Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1426 1426 [Ireland, it’s time for you to rest] Please vote for me

Chapter 1426 1426 [Ireland, it’s time for you to rest] Please give me your monthly ticketヽ(〃〃)~

The person in charge was a little embarrassed. But he still stubbornly maintained his proud look: "Haha! I knew this would attract a lot of popularity. Hey, who is that, Tanaka? What are you doing? Hurry up and get rid of the noise!"

The processor nodded quickly and processed the sound faster.

After filtering layer by layer, the conversations of passers-by and the sounds of people moving around gradually weakened and disappeared, and Yoko Kinoshita's voice also dropped a little.

In contrast, a man's voice suddenly became clear.

Mouri Kogoro looked sharply and recognized: "This is the voice of that boy from Himuro!"

Different from his previous arrogance at the Metropolitan Police Department, in the surveillance footage, Himuro Reiji’s voice sounded serious:

"You are still in the mood to ask me when I will arrive? - Haven't you noticed yet? The matter has been exposed and the police are here to arrest you! He is in front of the building now. I can't get past, so you should quickly find a way to escape. Bar!"

Afterwards, someone seemed to be saying something anxiously on the other side of the receiver.

Himuro Reiji listened for a moment and responded: "Tsk, if you are caught, I'm afraid you'll have to turn me in again, so I'll make an exception and help you - go to the roof immediately, I will lure him away, you take advantage of the opportunity Come down. Go quickly, or it will be too late! If you are caught this time, you will definitely be sentenced to death!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

After the call ended, Himuro Reiji couldn't help but laugh coldly. Completely different from his anxious tone when he made the phone call just now, his demeanor now was relaxed and proud.

He looked at his phone and whispered happily: "Farewell, traitor."

Happiness is indeed contagious.

As these words fell, the policeman watching the surveillance outside the screen also became happy.

Sato Miwako's eyes lit up: "It was indeed him who induced the deceased to run upstairs. If we can find the invoice for the drugs he purchased to corrode the railings, or other similar things, the evidence will be even more conclusive!"

The Mumu Police Department also nodded and waved his hand: "Go to his house and have a look. You should have registered the address when you took the record just now. Hurry, don't let him run away!"

"Sure enough, it's what you said." Sato Miwako looked at Jiang Xia approvingly, then crackled her fingers and smiled sweetly, "If there is evidence, I will definitely let him receive the punishment he deserves!"

【Ten minutes ago. 】

In the apartment of Reiji Himuro.

When Ireland heard Reiji Himuro's excuse, he smiled coldly: "The death of that unfortunate guy has nothing to do with you? Are you sure?"

There are actually people placed inside the Metropolitan Police Department. Ireland got some information: the falling incident was indeed no ordinary accident, but probably a long-planned murder.

Among them, the guy in front of him was the most suspicious - I heard that judging from his attitude at the time, it was almost certain that it was Himuro who did it, but he used a rather subtle method to erase the evidence.

Ireland: "..." But it's okay. If there is evidence, this person will fall into the hands of the police, which will cause trouble.

And he leaves no evidence behind when he commits a crime... isn't this one of Uzo's characteristics?

With this thought in mind, he stared at the natural-looking Himuro Reiji and said in a strange tone: "You are really confident. With Usa backing you up, you are strong."

Himuro Reiji: "..." This may sound like a mockery at first, but upon closer inspection, it sounds like he is testing something.

He rolled his eyes, not daring to admit: "What Uzo? I don't know him."

Ireland was not surprised by this response. He nodded with complete understanding and said in a calm tone: "Every tough-talking person will say this before entering the interrogation room."

After speaking, he clenched his fists and walked closer.

Himuro Reiji: "?!!"

Ireland has seen the news about the falling case.

In fact, he usually doesn't pay attention to such murders. After all, as a shadow walking on the dark side of society, and as a member of an organization, the news often has nothing to do with him.

Unexpectedly, this time, he was forcibly involved, and even the photos of the vehicle made headlines.

When he thought of this, Ireland couldn't help but his veins jumped: the policeman who was at the scene was not dead. But he remembered that when he shot and escaped, he clearly saw the policeman lying on his back in the rearview mirror.

Not only did he not die, the policeman actually took a photo. As long as the distance is closer...

In Ireland's mind, Pisco, whom he respected, suddenly appeared, as well as the cause of the old man's death - when Pisco raised his gun and shot the chandelier to commit murder, he was photographed by a passing reporter. As a result, his identity was revealed and he was silenced by Gin.

But this time, he was almost photographed by a passing policeman... Oh, Uzo's favorite "propositional composition" is well-deserved.

Ireland: "..." Fortunately among the misfortunes, I don't know whether it was because of his sharp reflexes or because the building happened to be near the organization's base, so Uzo restrained himself. In short, the little patrolman couldn't take any important photos. Moreover, an informant from the Metropolitan Police Department said that it was dark at the time and the police could not see his face clearly.

But even so...

I was a little distracted when my phone suddenly vibrated.

Ireland quickly retracted his thoughts, came back to his senses, and took out his mobile phone.

Opposite him.

Himuro Reiji, who was forced into a corner, rolled his eyes, feeling that there was a flaw here.

He suddenly gained strength and rushed towards the window, trying to jump out of the window and escape. But just half a meter away, his shoulder was suddenly pinched by a big hand like an iron pincer.

Ireland picked him up like a piece of meat, swept him with his feet, and threw him heavily to the ground next to him.

His back was violently hit, and his head hit the floor with a thud. Himuro Reiji's ears rang, and he couldn't get up for a while.

After Ireland stopped him from escaping, he turned on his phone and took a look.

Recognizing the sender, his pupils narrowed slightly - this turned out to be that adult's email.

On the screen of the mobile phone are several lines of words without temperature:

[Don't cause any more trouble for me.

You are too tired. Leave Tokyo and rest for a while. ]

The tone was not harsh.

But anyone who knows a little bit about "that lord" knows that this already expresses great dissatisfaction.

"..." Ireland remembered that he had worked so hard to lose more than ten kilograms of weight, and finally approached the status of Gin. Looking at the sentence "rest" again, his expression changed several times, the murderous intent in his eyes skyrocketed, and his whole body had a terrifying aura.

Himuro Reiji was about to get up and slip away, but suddenly seeing this terrifying look, he froze and lay back down again knowing the situation.

As soon as he lay down, he saw Ireland glance at him from behind the phone and snort coldly.

After a moment, Ireland withdrew his gaze, typed the word "received", and moved his finger to the send button.

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