Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1395 1395 [Vodka, are you murdering your colleagues? 】

Miss Spider looked at this scene, moved a little, poked the ceiling until her numb spider legs, and nodded secretly: Although it is a bit troublesome, considering the murderous aura and energy core that Conan Underground and the others have worked so hard to takes no effort. Try harder, you have to take a long-term view when it comes to being a ghost.

Just as she was thinking about it, she suddenly felt someone passing by outside.

Miss Spider silently retracted behind the window. She blended herself into the white curtains and slowly poked half of her head out to look at the situation outside.

When Jiang Xia and the others entered the secret passage just now, Gin and Vodka did not follow them.

The two men in black walked around the castle and found nothing new, so they returned to the car. The only winding mountain road here not only made Pu Si Qinglan feel a sense of crisis, but also paid attention to the terrain. People also don’t want to stay any longer and are ready to leave at any time if circumstances arise.

At this time, Gin and Vodka also discovered something strange in the castle from a distance.

However, the two of them did not seem to care about this. They did not come to put out the fire, nor did they come back to start a new fire because the flames were extinguished.

Miss Spider observed secretly for a moment, convinced that her task had been completed. Her body quickly fell apart like pieces of paper. Countless butterfly-like shikigami disappeared in the air and returned to the seals on Jiang Xia's heart, and the ghost fetuses were also taken back.

Near the castle, in a low-key black car.

Vodka looked at the direction Pu Si Qinglan left from a distance and frowned silently: This, this is different from what was promised. Shi Kaobing's murderous intention towards Wu Zuo was almost visible on his face. But now that she had such a good opportunity, she didn't take action and took him away instead? ...Did this guy betray the anti-Uzo alliance? !

Gin and vodka saw the same thing, but thought about different things.

Unlike his younger brother who was distracted, Ginjiu still firmly remembered the purpose of finding Shi Kaobing.

He looked at the car driving away and remembered the scene where Shi Kaobing brought people into the car. He lit a cigarette leisurely and said, "It seems that there is no need to think about how to interrogate her whereabouts."

Vodka was startled: "She wants to bring people back to the stronghold? Tsk, this thief must be attracted to Uzo, right? Why is this kid like his father, always provoking these things..."

Halfway through the conversation, Vodka suddenly woke up when he caught a glimpse of Gin's expression and stopped talking: he accidentally mentioned something that Brother Gin hated. It shouldn't be, this really shouldn't be...

Finding that he was out of shape, Vodka tried hard to adjust.

At the same time, he gradually understood - thinking of the scene that happened on the boat before, Vodka slowly understood Pu Siqinglan's actions: If it were him, after killing Wu Zuo and sinking into the sea , and suddenly saw this guy appearing nearby as if nothing had happened, then he would indeed become extremely cautious and would not act easily again.

Vodka: "..." Of course, I will never take Uzo back to the stronghold and deal with it slowly. After all, when you take it back, it may not still be your own den. It's a pity that Shi Kaobing is still young after all and doesn't understand the dangers of Wu Zuo.

However, speaking of strongholds...

Vodka scratched the back of his head: "But what if her base is abroad? We shouldn't have to follow her all the way abroad."

Gin felt that he was overthinking: "Her Japanese is as fluent as her native language. I just asked a few people from the Intelligence Department to check that there are traces of her long-term life in Tokyo. There are also many cultural relics of the Romanov dynasty in Japan, which she has collected. After that, it will be difficult to transport it out in time - even if this is not her base camp, there must be a lot of useful things stored there. Today I will go and search this stronghold first. As long as a stronghold is found, it will exert psychological pressure on her, and the remaining It’s not hard to find the one that fell.”

Vodka nodded with some pity, and at the same time he couldn't help but have a hidden expectation in his heart: Shi Kaobing had experienced the last failure, and he would definitely be more cautious about Uzuo this time - Uzuo's habit of sacrificing his life for fishing is really good. If he really accidentally fell on Shi Kaobing, things would be even better.

Thinking of this, Vodka unconsciously slowed down a little, hoping to get there late and see Uzo's body that unfortunately overturned.

However, just as the speed slowed down, Gin suddenly glanced at him next to him, the meaning of his gaze under the brim of his hat was unclear.


Vodka stirred, and he suddenly realized: Maybe Shi Kaobing was too motivated and rushed too hard in the matter of "killing Wuzuo". That kind of positive enthusiasm also affected him silently. He actually wanted to Stealing hands and feet in front of big brother!

"..." Vodka silently increased the speed of the car to normal, pretending that he had not thought of anything just now.

But he couldn't help but curse in his heart: Damn Uzo, this must have been what he expected!

When Shi Kaobing and two men in black drove away one after another.

Underground of the castle.

The "White Bird Police Department" dressed as Kidd was hampered by collapsed rocks and cats, and failed to chase Jiang Xia and "Shi Kaobing" out of the tunnel.

He had no choice but to turn around and walk back.

Before walking back to the hall, a large number of people came towards me.

——The others did not stay where they were, but found them along the road. I don’t know if I want to help, or if I heard the collapse and wanted to come out to check.

"The road ahead was blown down by the Shi Kao soldiers. Although there is a gap in the collapsed area, the stone gap is very narrow and adults cannot squeeze through."

The "White Bird Police Department" shook his head and briefly described the situation to them: "If we want to go out, we may have to try a side road."

Mao Lilan never knew the way, especially since it was so dark here, and she didn't even know which way was which: "Fork in the road?"

"Didn't we see it when we came here just now?" "White Bird Police Department" turned the flashlight to the surrounding walls:

"Look, it's right there - there's no signal underground, so we can't call for support. We can only try to follow the fork in the road first. If it really doesn't work, we'll think of other ways later."

After a pause, he realized that when he heard that the road was closed, several girls looked a little panicked. He comforted him: "Don't be too pessimistic. Even if the road is impassable, we still have other options - such as waiting for Jiang Xia to find rescue." , or let this kid who looks very smart." He patted Conan's head like he was picking a watermelon, "Take your mobile phone, crawl out through the gap, and call for help."

"Waiting for Jiang Xia to call for support?" Suzuki Sonoko was surprised after realizing, "Jiang Xia chased him out?!"

Conan didn't care to push away the hand of "White Bird Police Department". He frowned: "Shi Kaobing had a gun in his hand, and he actually chased after him alone... He was too impulsive!"

"White Bird Police Department" glanced at him silently: "..." Don't think I didn't see it. If you hadn't been held down by Mao Lilan just now, you would have rushed faster.

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