Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 125 Is Jiangxia going to become smaller too?

Jiang Xia left Ginjiu's car and returned to the detective agency. For him, now that the shikigami and murderous intent have been obtained, the bombing is over.

He briefly counted his gains at the desk and started his daily work with satisfaction.

But on the other side, there are people who cannot return to their peaceful daily lives.

——While tracking Tequila, Conan was stabbed unconscious by an unknown child. He had a messy nightmare. He sat up suddenly and found that he had returned home.

Mao Lilan brought him a glass of water and condemned his behavior of running around in the morning.

But Conan didn't hear a word of it. What happened today made his mind confused, and he realized that something unusual had happened to him.

"Organizing men in black" and "children who can pretend to be sick and plot against others" are linked together, which makes Conan couldn't help but think that the child who stuns him may not be a real "child" at all, but eats the same thing as him Poison, unfortunately smaller tissue experiment.

The organization may even be secretly cultivating such pseudo-children to do things for them. This method of using children to commit crimes is a good match for Conan's organization.

But soon, Conan ruled out this idea - let's not talk about the mortality rate of poisons. Judging from today's situation, there were only him, the tall black man and the fake child in the corridor at that time. If the organization paid attention When it comes to him, the tall and strong man in black can come directly and strangle him to death, so why bother sending a child to plot against him.

Therefore, the child and the man in black should not be accomplices. Could it be that... the fake children are actually victims of organizational poison? The fake kid didn't want anyone to track the man in black, so he used anesthetic to stop him?

This is barely justified, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why a first-grade child suddenly used drugs to plot against another first-grade child.

...I don’t know what the fake child’s purpose is. However, one thing is certain - he doesn't have much ill will towards himself, otherwise he would not be lying at home peacefully now.

Thinking of this, Conan looked at Mao Lilan next to him: "Sister Xiaolan, where did you find me?"

"On the second floor." Mao Lilan hit him on the head angrily, "You can really run around. Fortunately, there are police to help find someone."

"Police?" Conan suddenly stood up, "Why did the police come?"

Mao Lilan was startled, hesitated for a moment, and did not tell Conan the truth.

She felt that the charred corpse in the explosion was inappropriate for a child, so she lied unnaturally: "Because...of course it's because you disappeared."

Conan was not fooled at all. He guessed that a murder occurred at the press conference... Well, after all, Jiang Xia was there, so it was normal for something like this to happen, but he didn't know if the murder had anything to do with the organization.

Conan did not continue to question Mao Lilan, but found an opportunity to sneak out of the house and went straight to the press conference in Mantiantian. I secretly prayed that the man in black hadn't gone far yet.

On the way, he called Jiang Xia.

Xiaolan may hide the news because he is a child, but in Jiang Xia's eyes, he is a peer, and Jiang Xia will definitely tell him the real reason why the police went to the press conference!

However, as soon as Jiang Xia's phone rang, it was immediately disconnected.

Conan was startled. I wanted to call again, but just at that moment the tram arrived.

He raised his eyes and looked outside, and saw a group of people watching the excitement gathered on the street - a huge hole was blown open in the corner of the building where the press conference was held, revealing a bombed ruins inside, and the vehicles parked outside the building were also damaged. It was affected and overturned several vehicles. Fortunately, there was no one in the car. As a crime scene, it has not been cleared yet.

Conan was stunned by this small-scale ruins. He had thought it was at most a murder case, but he never expected it to be a case of this magnitude.

...No wonder Jiang Xia hung up the phone. He must be busy helping the police find the bomber.

However, Conan managed to slip into the scene with low presence and saw several familiar faces, but Jiang Xia was the only one he didn't see.

He grabbed a person and asked, and then repeated doubtfully: "...already left? The case has not been solved?"

"Yes." Officer Sato looked down at the child who often appeared with Jiang Xia.

She noticed a bit of doubt in Conan's tone, so she couldn't help but explain for Jiang Xia: "There is no specific suspect in today's case, and it is even difficult to pinpoint the specific time when the bomb was placed, and because the bag containing the bomb may be unknowingly Someone took it away and took it away, and it was difficult to even locate the location... No matter how good Jiang Xia was in solving crimes, it was difficult to provide us with effective suggestions when there were no clues, and he had other things to do at the time."

"Something else?" Conan thought of the tall man in black, and his heart trembled. Did Jiang Xia also notice the people in the organization?

But no.

Sato raised his hand and flicked Conan's head. He felt that this child was very clueless: "I'm looking for you. We thought you were stepped on, and we searched together for a long time - why did you run out alone again? Your parents are here Where? What’s the phone number?”

Conan: "..."

Seeing that Sato was planning to escort him home, he hurriedly changed the subject and chose one that he thought Officer Sato would be interested in. At the same time, he was also curious about the entry point: "Well, what happened next? Where did brother Jiang Xia go after that? ?”

Sato thought for a moment and said, "When I came back, I happened to see him walking out of the door with two other girls. He said he had something else to do and asked them to go back first, and then left in a hurry."

Conan was startled, feeling that these words and this scene had a strong sense of déjà vu.

He was stunned for two seconds and then remembered - a while ago, in the amusement park, Kudo Shinichi also said similar words to Mao Lilan, and left in a hurry with a similar look... Then that night, Kudo Shinichi said something about his meow. Became Edogawa Conan.

In Conan's view, the man in black at the press conference looked more suspicious than gin and vodka, and Jiang Xia's observation skills were so strong. If he was the same as Kudo Shinichi...

Conan thought about it, his face turned pale, and he rushed out the door under Sato's puzzled gaze.

He thought of the call he made to Jiang Xia just now, but was hung up in seconds, his eyes gradually became serious, and his mind automatically fast forwarded to the young version of Jiang Xia holding the bleeding back of her head, wearing an adult's clothes, standing with a cold face as a doctor The scene of ringing the doorbell at the door...

However, if you think about it carefully, Jiangxia's skills are much better than "Kudo Shinichi".

...But this will harm him instead. Those in the organization must have guns in their hands. If they find that they can't defeat Jiang Xia, and just shoot him randomly in order to subdue him as soon as possible... then it seems that they might as well be fed poison and become smaller.

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