Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1461 1461 [Strange Stage] Please vote for me (ˉˉ

Chapter 1461 1461 [Strange Stage] Please vote for me (ˉˉ)

"What's wrong?" The other people were already used to Conan rushing to the scene of the crime as soon as possible.

But this time, they discovered that something was different - after Conan rushed to the place, he didn't look at the body, but looked elsewhere.

This made everyone a little surprised, "What are you looking for?"

Mao Lilan and Haihara Ai were wandering in the store just now and didn't see that scene.

Jiang Xia and Dr. A Li were dozing on the bench at the door, and they also failed to capture the falling process - at least that's what it seemed on the surface.

Only Conan, who was lying in front of the railing just now, was looking at the people coming and going downstairs and thinking about life. So I happened to see a scene where someone was almost hit, but was pulled away by another person.

Conan: "..." And the person who pulled the victim away... turned out to be very similar to the young woman who gave him his passport last night!

Once there is a beginning of doubt, other doubts will gradually emerge.

——Conan recalled the scene just now, and suddenly realized that even the man who was pulled away by the woman in black always gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity. He seemed to have seen that person somewhere.

Conan: "..." So who are these people? What is their purpose?

Last night, the woman in black's phrase "an actor escaping from the stage" sounded so full of malice that one couldn't help but notice it.

But just now, she actually saved another person.

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help but wonder - could it be that the man who was almost hit and obviously frightened just now was the target of the woman in black, and was this a threat against him?

Or is there something else hidden behind the matter?

Conan had a question mark: Now, there were too few useful clues, so he could only carefully note down the appearance of the two people.

At this time, there were more and more onlookers, a vast sea of ​​people, and the key figures had already secretly left. He clenched his fists unwillingly, and finally his eyes fell on the ground in front of him - the man who fell to death.

This is the only clue left.

Just as he was thinking about it, his collar was suddenly pulled by someone.


Conan was startled and turned around.

Behind him, Jiang Xia was looking up, pointing in the direction.

"The person fell from there." Jiang Xia became more and more like a mature high school student detective, and made the suggestion that a high school student detective would say at this time, "Go up and have a look?"

Conan tried his best to raise his head and followed his direction to look above the patio.

I saw that the railings on the fourth floor were originally surrounded by some tarpaulins - that area seemed to be under renovation.

"There should be signs like 'Keep away' at construction sites like this. How could that person fall from above for no reason?"

Conan felt something was wrong and was about to communicate with Jiang Xia.

However, when he looked up, Jiang Xia had already walked away. It seemed that his "go up and have a look" just now was just a polite question, not really asking for advice.

"..." Conan immediately followed, "Wait for me!"

The group quickly reached the fourth floor.

When we arrived, we saw several security guards and policemen surrounding the construction site, blocking the crowd.

Next to the fall point, a man in a gray suit was kneeling on the ground, holding a backpack dejectedly. He stared blankly at the gap in front of him, as if he hadn't recovered yet. A policeman squatted next to him, frowning and whispering something.

"These police officers look a little unfamiliar." Jiang Xia murmured to a few people traveling with him, "But they are Tokyo police after all. Maybe you can try your luck and brush your faces and try to sneak into the scene legally."

Conan nodded solemnly, fully agreeing with this.

The two people quickly grabbed a police officer who seemed to be very talkative and asked, "What happened here?" under the silent gaze of the other three people.

Within a few minutes of arriving, the young police officer had already been asked this question countless times.

He sighed heavily and was about to continue to fool him with the official answer of "We are still investigating", but before he could speak, he turned his head and saw the face of the questioner clearly.

"Jiang Xia?" The young police officer's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have heard some legends circulating among the Tokyo police. "Could it be that I could have... well, I mean, could I be lucky enough to see the live broadcast of solving the case today?!"

He was excited for a while, and then quickly recovered, scratched his head, and said to Jiang Xia: "But, alas, this time it should be just an ordinary accident. The perpetrator is already obvious. "

Jiang Xia: "Accident?"

"Yes." The young police officer nodded and pointed to the man in a gray suit kneeling slumped on the ground next to him. "We asked several onlookers nearby and they saw the whole falling process - this man and the deceased. There was an argument, and there was a fight over a travel bag, and there was a lot of pushing and shoving. In the process, the deceased lost his balance, accidentally knocked open the blocking material next to the fence, and fell downstairs."

There was an enthusiastic onlooker nearby, who came over at some point: "Yes, it's exactly what the policeman said - I saw it all."

Jiang Xia felt familiar when he heard the voice.

He took a closer look at the bloated woman and said in surprise: "Miss Yoko?"

"!!" The woman turned her back to the crowd and made vigorous gestures to silence her.

Although she looks several sizes fatter than the normal Kinoshita Yoko, it makes people suspect that she is dazzled. But her eyes exposed from between the scarf and the brim of her hat, as well as the slender fingers exposed from her sleeves, all illustrate her true identity.

Jiangxia: "..." Miss Yoko's disguise skills are really getting better and better... Could it be that the fat look of Kudo Yukiko when she disguised herself as the woman in black "Edogawa Fumiyo" gave her some inspiration?

He couldn't help but look at Kinoshita Yoko's waist and belly: He didn't know how much body-padding material she had stuffed into her body in order to experience the feeling of a normal person visiting a store.

While thinking about it, Jiang Xia turned around and looked at the increasingly dense crowd behind her. She realized that with Kinoshita Yoko's popularity, if she was recognized, she might indeed be in trouble.

So he lowered his voice in cooperation, leaned closer and asked again: "What happened just now?"

Kinoshita Yoko raised her hand and gestured in the corridor, indicating where she was just now, and whispered: "I just came out of the bathroom, a little thirsty, and wanted to buy a drink from the nearby vending machine. But before I got close, Two men were seen jostling next to the machine, fighting over a backpack.

"I originally wanted to break up the fight, but when I saw their appearance, I was a little scared, so I just shouted from a few meters away. Unexpectedly, after that, they fought even harder and soon fell into the construction together. area, and the guy fell out.”

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