Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1464 1464 [Yoko who broke into the inside]

Sato Miwako's eyes twitched slightly: "You are really... very thoughtful."

But what she was thinking was: The thief doesn't care whether you put one package or two packages. And compared to suitcases, backpacks usually contain valuable items, so adding it to the bag will make it easier for thieves to pay attention.

Just as he was thinking about it, Officer Takagi seemed to be convinced.

He tried to lower his hand to make a gesture, and suddenly realized: "Indeed, if it were me, I would definitely not steal the luggage stacked together like this." He looked at Sugimoto Hideki, "You are quite smart!"


The Mumu Police Department secretly kicked him under the table, showing an angry look.

Haibara Ai thought about Officer Takagi's words and suddenly said: "Since he is a smart man, if he wants to kill someone, he must be able to come up with a good trick."

Sato Miwako was startled, raised her hand to touch her head, and laughed dryly: The child next to Jiang Xia is so unchildlike...

While others were still watching Sugimoto Hideki’s suitcase.

Jiang Xia looked at Haiyuan Ai and felt that this fake child might also have detective talent, so he couldn't help but develop it: "You think there is something wrong with him? Why do you think so?"

Haiyuan Ai was startled and whispered: "Don't you think there is something wrong with him? Otherwise, why would you ask him about his backpack?"

Jiang Xia: "..." That makes sense.

So she's not a detective, just a fully automatic detective machine?

Nearby, the real detective overheard their murmurings and immediately came over to join in the conversation.

Conan touched his chin and said seriously: "I also think there is something wrong with him."

Hui Yuan Ai was bumped when he squeezed over, so she rubbed her arm and said smoothly: "It's an afterthought."

Conan: "I'm just naturally strict and won't talk nonsense before I find all the evidence."

Jiang Xia: "..." Are you sure?

When the three people were muttering.

Next to them, several airport staff exchanged a few words in a low voice, and then looked at the Memu Police Department hesitantly: "Speaking of which, did the deceased really want to steal the backpack?"

"Huh?" Memu Police Department felt that there was something more hidden in the matter, "What should I say?"

The airport staff pointed to the name book in their hand: "We found some information about the deceased - he had several records of returning lost property during his lifetime. Such a person should not be a thief.

"Could it be that after seeing the bag and suitcase, the deceased thought that someone had accidentally left it at the toilet door. So he wanted to take the baggage away and hand it to the airport staff?"

The Mumu Police Department took the information in his hand and flipped through the marked pages.

Then I was surprised to find that the deceased Mr. Furuta was indeed an enthusiastic person who often returned lost things.

He touched his fat chin and thought: "But in this case, why would he fight with Mr. Sugimoto? - Could it be that he was worried that the person who came to ask for the luggage was actually the real thief, so he refused to let go. In the end, he died unfortunately because of this misunderstanding?"

Officer Takagi sighed: "What a sad misunderstanding."

Things seemed to be settled just like that.

Megure Police Department picked up the backpack at hand and handed it to Sugimoto Hideki: "Sign to receive the materials - don't be so impulsive in the future."

Sugimoto Hideki breathed a sigh of relief and nodded gratefully.

He took the bag and briefly counted the contents of his bag.

Then he said in surprise: "I, the receipt I put in my wallet is gone!"

Jiang Xia looked at him: "Receipt?"

Hideki Sugimoto said anxiously: "Yes. The restaurant where I was entertaining clients was very expensive, so I carefully kept the invoice and planned to go back to reimburse it. Moreover, besides the invoice, my money was also missing!"

Mumu Police Department: "...the money is missing?"

Could it be that after the falling incident, there was another theft incident?

If something like this happens under the nose of the police, even if it is not strictly within the scope of his division of labor, it is hard to ignore it.

Miwako Sato thought of something: "Could it be that when you were fighting, the money and things fell into the dispute place?"

The airport staff was very discerning: "I'll go take a look!"

Several people quickly returned to the crash site - the environment around the construction site was really messy, and maybe the contents of the wallet were dropped there.

at the same time.

The first floor away from the crime center.

Okiya Subaru huddled in the corner of the lounge, watching the group silently.

After eating for a long time, everyone in the group obviously has different views on the incident.

[There's nothing to see, let's disperse - I just asked the onlookers, this is probably just an accident. Now that the other client and the police have left, the scene will probably be cleared up soon. ]

Another person disagreed less:

[But just now, I saw the police from the First Search Section coming - when I was stuck in a traffic jam on the way to work, I had seen them handling the crime scene on the roadside. The fat police officer's clothes were very distinctive, and the policewoman with short hair was also very... It's easy to recognize and I will never mistake it. If it was an accident, why would the Search Division 1 be asked to handle it? ]

[Yes] It seems that more people support "It was not an accident". A person with a pink avatar also quickly sent a message, [Although the police and detectives are no longer at the scene, they haven't left yet. The case is being analyzed and solved elsewhere - although it will take some time, Jiang Xia will definitely be able to find out the truth soon. ]

After this person posted the message, for some reason, the number of people supporting this situation increased significantly.

Even those who had shouted to leave immediately immediately changed sides and re-analyzed the truth behind the "falling accident".

Okiya Subaru: "..." Jiang Xia is actually so convincing? This sunny detective looks like he has turned into something like a murder symbol...

Speaking of which, who is this message sender? Her avatar is so pink that she doesn't look like a mature social person at all, but judging from the tone of the message, she has successfully infiltrated among detectives and police officers. Was he the witness who was closest to the crime scene at the time?

Okiya Subaru glanced at the cute avatar and didn't think much about it.

Although he occasionally chases stars, he is quite interested in things like "the crew". But now at this critical moment, all he could think about was Uzo and his tricks, and he had no time to think more.

However, Subaru Okiya strongly supported the pink avatar's statement - this falling incident was probably not a simple accident. It must have some purpose.

For example, thinking about the worst, it might be a tool used by Uzo to execute his escaped subordinates...


Okiya Subaru shivered.

He could only take a deep breath and try to convince himself that this was not the case - Uzo's killing method was terrifying, but it required a lot of advance information and some forward time.

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