Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1443 1443 [Uzo wants to harm me again]

Kanda Joji's eyes twitched, and he instinctively wanted to refuse.

But just as the word "no" came to his lips, Conan suddenly burst into laughter: "It definitely can't work. Uncle Kanda will feel guilty. What if we really find evidence in his house?"


A ferocious vein popped out of Dr. Kanda's gentle face.

He looked at the police and found that as soon as Jiang Xia spoke to this annoying child, the police looked at him and became suspicious.

He gritted his teeth secretly, realizing that if he continued like this, even if he refused, the police would be able to find an excuse to enter the house to check. In this case, it is better to deal with this matter calmly and dispel their suspicions - your method is very subtle, and the evidence must not be so easy to find!

Dr. Kanda spent a few seconds comforting himself in his heart and gradually calmed down.

He said unkindly: "My house is not a so-called 'crime scene'. But since you insist on going, I won't stop you - just let the evidence prove my innocence!"

The group of people then headed upstairs one after another.

On the way, the Memu Police Department remembered Dr. Kanda's tough attitude, and later realized that he felt a little guilty.

He walked to Jiang Xia and whispered: "But brother Jiang Xia, I heard that the deceased screamed when he fell, which shows that he was alive at that time. Even if he was really at Mr. Kanda's house at that time, There’s no way to prove that Mr. Kanda made him fall. I heard that Kanda was with you at the time, so he has an absolute alibi.”

Dr. Kanda heard this with sharp ears, and his spirits perked up. This fat police officer was unexpectedly a good man!

He immediately followed the excuse and said: "Yes, I sometimes forget to lock the door when I go out. Maybe Yoshimura is worried that his room is not safe, so he ran into my room without permission - we are such good friends, how could I harm him?" He fell from the building. Not only does he have no motive, I can't control his actions from the air."

Toru Amuro:...Control?

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention. This word made a figure suddenly flash in his mind.


Of course, since the true identity of this guy has not been found so far, the "Uzo" in Toru Amuro's mind is just a mysterious and scarlet silhouette.

Toru Amuro: "..." I don't know if it's because Uzo, a demon who is good at seeing people's hearts, smelled the undercover's scent, or for some other reason. In my mind, this mysterious cadre seems to have always been malicious towards him.

Last time at the Twin Towers, Uzo sent a special invitation letter to "Bourbon" and almost trapped him in the fire.

...This time, could it be that he is doing something secretly again?

Amuro glanced around with his peripheral vision, always feeling that there was an invisible curtain opening over the apartment, covering the sky and the earth.

He looked away, his expression unchanged, but he silently became wary in his heart.

Soon, a group of people walked up the stairs and arrived at Room 601, which was directly above the deceased's room.

Entering the house, Mumu Police Department looked around, and felt a thump in his heart: It was neat and tidy here, without any traces of fighting.

——After hearing the news just now, the Memu Police Department actually made some of its own reasoning: For example, the deceased felt that his room was unsafe, so he fled upstairs to a friend's room, where he was then raped by a mysterious person. Pushed it down... But now it seems that he guessed wrong.

Officer Takagi seemed to have the same idea as the Megure Police Department. He said doubtfully: "This house doesn't look too abnormal."

Jiang Xia shook his head: "Compared with ten minutes ago, there must have been a lot of changes here - you can see the problem by putting the new furniture back in place."

Officer Takagi was startled: "Return to your position? What do you mean?"

Toru Amuro lowered his head and glanced at the ground, and soon understood. He stretched out his hand and pointed at several places: "There are marks on the tatami. Judging from these marks, the furniture here was not arranged like this not long ago. It was just now. That’s why it was arranged like this. Just follow the marks on the ground and put the furniture back to its original position.”

"Oh, okay." Officer Takagi heard his order and instinctively agreed. He followed Toru Amuro's direction and walked to the standing cabinet in the corner.

After he stood firm, he suddenly became confused and didn't know where to move this thing.

Toru Amuro: "..." Forget about the old ones, young policemen are like this anyway.

He lowered his head and identified the marks on the ground: "The standing cabinet is in the southeast corner of the room."

Officer Takagi responded and moved the cabinet over. As he got closer, he lowered his head and suddenly realized: "There are really a few indentations here, and the position is just opposite to the corner of the cabinet! I understand!"

After setting up the TV cabinet, he felt that he gradually understood everything: just observe the indentations on the ground, remember their general distribution, then look for furniture with corresponding shapes, and move the furniture back to the indentations. Like a puzzle, very simple...


Takagi Wataru was a little dumbfounded at the dozen or so marks in the middle of the room:

"It's so weird. There is no such furniture in the house. Could it be that Mr. Kanda once placed a giant wooden insect here and secretly hid it elsewhere before we came up?"

Dr. Kanda: "...?"

Toru Amuro couldn't stand it any longer, and forced out a kind smile: "That's a coffee table and a chair."

Gao Mushe suddenly realized it and turned around to move the coffee table.

Miwako Sato noticed Toru Amuro's disgusted gaze, and as a member of the Search Section 1, she couldn't help but feel numb.

She looked at the remaining furniture, and while Takagi Wataru moved the stool, she silently pushed the bed to the wall and pushed the bedside table over and put it away.

After finishing the arrangement, she turned around and saw clearly the layout of the furniture in front of her. She was suddenly startled and blurted out in surprise: "This is exactly the same layout as the room downstairs!"

Conan looked at Doctor Kanda: "When we came up just now, Uncle Kanda was sweating profusely, probably because he was struggling to move the furniture."

"So what?" Dr. Kanda felt that the topic was not going well. He defended calmly: "The one-bedroom apartment is so small, there are only a few kinds of furniture that can be used. In order to save space, occasionally they are arranged in similar shapes. The layout is very normal.

"And to be honest, Yoshida is very talented in design. I think his room is simple and beautiful, so I borrowed a little bit of the structure of his room. But because I was not used to it, I quickly changed the layout back - said After all, it’s just a matter of changing the layout based on mood, what does this have to do with him falling from the building!”

Jiang Xia glanced at Dr. Kanda and continued with hidden expectation: "Of course it is related, and it is very related. It was deliberately arranged like this to mislead the deceased and make him think that this was his own room."

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