Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1436 1436 [Let me see a doctor] Please vote for me (づど

Conan changed the topic: "Did you also get a lottery ticket?" After a pause, he suddenly felt something was wrong, "Wait, uncle got the prize for buying beer... did you buy beer too?"

Mouri Kogoro knocked him on the head: "How is that possible? Jiang Xia is so famous. When he goes out, everyone knows that he is a high school student and a detective. He also sells cigarettes and alcohol to people under the age of 20 even though he knows his age. ...Oh, unless the store owner doesn’t want to do it anymore.”

Jiang Xia: "..." Shouldn't the focus of high school detectives be "detectives"? Why did you focus on "high school students"?

However, he still agreed with the conclusion drawn from this and nodded: "Yes, of course I have never bought beer. How could I do such illegal things."

As he spoke, he naturally moved to the table where Mouri Kogoro and Conan were sitting, and successfully blended into the team of true detectives: "Actually, I received a commission, and the client asked to meet in this store to discuss it in detail. , so I came over to take a look."

Conan was startled and his eyes lit up: "Entrustment?"

Mouri Kogoro: "..." Maybe there will be another case. I said it must be Jiang Xia's problem.

Just as he was talking, the wind chime rang at the door of the store, and someone came again.

This time, a young man with brown hair and glasses came in. He looked gentle and like a good person.

Jiang Xia's seat at this time was facing the door.

The man's gaze fell on his face, and he quickly approached with a hint of excitement: "Hello, I am Kanda who sent the letter of entrustment before. I didn't expect to be able to hire such a famous detective like you... "

Halfway through his words, his face changed slightly and he turned around and started coughing.

Mouri Kogoro vaguely understood something and stubbed out the cigarette in his hand.

Dr. Kanda smiled apologetically at him: "Sorry, I'm a little sensitive to the smell of smoke."

Jiang Xia moved inside and made some room for this customer.

The waiter quickly followed and presented the menu.

But Dr. Kanda obviously didn't seem to have any intention of eating, so he casually ordered a cup of hot coffee.

Then he looked at Mouri Kogoro and Conan with slight surprise: "These two are..."

He didn't expect that when Jiang Xia came to take over the job, he would bring someone else with him, and there was also a first-grade child among them.

"He's my neighbor. I met him by chance when he came to the store." Jiang Xia explained briefly, but it seemed that he had no intention of driving away the two unrelated people, or leaving with Dr. Kanda to open a separate table.

Seeing this scene, Conan thought of what he had just expressed as "wanting to follow Jiang Xia to get the commission", and was a little touched: Jiang Xia, such a dedicated person, actually kept him in spite of the client's eyes just because he wanted to participate in the commission. It's so interesting...

Fortunately, Dr. Kanda seems to be a very talkative person and doesn't seem to care about this.

He looked at his watch and said simply as if in a hurry: "As I said before, the person threatened by the unknown person is my colleague at Capital Medical University, Dr. Yoshimura.

"Recently, the harassment from those people has intensified. He had to take leave these days and stayed behind closed doors every day. But even so, there were still some threatening calls and letters coming to his door. Occasionally when he went out, He also always felt like someone was following him, and he said he was going crazy."

"I have known Yoshimura for a long time and have always had a good relationship. Seeing him getting haggard day by day like this makes me feel really uncomfortable, so I want to ask you to help find those who threaten him. With a clear goal, I So I know how to handle these things next.”

Mouri Kogoro usually doesn't interfere in the work of his colleagues. However, Jiang Xia happens to be his daughter's classmate, so he has watched her grow up. He occasionally forgets that Jiang Xia is actually a "peer".

In addition, now, Jiang Xia not only doesn't seem to mind his involvement in the commission, but also seems to welcome it.

So Mouri Kogoro didn't worry so much anymore.

After listening to what the client said, he casually said: "From what you said, Mr. Yoshimura seems to be a doctor. What are his medical skills?"

How about it? ——Doctors usually come into contact with many patients, and they often encounter life and death matters. Maybe after a treatment failure, the patients or family members he is responsible for have a grudge against him. "

"A patient..." Kanda Joji lowered his eyes and pondered, seeming to be inspired by something, "So, although his medical skills are good, in contrast, the patients he treats are often quite special, especially some of them. People's mental state is not very good, and they will inevitably do things that are difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Jiang Xia thought thoughtfully: "In this case, let's ask him about the situation first. Only he knows best about his own patients."

After a pause, he remembered that Dr. Kanda said that Dr. Yoshimura did not dare to go out. He thoughtfully added: "If it is inconvenient for him to come out, we can take the initiative to come to the door."

Mouri Kogoro was slightly startled when he saw that they had discussed the follow-up in a few words and looked like they were planning to get up immediately to find the person being threatened.

Then he waved his hand and said decisively: "I won't compete with juniors for business. You go ahead - come to me if you have any problems that can't be solved."

The food we just ordered arrived just in time, steaming hot and making people move their index fingers. At present, this commission is only in the visit stage, and it doesn't sound like there is any danger that requires him to take action. Now he just wants to eat quietly...

Dr. Kanda nodded, looked at Jiang Xia, and took out his mobile phone: "In this case, please wait a moment, I will tell him first - if he thinks we are some gangsters who come to the door and hides behind the door to attack, things will be in trouble. "

As he spoke, he stood up, without disturbing the nearby diners, and went to a less crowded place nearby to make a phone call.

Soon, Kanda Joji returned to the table: "Okay, let's go. He happens to be at home now."

Jiang Xia stood up, and Conan immediately jumped up to follow.

Mouri Kogoro looked at him in surprise: "Aren't you going to eat?"

"..." Conan looked at the steaming plate of pork chop rice on the table, his stomach growled, but he still said calmly, "I'm not hungry."

——Comparing food with cases, of course you choose cases. This is the awareness that all high school detectives should have! Just like Jiangxia...

Just as he was thinking about it, he looked up and found that Jiang Xia had a bag of assorted meat rolls in his hand and was chewing them while walking.

"...?" Conan followed him out of the store and couldn't help but ask, "Where did you get it?"

Jiang Xia looked at him with a look that said, "You know what you're asking." "Of course I ordered it just now."

A gust of evening breeze blew by, and the aroma from the bag floated out.

Conan: "...Ahem, is it delicious?"


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Ke Xue Corpse Picker

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