her approach has always been to kill people and then leave, and change her identity the next time she appears.

Although she was a little angry, Pu Siqinglan had no intention of educating these people about her ancestors. After all, before she succeeded, she paid great attention to hiding her identity as a "Shi Kaobing".

The art dealer didn't have so many worries. He pointed at the photo and told the two female high school students: "This guy is also called the 'Monk', and he is the sinner who promoted the demise of the Romanov dynasty - he once had all the power. The government and the public, sleeping in every noble house..."

Halfway through his words, the art dealer looked at the group of juniors, especially the two beautiful girls among them, and silently swallowed the rest of his words: It was embarrassing to discuss the topic of "sleeping with ladies and ladies" in front of a group of young girls. , he seems like a trash uncle who pays attention to pornographic gossip. Obviously he just likes to delve into history...

"Ahem, in short, this Rasputin pretended to be a magician, swindled around, and committed many crimes. In the end, he was jointly killed by several big shots. The body was soaked in the river for a long time. When it was fished out again, the skull was sunken and the right eye was broken. , His death was miserable, and he deserved it."

The murderous aura around him became thicker and thicker silently.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko shuddered: "The right eye is broken...isn't that the same as the photographer on the ship?"

Among the many murders, shootings are actually not too common. The two were a little less resistant, and the body that had been shot in the head last night was quite scary, which left a deep impression on them.

The speaker was unintentional. Beside him, Conan was suddenly startled when he heard this sentence: Could it be that Shi Kaobing is related to Rasputin? ! If that's the case, it's no wonder that this big thief is targeting the "Egg of Memories".

The "White Bird Police Department" feels that now is not the best time to catch "Shi Kaobing", and he plans to find another memory egg first.

So soon, he tried to bring the topic back to the right track: "Let's look for the egg of memory first - such a big castle, we have walked all the way, each wall has a certain thickness, enough to use a dark cabinet The 'Egg of Memories' is hidden, and the first floor is also very large. Whether it is hidden in the wall or in the basement, if the progress is too slow, you may not be able to find it for several days."

Just as he was talking, Kidd glanced out of the corner of his eye and suddenly saw something slipping silently from the wall and stopping in front of Mao Lilan in the blink of an eye.

Mao Lilan also noticed it. She felt her ankle was a little itchy, as if she had been rubbed by something furry. When she looked down, she saw a dark cloud-covered cat squatting at her feet, looking up at her obediently.

"Xiao Hei!" Mao Lilan was delighted at first, squatting down and touching the cat's head. But then, she thought of something and suddenly hesitated, "Wait a minute, this is the suburbs of Kanagawa Prefecture, not Tokyo... Could it be that this is not Xiao Hei, but a cat with the same coat color as him?"

The cat under her had a stiff expression.

Ganfanmao: "..." Damn it, after all we have known each other for so long, I still can't recognize the cat! It's so majestic and handsome, and it can transform into a leopard. It doesn't look like those ordinary black and white cats!

Suzuki Sonoko also squatted down, touched the cat's chin, carefully identified it, and said hesitantly: "It must be Xiaohei who is so close to someone. Why are you here? Did you sneak here in the car?"

Conan looked carefully: "It is indeed that cat. Maybe it got into Sister Mariko's car and was brought over accidentally? Or..."

In Conan's impression, this cat has been wandering around Tokyo, staying at this house for half a day and at that house for half a day. Conan even heard from several elementary school classmates that their homes had also been visited by this cat with a unique coat.

Because Wu Yun Ta Xue Cat had never been seen wearing a collar or brand, and there were no signs of being pressed on the hair on its neck, everyone felt that it must be a wild cat.

Conan: "..." But this time, the cat followed too far.

This is most likely a coincidence. But if not, that might mean that it actually has an owner, and the cat's real owner brought it here along the way.

...An unknown person is lurking nearby. This assumption makes Conan feel wary.

But soon, his rationality made him think that maybe he was worrying too much - a cat is not a dog, and its ability to recognize its owner is not that strong. Normally it's fine in Tokyo, but if you keep it free-range in Kanagawa Prefecture, it would be too easy to lose it.

Maybe it was indeed hidden in Suzuki Sonoko's car and slipped over.

Jiang Xia looked at the three classmates who were deep in thought, and then took a closer look at the cat.

At least judging from his own setting of Ganfan Cat, in Red Fang's eyes, the owner of this cat should be "Uzo" - wherever there is a cat, there is Uzo's conspiracy, so all bad things that may happen in the future , it’s all the fault of that guy Uzo, it has nothing to do with the righteous detective.

Jiang Xia: "..." By the way, Kidd seems to have seen this cat too.

In the eyes of the Phantom Thieves, Dark Clouds and Snow Cat is Kiriten Dog's accomplice.

...But it’s not a big problem. This is a free-range cat anyway. It’s very reasonable for the monster cat to organize an undercover cat to eat and pretend to be Uzo. Moreover, Kidd is also a qualified Riddler himself, and he is very strict about who he is talking about, so there is no need to worry about him spilling the beans.

Next to him, the "White Bird Police Department" looked at the cat that suddenly entered, and heard the conversations of several other people. The corners of his eyes twitched, and he looked a little uncomfortable: " also know this cat?"

Kidd was actually quite impressed by the black cat with white paws.

When he and Detective White Horse had a duel in the hypnotic gas basement, the cat had pushed the gas mask to him very loyally, and even knocked out Detective White Horse's annoying hawk with a claw knife. Unfortunately, he was attacked by an unknown person later, and when he woke up, the cat was gone.

Kidd was once worried that the cat would be caught by the police or the White Horse Detective and kept for adoption. He went to search for it several times but could not find it.

The next time they met, he learned from Jiang Xia that this cat was actually Wutian Dog's companion.

Kidd: "..." I originally thought it was an elusive monster cat, but unexpectedly it looked very familiar to ordinary high school students... This was not in line with his imagination.

So when no one was paying attention, he knelt down and pinched the cat's tail.

The Qianfanmao, who was surrounded by people, noticed the movement and looked back.

It looked at "Officer White Bird" and then lowered its head and sniffed. After a while, I didn't know what I found, and it came over to show dignity.

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