Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1480 1480 [Haihara Ai: Subaru Okiya’s spokesperson]

Haibara Ai: "..." Damn it, I heard that some British people are very playful, and this is a high-ranking police officer. He is usually exposed to too many dark sides, and it is inevitable that he will become mentally ill...

Thinking of this, she turned around quickly and walked back vigilantly. She stood beside Jiang Xia's legs and silently signaled with her actions: There are others here. It is a "public" occasion and is not suitable for some shady actions.

The blonde woman glanced down at her, not paying attention to the fierce look in the eyes of a cute little girl. She nodded slightly to Jiang Xia, turned around and walked towards the cabin, seemingly planning to search for the murder weapon with the flight attendants.

After she left.

Hui Yuan Ai stared at Jiang Xia's pocket and asked in a low voice, "What did she stuff for you?"

Jiang Xia took out the business card and looked at it, then showed it to her: "If you have anything to do, remember to find this email address. Although I don't know if it will be useful."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Jiang Xia didn't notice her complicated expression. She lowered her head and glanced at the business card with contact information. She felt that it was too crude: "Why don't you leave a name? Why don't you just call her Xiaojin. That blond hair is better than..." He I was about to say it was more translucent than Belmode's hair, but I glanced at Haihara Ai next to me from the corner of my eye, and changed my words nonchalantly, "More dazzling than gold."

When Hui Yuan Ai heard this compliment, he looked even more worried.

She warned tactfully: "The stranger you met for the first time may be so friendly, maybe she has other intentions in mind. You must be careful, maybe she is a hidden outlaw."

Jiang Xia: "..." Wouldn't that be better?

But on the surface, he just nodded: "Don't worry, I'm measured."

He put away the business card again, raised his head and looked at the back in the cabin, feeling that there seemed to be something hidden behind the matter.

However, it seemed that the female police officer did not have much murderous intent, and there was no sign of turning into a ghost for a while, so he was too lazy to think about it anymore and decided to talk about it when he met her in the future.

After some searching.

The police fell silent.

——The discarded murder weapon was not found in the cabin, nor on the four suspects.

Inspector Asa looked at the stewardess: "Are you sure the four of them are the only ones going to the toilet?"

As he said this, he couldn't help but mutter to himself: We can't search everyone on the plane.

Inspector Asa: "..." Speaking of which, when he was searching just now, he discovered that the British passenger suspect was dressed in a low-key manner, but the watches, belts and other accessories he wore were shockingly expensive.

Moreover, this British passenger just identified "Sonuma Noboru as he left his seat."

This did bring in a suspect, but it also revealed that the British passenger actually knew the deceased. Otherwise, when he went to the toilet before, it would be difficult to notice where the deceased was sitting, let alone the people around the deceased.

In short, judging from all the circumstances, this British passenger looked very much like the big shot blackmailed by the deceased and the person sent to negotiate. Very motivated.

Inspector Asaph: "..." One of his subordinates is dressed so extravagantly, and the big shot who exposed the scandal is probably even more troublesome.

In his impression, among the "big people" who have recently been to Japan...

As he thought about it, he couldn't help but curse a few words in his heart: He just wanted to work as a translator and get acquainted with the big boss, so why did he end up in such a situation.

The joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

When some British police officers were so worried that they were bald.

The detective next to him ignored his confusion and looked like he was going to concentrate on solving the case.

Conan saw that Inspector Asa was silent for a long time, and Jiang Xia also wandered for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

His seemingly reliable teammate was offline, and he could only take action on his own with pain and joy.

So soon, a little boy's voice rang out: "A needle-shaped murder weapon is easier to hide than other things. There are two women among the suspects, and the person who searched them is a flight attendant. The flight attendant is not a professional, so maybe he will leak something." If you lose the clue, why not put out the belongings you just found and let everyone see what the problem is - that’s what brother Jiang Xia said!"


Several dissatisfied glances were immediately directed at Jiang Xia. The suspects obviously didn't like having their luggage searched.

Jiang Xia came back to her senses, looked around in front of their gaze, and then silently withdrew her gaze.

Jiang Xia: "..." Conan doesn't seem to have enough firepower today...

Having said that, it was a case need after all, so the three photographers and a British passenger still placed the items on the trays.

First is Tachikawa Chizuru’s luggage:

"Cosmetics, handkerchief, plane ticket, wallet, sunglasses, notebook and pen, and of course the camera commonly used by photographers... I can't find a place to hide the ice pick." Inspector Asa picked up the camera and gestured worriedly.

More than anyone else, he hoped that the murderer was among the three photographers, but he could not judge the case randomly, so he could only say matter-of-factly: "Not counting the handle of the murder weapon, it would be difficult to hide only such a long needle."

The pile of luggage was placed aside, temporarily removing suspicion.

What was checked later was the luggage of the deceased’s girlfriend.

The contents inside were similar to Tachikawa Chizuru's luggage just now, except that it lacked sunglasses and added airsickness medicine and a hat.

The murder weapon was also not found.


According to the standing order, several people's eyes turned to the British passenger.

"Mr. Edward." Inspector Asa decided to follow the procedure first, "Can you show us your luggage again?"

Edward was very talkative, nodded, stepped forward, and placed the leather bag he had been holding tightly in front of everyone.

When he passed by the two fake children, Hui Yuan Ai suddenly coughed a few times and took a step away from him.

Conan was still looking at the cabin from a distance.

Suddenly hearing the movement here, he turned around quickly. Then he looked at Edward, walked quickly towards Haiyuan Ai, and asked her in a low voice: "What's wrong? Could it be..." Conan suddenly remembered something and his eyes changed slightly, "You smell the breath of the organization again?!"

"...You're overthinking it. I just choked on the perfume on his body."

Haiyuan Ai glanced at him speechlessly: "How can there be so many organization members? Moreover, organization cadres prefer to take private planes when traveling. The kind of plane we are taking now is not easy to bring guns on board. It is not suitable for people who never leave their hands with guns. It's as uncomfortable as running naked. It's relatively safe here."

After saying that, no matter what Conan thought, Haihara Ai felt a lot more relieved - a world without organizational cadres was so happy. Thinking about it this way, even the boring journey on a long-distance plane becomes more comfortable.

In Edward's bag, things are arranged in categories and neatly stacked. He seems to be a very particular person.

Jiang Xia went over to check.

After a few glances, Conan jumped out of nowhere. Using his cover, he stood in a blind corner where Inspector Asa could not see, and raced against time to peek at the luggage.

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